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June 24 (EIRNS)-As Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip arrived Wednesday in Germany for a three-day visit, the truly Satanic nature of the British Empire was on full display. Prince Philip's top aide, Martin Palmer, is the principal organizer of a French government-sponsored Paris conference in July, peddling the same genocidal program of "Earth stewardship" that would-be mass murderer John Schellnhuber inserted into the recent Papal Encyclical on Climate Change. The Paris conference is part of the propaganda assault, leading to the next Copenhagen conference at the end of the year, also in Paris.The Worldwatch Institute, foundedby Lester Brown, has just issued a report,demanding an end to all subsidies for fossil-fuel and nuclear power, as part ofthe drive for a total conversion to renewables like solar and wind power.
Any such reversal of the core principle of increased energy flux densitymeans mass genocide, on the scale that Prince Philip and Schellnhuber have been advocating for decades. Leading Italian economist Nino Galloni has penned an excellent attack on the recent Papal Encyclical, precisely from the standpoint of the concept of "energy flux density"
There is no question where President Obama stands. He is a British agent,fully committed to the genocidal agenda of Prince Philip, Martin Palmer, John Schellnhuber and the rest. Yesterday, the internationally renowned Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières issued a highly unusual scathingattack on Obama, for his Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade swindle, which, the release details, will shut off affordable medicine to at least a half-billion people, under the secret clauses of the treaty, written in league with the major pharmaceutical companies. This is mass murder, plain and simple, and this is Obama.
The greatest danger to human survival is the British Empire's plans for massgenocide, as expressed by the Queen's agent Schellnhuber. This is a full-blown commitment by the British Royal Family to reduce the world population to less than 1 billion people. Any other matters are distractions and intentionally engineered distractions to prevent any effective counter to the genocide plans.
The British Empire is a Satanic force, and is the continuation of theEuropean Empire system that has been at war with mankind, ever since the launching of the 15th century Renaissance by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. The Empire's response to Cusa and the Renaissance was the launching of 150 years of uninterrupted religious war on the European continent.
The latest expression of the British Monarchy's commitment to that samemass extinction is the Schellnhuber operation run against the Pope. It is around this issue that the future of mankind will be decided in the immediate period.
There is no question where President Obama stands. He is a British agent,fully committed to the genocidal agenda of Prince Philip, Martin Palmer, John Schellnhuber and the rest. Yesterday, the internationally renowned Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières issued a highly unusual scathingattack on Obama, for his Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade swindle, which, the release details, will shut off affordable medicine to at least a half-billion people, under the secret clauses of the treaty, written in league with the major pharmaceutical companies. This is mass murder, plain and simple, and this is Obama.
The greatest danger to human survival is the British Empire's plans for massgenocide, as expressed by the Queen's agent Schellnhuber. This is a full-blown commitment by the British Royal Family to reduce the world population to less than 1 billion people. Any other matters are distractions and intentionally engineered distractions to prevent any effective counter to the genocide plans.
The British Empire is a Satanic force, and is the continuation of theEuropean Empire system that has been at war with mankind, ever since the launching of the 15th century Renaissance by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. The Empire's response to Cusa and the Renaissance was the launching of 150 years of uninterrupted religious war on the European continent.
The latest expression of the British Monarchy's commitment to that samemass extinction is the Schellnhuber operation run against the Pope. It is around this issue that the future of mankind will be decided in the immediate period ahead.