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Former Senator Dorgan: Withholding the 28 Pages Is `An Insult to the American People'

May 27th, 2016

Executive Intelligence Review

May 21 (EIRNS)--Former U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) has an op-ed published May 20th, in the Capitol Hill newspaper, {Roll Call}, demanding that the 28 pages from the 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks be released now.

``In 2004, the commission issued its investigative report. However, 28 pages were labeled Top Secret by the Bush administration and were excluded from the published report. As a result, the American people have never learned the contents of the 28 pages, and they rightfully wonder, what are they hiding?'' Before he retired from the Senate in 2011, Dorgan says that he read the 28 pages, as members of Congress are permitted to do, if they request it.

``Because it is classified Top Secret,'' Dorgan writes, ``I am not allowed to disclose the contents of the 28 pages. However, in my judgment, there is not now, and never has been, a justification to withhold this information from the American people. The information I read is an important part of the story of the attack against our country.''

The information in those pages is not contained in the published report, and ``Frankly, it's a scandal that this information has been withheld from the American people for the past 12 years. Obviously, a report that withholds 28 pages of critical information about the attack is not a full and complete report. The classification of that information was an insult to the American people.

``Those 28 pages should be declassified and made available to the public now. It's long past the time for Congress and the president to share this information with the American people.''

At the same time, {Newsday}, a Long Island, New York-based newspaper has a prominent photo story today, announcing that the JASTA bill that passed the Senate last week, will be the subject of a House vote in the near future. The photo shows Mrs. Terry Strada, one of the leaders of the 9/11 familes with her daughter, Kaitlyn Strada, meeting with Senators Chuck Schumer and John Cornyn, the co-sponsors of the JASTA bill.

9/11 Families Lash Out at Saudi Campaign of Lies

May 20, 2016 (EIRNS)--The Anglo-Saudi empire is in a desperate flight forward to block the release of the 28 pages and the passage of JASTA, which has the potential to blow open the entire top-down London-Riyad control over global terrorism.

In the past 24 hours, the Saudi government has produced and circulated to every Member of Congress a 104-page ``white paper'' claiming to document the key role that Saudi Arabia is playing in combating terrorism worldwide. The Saudi document, exposed today in Politico, prompted an immediate response from attorneys Sean Carter and Jack Quinn, who represent the 9/11 families in their ongoing lawsuits against prominent Saudis. After citing the Politico story, the attorneys assailed the Saudi document as ``more whitewash than white paper,'' noting that the Saudi chronology of the so-called anti-terror actions began years after the 9/11 attacks. The statement quoted from the very paragraph in the 9/11 Commission report that the Saudis claim exonerated them of any role in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, which stated ``This conclusion does not exclude the likelihood that charities with significant Saudi government sponsorship diverted funds to Al Qaeda.'' The letter noted that 9/11 Commissioners Sen. Bob Kerrey, Navy Secretary John Lehman, Congressman Tim Roemer and Richard Ben-Veniste have all made clear that the Commission report did not, and did not intend to, exonerate the Saudi regime.

The letter concluded by blasting President Obama: ``What is absolutely clear is that the victims and families have no recourse whatsoever to the Executive Branch of government at this time. Only the courts can help them discover the truth of 9/11 and only the enactment of JASTA--if necessary by an override of the president's veto--can ensure that the courts are available to do just that.''

In another obvious British-Saudi put-up job, Anthony Cordesman, the top Gulf expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), penned a disgusting report, dated May 19, headlined ``Dealing Fairly with a Key Ally: Releasing the 28 Pages.'' In that paper, Cordesman picked up on the same fraudulent claims that were first made by CIA Director John Brennan on Meet the Press--that the fact that mid-level Saudi officials were tied to the 9/11 terrorists does not necessarily implicate the Saudi Royals or the Saudi regime as a whole.

``Releasing unvalidated material out of context,'' he wined, ``raises critical issues in terms of both U.S. relations with a major ally, and in the fairness of any such release.''

While Cordesman acknowledges he has not seen the 28 pages, he nevertheless described the pages as ``unvalidated material,'' ``unvalidated charges and conspiracies,'' and ``conspiracy theories.''

The Cordesman rant was actually a brief summary of a longer ``draft report'' he posted on the CSIS website, going into greater detail in defending the Saudi role as a key U.S. ally and partner in the War on Terrorism.

British-Saudi Terror Nexus

EIR's Jeffrey Steinberg answers a question during LaRouche PAC webcast on May 20, 2016


. . . when you're talking about the Saudis, you're not talking about a country that's a big pile of sand with a lot of oil in the Middle East, you're talking about the British. There is no separation whatsoever between the British and the Saudis. The Saudis would not exist were it not for the fact that they are an integral and subsumed feature of the British Empire. If you take that concept and really rap your mind around it, then you'll realize that when we are looking at the attacks of September 11, 2001, we're talking about the British, the British/Saudi apparatus.

You're getting a {hysterical} response right now from the Obama administration, from the British, from the Saudis, over the fact that we are very close to forcing them, not voluntarily, but by an enormous outcry of pressure to release the 28 pages; the 28 pages from the original 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry is the aperture into the entire picture of how the British-Saudi apparatus runs world terrorism; maintains a global empire based on principles of terrorism and blackmail and the rest. And that is really what is on the table right now.

There was very concrete evidence that emerged over the course of a number of investigations of the direct role that the British played in the 9/11 attacks. The Al-Yamamah deal that was negotiated between Prince Bandar and Margaret Thatcher back in 1985 and continues to this day, created an offshore fund in the range of hundreds of billions of dollars. Those funds are the machinery that has created al-Qaeda, that has created the Islamic State; that has made it possible for Europe to be on the edge of a complete social disintegration as the result of the wars of the Middle East, the wars of North Africa, the refugee crisis, the fears of blind terrorism. It's all part of the British mechanisms of global empire control.

Under the Al-Yamamah deal, Prince Bandar received $2 billion in commission fees for his role in creating what was nominally a barter deal involving British weapons systems and Saudi oil. At the time of the 9/11 operation, Prince Bandar was regularly receiving payments from the accounts in the Bank of England, from the Defense Export Support Office of the British Ministry of Defense, into his accounts at Riggs National Bank in Washington, DC. At least $50-72,000 of those funds went to support the two lead hijackers; the first to arrive in the United States, who were housed in San Diego, California. That is part of what is in the 28 pages.

When members of Congress have gone in to read the 28 pages, in literally every instance, they've come out and have said that the information contained in those pages forces them to completely rethink everything that they've believed about the history of this planet for the last 30-40 years. And in fact, going back much longer than that. So, it's the British Empire that is on the line in this fight; and therefore, it's not surprising that the British are now pulling out all of the stops to make sure that the 28 pages are buried.

Any serious investigation, any investigation that takes up the fundamental issue of Al-Yamamah, of the fact that there is no difference, there is no space whatsoever between the British Empire and the Saudi Empire; any investigation that seriously goes after that, as {Executive Intelligence Review} has been leading the way on that issