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Law & Order, They Live, Satan and CPS

November 28th, 2015

By Katherine Smith PhD

[I have been raising awareness about The Nationwide Broken Child Protection Services (CPS) since 2013 (www.savelexi.com).]

Have you ever wondered why Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, the ripped-from-the-headlines plots trading on the controversies of the day, are so popular?

The long running and hugely popular SVU boasts more than six million viewers.

I can think of only two reasons why the suspenseful, intense, creepy, Law and Order SVU Episodes [Appendix B] are so popular:

1) In spite of evidence to the contrary, we want to believe that the criminals are really captured in a timely fashion and we don’t have to worry about them harming us, OR

2) The Law & Order pop culture traffics in the lurid and transfixing gravitas of sexual trauma because we enjoy watching the suffering of innocent people. There is no evidence to the contrary: the reality of our criminal system is that if you are in jail you are either innocent, a loser or you were convicted for political reasons.

Why would anyone enjoy watching the suffering of innocent people?

Have you ever watched any of the Alien series on TV? Lost Girl, Being Human and Bitten are all Canadian-based supernatural “original’ scripts. [1] Lost Girl is about humanoids called "Fae" who clandestinely live among and feed on us humans. The Government of Canada and the Canadian cable industry participated in the production with Canada and Ontario Film Tax Credits.

Why do I emphasize the Canadian connection? Because former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, who had access to highly classified information during the height of the cold war, has very recently (February 3, 2014) put himself in the spotlight by speaking about extraterrestrials on Russia Today’s program SophieCo. You can be sure Hellyer is a disinformation agent because he is telling Sophie’s viewers that the aliens are sitting around a STAR-bucks on their planet wondering why “we humans fight each other and spend our money with these exotic thermonuclear weapons and atomic weapons, instead of feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and the sick.”

But, remember there is information in dis-information. When Hellyer declares, “[I’ve] been getting from various sources [that] there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one,” it's hard to miss the reference to the movie They Live, the 1988 American horror film, directed by John Carpenter. Roddy Piper, star of the movie, recently twittered that They Live wasn’t a work of fiction, but a documentary. In the movie, an unemployed drifter referred to as "Nada" (Roddy Piper) discovers a special pair of sunglasses; looking through them he sees the reality of a bleak world populated by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces. Without those special sunglasses, the human masses see only beings that look like themselves. [2]

Nibiru’s Dwindling Atmosphere needed Negative Energy, not Gold

One of the few scholars able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets was Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) who wrote about the ancient Sumerians, a civilization that began almost overnight in 3800 BC. The Sumerians had detailed knowledge of all the planets in the solar system and the precession of the equinox, as well as an understanding of complex medical procedures.

Sitchin propounds – proves, in the opinion of Neil Freer -- "that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: 'those who came down from the heavens'); an advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system, splashed down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago and colonized the planet with the express purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the recovered documents tell us, their lower echelon miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Anunnaki directorate decided to create a species of creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist; and Ninhursag, their chief medical officer, came up with the solution of creating a primitive worker by crossing themselves with a hominid to create a hybrid, a "human."

Anunnaki began to be attracted to hominids as sexual partners and children were born of these unions.

To summarize, the human race is corrupted because of the Annunaki having sex with hominid slaves created to mine the gold on the planet Earth.

Notice how this story starts to sound like the Nephilim in the Bible.

Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God (bene Elohim) saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Genesis 6:1–6

Genesis 6 and Numbers 13 list the term “Nephilim.” The identity of the Nephilim and the sons of God is a controversial Christian subject and there is even a popular unbiblical view that the Nephilim are aliens from outer space. The sons of God refers to male fallen angels who breed with human women. [3]

To summarize, The human race is corrupted because fallen angels, the Nephilim, were having sex with humans created by God because he felt sorry for Adam in the Garden of Eden.

If you substitute negative energy for gold, then the Zecharia Sitchin story and our fascination with creepy lurid exposes and our willingness to tolerate a world of negativity makes more sense.

The humanoids in the movie They Live are the Annunaki from Niburu living among us to make sure we create as much negative energy on earth as possible.

Enki created the humanoids, not to mine the gold on earth and send it back to Niburu, but to live in a dysfunctional environment here on Earth and mine negative energy that is captured and sent back Niburu. The Annunaki and the humanoids here on Earth need negative energy, not gold, to thrive and survive.

Would anyone deny that we live in an extremely negative world and that Western civilization is replete with conflict and feelings of fear, resentment, helplessness and inequality?

Disparities in home, family, marriage, divorce, law, schools, workplaces, civil and criminal justice systems, prisons, military, health care and, last but not least, the corrupt two party political party system, are all intrinsically negative and are the direct result of our planned “democratic” society. The following headlines from the Washington Times illustrate the point about negativity permeates our society.

: The Republican suicide strategy on immigration
POLITICS: House GOP wants legal status but no citizenship for illegal immigrants
NATIONAL: Obama bosses around CEOs, calls for the hiring of long-term unemployed
NATIONAL: Gun grabs under fire: Majority of Americans condemn 2nd Amendment tweaks
ENTERTAINMENT: Glenn Beck says Mark Levin, Sean Hannity have wrapped feud: Liberals, ‘look out’
CULTURE CLASH: NYC school cuts popular gifted program over lack of diversity: report
NATIONAL: MSNBC fires tweeter after racially charged Cheerios gaffe
ACCOUNTABILITY: $350 million NASA project completed, then mothballed because of lack of need
COMMENTARY: MILLER: Obama creates a generation who can’t do better than our parents
COMMENTARY: THATCHER: Common sense for restaurant-menu labeling

Notice the Law and Order productions of “sexually heinous crimes” against society’s most vulnerable citizens are not "waiting to be secretly consumed in a seedy adult bookstore or on a restricted website hosted by a Russian Internet server." The tales of rape, torture, and pedophilia are fixtures on bestseller lists; they are the raison d’etre, the jewels of prime time shows and soapy 9 p.m. dramas.

What about the Devil Made Me Do It

Madonna’s Occult Ritual performance at the Super Bowl

Nicki Minaj’s performance of “Roman Holiday at the Grammys.”

Illuminati symbolism in Nicki Minaj’s ‘Anaconda’ music video

Madonna’s Occult Ritual at the Super Bowl spawned tens of thousands of articles about whether it was an “Illuminati message” to the public or even somehow linked to the death of Whitney Houston.

Nicki Minaj is at the forefront of the many mega pop stars in music today who promote the idea alter egos, second personalities and “losing control of themselves” in the spirit of demonic possession or influence.

Few would deny that Satanism and the occult is on the rise. Stories of young children being kidnapped, only to be found later as victims of rape and/or some bizarre ritualistic crime are all too common in the news media, as well as the subjects of the episodes of the all of the crime dramas on TV.

But the reality is that when we hear about the horrific stories of rape, murder and torture we don't associate it with Satanic behavior. We don't because the Bible, the greatest book of disinformation, defines Satanic behavior quite differently.

According to The Addiction Letter (1/89),

Most Satanism revolves around a drug and alcohol dependent lifestyle which glorifies violence, hate, lying, stealing, and vandalism. The involved youngster craves a higher power to validate . . . chemical dependence and Satan fills the spiritual void.

Joe Schimmel at GOOD Fight Ministries says Robin Williams and his tragic suicide were linked to his admission that he had opened himself up to transformative demonic powers that aided him on stage.

According to Schimmel Robin Williams, Brian Wilson, Jonathan Winters and many famous musicians, “had to contend with the tormenting demonic powers they utilized for fame and fortune.” Schimmel believes Winters, Wilson and Williams made a deal with the devil. The deal they made was that they would go into a manic, stream-of-consciousness rants filled with vulgar language, perverse sexuality and the glorification of illicit drugs and drunkenness in exchange for fame and fortune.

So let me get this straight---pedophilia, child molestation, sex trafficking, rape and torture aren't satanic, but Robin Williams's manic, stream-of-consciousness rants filled with vulgar language, perverse sexuality and the glorification of illicit drugs are the satanic behavior we should be worried about.

“With a gift for mimicry and improvisation that verged on demonic possession, Williams could even approach the artistry of his idol Jonathan Winters—a man whose genius took him, once or twice, over the edge into mental illness. Williams' own version of hell has been extensively chronicled” (Ibid).

I don’t know for sure if demonic spirits exist or if Brian Wilson, considered the musical genius of the Beach Boys, was so tormented by demonic spirits that he was bed ridden for years, but I can assure you that if these entertainers were doing the work of Satan, mental illness, getting depressed while they were drunk isn’t the price.

Now, if you wanted to argue that Satanic entertainment is popular because a large percent of the population gets off on the negative energy ...... that's another story.

I am starting to wonder if the Law & Order and the numerous other crime dramas are so popular because the satanic influenced viewers know that when detectives capture and imprison the perpetrators it is pure fiction. They enjoy living in a world where an accepted fact is that you can hurt innocent children and get away with it. CPS Across The Nation Fails The Children They’re Tasked To Protect

Look, if Satan wanted to promote evil and draw people into the devil’s insidious web he needn’t look farther than the Family Law Courts, Law Enforcement and Child Protective Services (CPS). As far as I am concerned negativity and the public's failure to make changes in CPS is really satanic behavior. What could be more demonic than a system that hurts innocent parents and children? But even worse than the system is the public’s— including the churches— indifference, apathy and failure to do anything to change the system

Former CIA director and Circle member William Colby had this to say to his friend Senator John De Camp in 1994,

“What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face.” (http://www.whale.to/b/franklin.html)

And two years later— you guessed it—William E. Colby, who chose to disclose some of the nation’s darkest secrets to save the spy service he loved, drowned on April 27, 1996 in a tributary of the Potomac River in Maryland.

The Franklin Scandal will be the first commercially-published book to tell the tale of a power elite pedophile ring in the U.S. and also of the cover-up of its heinous crimes. Various news organizations have attempted to break aspects of this story, but the reports and the reporters are mysteriously killed. Major news agencies, including ABC, have backed away from pursuing this story; conversely, CBS abetted its cover-up.

When you look at how many pedophiles are in politics it makes you wonder if there is a satanic influence making sure as many women (and sometimes men) and children suffer needlessly because the “FBI and MI5 keep the names out of the media of politicians that need to fuck kids.”

After all look at how many important people in positions of power all over the world who “on occasion, need to fuck kids,” are “outed” regularly because the FBI and MI5 failed to keep their names out of the media. Pedophiles in Politics: An Open Source Investigation

There are four cases of abuse that need to be reconciled before we can understand why our legal, social and law enforcement systems fail to protect parents and children from abuse.

  1. Women who are being battered and physically abused but are unable to get a Judge to issue a permanent restraining order against a violent and abusive man. History of Battered Women’s Movement
  1. Women who lose custody to her husband or partner who has sexually molested their child. [Save Lexi Dillon]
  1. Women and families who lose custody to the foster care system.Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite’s Child Sex Trafficking Rings
  1. Children whose parents are allowed to abuse them to death under the auspices of social services and law enforcement. 786 Abused Kids Died In Plain View Of Authorities: Report, Boy's alleged abuse described in graphic grand jury testimony

Satan doesn’t need to promise anyone involved in our legal, social and law enforcement Child Protective systems fame or fortune to do his bidding. Thousands of CPS workers enjoy inflicting pain on women (and sometimes men) and children, and they do it for next to nothing. You would expect that most CPS employees, when faced with the reality of their job—the ghost writing, the tearing of families apart to get federal funds, and the reality of pedophilia and child sex trafficking—would quit their job. Nope, the SEIU union is testimony that they hang in there and are not drained or particularly vulnerable to anxiety and depression disorders. Palmdale DCFS social workers received a 4.5 percent pay raise just weeks after an eight year old who "for eight straight months was abused, beaten and tortured more severely than many prisoners of war" was murdered by his own mother and her boyfriend [4]

Why is there no public outcry, especially from Christians [Appendix A], over the widespread pedophilia and child sex trafficking that afflicts our country. Why isn't anyone concerned about the dark consequences of tearing families apart and hurting children?

Yes, there are injustices in the world that we hear about every day but this different. Those of us who live in these jurisdictions, vote and pay taxes are as guilty as the perpetrators if we remain silent.

What is even more disturbing is the Christian community that ignores Christ’s clear instructions in the Book of Mathew:

Whoever does (good) to the least of my brothers, does good to me..(but) whoever does (evil) to the least of my brothers does it to me.
'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' Jesus replies: 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."Mathew 25:35-41

Goodfight Schimmel is worried that Christians are not guarding their hearts from entertainers who are being used by the dark forces to erode moral convictions and draw believers away from the light and love of Christ.

Really? He is worried about drawing believers away? Why isn’t Schimmel worried about Christians who ignore their moral duty and refuse to speak up about a corrupt and possibly satanic CPS being drawn away. Schimmel should be worried about them going to Hell for ignoring Mark 9:42.

If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea. Mark 9:42

The Lord, should give the public—especially Christians—discernment, for them to avoid the spiritual land mines that threaten the lives of the most vulnerable.

And the really inconvenient truth is that it isn’t the Lord Jesus Christ that has the power and authority to deliver humans from satanic powers—it’s us. When we stay quiet about the injustices in an agency that is being funded by our tax dollars we are as guilty as the demon possessed workers in the Family Law courts, law enforcement and Child Protective Services.

The scriptures claim that the demonic powers tremble before God’s mighty power (James 2:19) and that “it is in Jesus’ name that believers have victory over the demonic realm.” God’s Word declares: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).

Well, no one, including the Son of God, Christians or Schimmel,[Appendix A] is standing up to the works of the devil in the Child Un-Protective Services around the country.

The Bible, the most successful book of dis-information every written, incorrectly portrays that the war is not with flesh and blood, but the demonic world (Ephesians 6:12); and that the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4).

At CPS and the family courts, the war is clearly flesh and blood; just ask the families of the more than seventy children who passed through the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services that have died due to the failure of Child Protective Services to protect them.

The Horrific Death of Gabriel Fernandez

Writing about this issue is difficult and heart-wrenching. The callousness and brutal insensitivity of the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS), along with the LA County Board of Supervisors, to the death of Gabriel Fernandez, the third-grade boy whom DCFS allowed his mother and her boyfriend to tortured to death, is a burden, and I am not even a Christian.

When paramedics arrived, eight-year old Gabriel Fernandez was not conscious. His skull was cracked. Three ribs were broken. Bruises and burns covered his body. Two teeth were knocked out of his mouth. X-rays would later show that the third-grader had BB pellets embedded in his lung and groin. Gabriel’s mother, Pearl Fernandez, 29, and her boyfriend Isauro Aguirre, 32, told the paramedics that Gabriel’s injuries were "self-induced." Later, Aguirre admitted that he delivered ten or so blows to Gabriel’s stomach for lying and “being dirty.”

Pearl Sinthia Fernandez, 30 in prison
Nicki Minaj, in her Barbie alter ego. Notice the blank stare of one who is not conscious and the presence of Monarch butterflies
Pearl Sinthia Fernandez, 30 on the beach

Before Gabriel’s death, his mother was the target of six investigations of child abuse. One of Gabriel’s teachers, reported the boy coming to school battered and a therapist reported that the child was forced to perform oral sex on a family member. Gabriel told a teacher he’d been beat with a belt buckle until he bled and that his mother hat shot him with a BB gun. And as hard as it is to believe, a teacher even found that the child had written a suicide note.

And even harder to believe, several agencies investigated allegations of abuse before Gabriel's death but refused to remove the boy from the home.

LA County sheriffs deputies went to the family's apartment and to Gabriel's school on numerous occasions to investigate the reports of abuse (and of the boy being suicidal) but each time they failed to find or report any evidence of abuse. [End of From the graphic grand jury testimony]

Is that possible?

According to documents obtained by the LA Times and a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the child's grandparents, Gabriel was never interviewed privately by a social worker about his abuse. Two months after Gabriel’s death, four DCFS employees related to his case were fired but one of them successfully appealed his dismissal and has been tentatively reinstated pending an appeal by the head of DCSF, worried about the damage to the department's image and its eight billion dollar budget.

And what did the LA County Board of Supervisors do when the outcry in the press reached a level even they could not ignore?

The Board assembled another one of those Blue Ribbon Commissions to come up with a series of “sweeping” reforms to address the death of a child that was so abused that he wrote a suicide note. But as soon as the public outcry died down the reforms were swept under the rug.

At one of the Board’s weekly meeting, it was obvious the urgency—and money—to take on the latest Blue Ribbon’s “life-saving” reforms disappeared. The Commission’s calls for immediate action on the commissions recommendations were met by the Supervisors with phrases like “cost neutrality” and “economic feasibility” and “doing what is being recommended with existing resources.”

Ultimately, the Board only approved one of the Commission’s initial recommendations: to install a member of law enforcement at local DCFS offices to expedite background searches for emergency placement foster parents. They said they’d wait for a final report in April to consider the rest. The Commission, in turn, explained that the recommendations would not be changing for the final report.

Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas endorsed the Commission’s recommendation to have a nurse attend DCFS house visits that involve infants, but then—wait for it—the board voted against the motion, until further fiscal analysis could be made.

It is hard to believe our elected officials could be so cruel and insensitive, but then you need to consider more of the Gabriel Fernandez story.

When Gabriel was a month old, his mother and sole living biological parent, Pearl Fernandez—who later beat him to death—turned over custody to her parents because "she did not want Gabriel and had no love for the child."

According to court documents, starting in 2003, eight separate investigations into possible abuse were opened for the family, which included two of Gabriel’s siblings.

Inexplicably, when Gabriel was 7, she wanted him back. The grandparents objected citing past allegations of abuse, but DCFS didn’t care. Child welfare workers unnecessarily and illegally removed the child from his grandparent’s home in October 2012 and gave his mother custody without even a court order.

"The Department practices, and strictly enforces, spoken and unspoken systemic intransigence and has developed iron clad protections to ensure that the status quo will remain intact regardless of the impact on families or its own staff." [5]

What is even more remarkable is that, after the death of Gabriel, hundreds of ordinary people traveled to the Capitol in Sacramento to demand an audit of CPS/DCFS; but their message was drowned out by 10,000 social workers in their angry purple shirts who belonged to the SEIU union, chanting demands for more money, more benefits, more taxpayer-paid vacation time, more.... Not one SEIU member showed any concern for Gabriel's family or any of the other families gathered there.

If you have an explanation for the lack of empathy or sympathy for the Children Who Died In Los Angeles Because The City's Child Protection System Is Broken other than a conscious satanic influence by Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services or the unconscious satanic influence by the majority of the public, please let me know.

Katherine Smith PhD, is a regular contributor to the home of Thought Provoking Articles and can be reached at mandrell2010@gmail.com


[1] Lost Girl was developed by Toronto's Prodigy Pictures, in association with Shaw Media and Showcase. Being Human is a supernatural drama television series broadcast on Syfy in the United States and on Space in Canada. It is being produced by Muse in Montreal and is a remake of the BBC show of the same name. Bitten is produced by No Equal Entertainment, Hoodwink Entertainment, and eOne in association with Space and Bell Media, with the participation of Rogers Cable Network Fund and Cogeco Program Development Fund and the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit.

[2] February 5, 2013 was the first time anyone made the connection of “They Live” to the Holographic Matrix that I claim is our reality. Yahu Answers! By Robert Singer, Remember Me By Melanie Lamport

From 2007 to April 5, 2013, “They Live,” could be streamed or downloaded for free from a number of websites. But today the links to watch the movie for free are all dead. [“They Lived" at Sandy Hook.

While it's true that a hidden hand removing the movie “They Live” from the Internet isn’t proof that we are living in a Matrix, it is consistent with a belief that Obama's Cyber-warriors and the Internet Police blocked the movie because they don’t want anyone “fixing their eyes on what is unseen.”

Why would Obama select the “unseen” Corinthians verse for his speech at the Sandy Hook Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown?:

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:18

What if Obama’s reference to “unseen” is a Matrix/Extraterrestrial computer-generated cyberuniverse? According to a team of scientists at the University of Washington there is evidence we are living in a simulated reality created by an Intelligent Designer or sentient machines. [2]

[3] Evidence cited in favor of the "fallen angels" interpretation includes the fact that the phrase "the sons of God" (Hebrew, בְּנֵי הָֽאֱלֹהִים; literally "sons of the gods") is used twice outside of Genesis chapter 6, in the Book of Job (1:6 and 2:1) where the phrase explicitly references angels.

[3]Modern western psychology and psychiatry do not consider demonic possession to be a clinical reality. However, a number of practitioners and researchers do feel that certain types of psychosis (such as schizophrenia), or any sudden or radical change in behavior, can be signs of spirit possession.

[4] DCFS social workers may have failed Gabriel, but that did not stop the California State Assembly from awarding every unionized social worker a pay raise last week. As members of the SEIU, one of California's largest and most powerful government unions, these Palmdale DCFS social workers received a 4.5 percent pay raise just weeks after Gabriel's death.

[5] A Culture of Fear : An Inside Look at Los Angeles County's Department of Children & Family Services
by Julian J. Dominguez LMFT (Author), Melinda Murphy M.A. (Author)

Appendix A

Oct 23, 2015 at 9:39 AM
Robert Singer to Good Fight Ministries Order Department

Re: Subject: Prayer Line Spiritual Request
Your church is mentioned in this article.

Oct 23, 2015, at 12:01 PM
Good Fight Ministries Order Department to Robert Singer

Re: Subject: Prayer Line Spiritual Request

Hello Robert, Your piece states the following: "Contact them and ask them why they have done nothing or even spoken out about the injustice against the least of these;"

While we appreciate your zeal to sound an alarm and do something regarding the topic of abused children, we would ask you to carefully consider your accusations about who is or is not doing something. Unless you have firsthand knowledge that the organizations listed in your Appendix A are NOT doing anything, then it is unfair to list them.

Order Department
Good Fight Ministries

Oct 23, 2015 at 12:23 PM
Robert Singer to Good Fight Ministries Order Department

Re: Subject: Prayer Line Spiritual Request

All right what have you done?

As of November 28, no response to the email asking them "what they have done?"

Appendix B

Charisma (2004) A career con artist, forger and thief turns to murder and serial pedophilia to populate the cult he created and get his hands on a multi-million dollar trust fund.

Debt (2004) As Benson and Stabler investigate the disappearance of a mother and her teen-aged daughter, they uncover...

Twenty-Five Acts (2012) An erotic novelist is sexually assaulted by a popular TV-show host who attempts to bring her book to life. The SVU persuades her to press charges but the investigation reveals a secret that could ruin the novelist's career and her case.

Episode: Manhattan Vigil (2012) A child abduction case brings back haunting memories of 13 year old cold case from the same neighborhood, and the two cases may turn out to be related.

Episode: Babes (2008) The grisly murder of a homeless man leads detectives to four high school girls with a pregnancy pact. But after their pact is revealed, somebody drives the girls' ringleader to an apparent suicide. (60 mins.)

Episode: Zebras (2009) CSU Stuckey's careless error causes a deranged killer to go free on a technicality. Later, more signature killings emerge, and more people connected to the case may be targeted.

Episode: Alternate (2007) A woman's child is missing, but her multiple personalities make finding out what happened to the child more difficult. And the case is further complicated by the appearance of the woman's sister and the murder of their parents.

Episode: Unorthodox (2008) After a young boy is hospitalized for blood loss following a rape, Stabler and Munch focus on a Hasidic order whose reluctance to cooperate may lead the investigation away from the real perpetrator. (60 mins.)

Episode: Inconceivable (2008) A canister of frozen embryos is stolen from a fertility clinic. The SVU team race against the clock to retrieve it before the embryos are no longer suitable for implantation.

Episode: Undercover (2008) When a teenage girl says a corrections officer raped her and has also been threatening her mother in prison, Benson risks her own safety to go deep undercover and investigate.

Episode: Uncle (2006) A homeless man is suspected of murder. As the case unfolds, so do Munch's family secrets.

Episode: Cage (2006) SVU investigates a shady private adoption agency after two undocumented children are found deserted near an automobile accident.

Episode: Responsible (2007) The mother of a high school girl is caught having a sexual relationship with one of her daughter's classmates, and she may have supplied alcohol for a high school party where another student died.

Episode: 911 (2005) A little girl calls for help, claiming she's being held hostage, but the team has to keep her on the line to track her down.

Episode: Name (2005) After the bones of a boy who disappeared in 1978 are found at a playground, a recovering Stabler teams... (

Episode: Quarry (2005) When the body of a seven-year-old child is found, the squad again begins to investigate convicted serial killer Lucas Biggs...

Episode: Scavenger (2004) The entire squad races against the clock to solve the puzzles and uncover the clues scattered throughout the city by a serial killer who is taunting them to find him and the next victims on his list.

Episode: Hooked (2005) When the body of a teenager is found with her older cousin's I.D., Benson and Stabler investigate only...

Episode: Pure (2005) After an 18-year-old girl is kidnapped, psychic Sebastian Ballentine comes forward claiming to have information on the killings...

Episode: Manic (2003) While investigating a school shooting that claimed the lives of two students, the squad realizes that an alleged surviving victim is instead a possible suspect, and the side effects of a medication may have caused his actions. (60 mins.)

Episode: Mean (2004) When a schoolgirl's body is found in the trunk of a car, Stabler and Benson find themselves investigating allegations of bullying among her classmates.

Episode: Sick (2004) Two children claim that they were molested by a billionaire.

Episode: Juvenile (2002) Two young middle school boys are accused of the rape of a woman.


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FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted articles and information about environmental, political, human rights, economic, democratic, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. This news and information is displayed without profit for educational purposes, in accordance with, Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Thepeoplesvoice.org is a non-advocacy internet web site, edited by non-affiliated U.S. citizens. editor
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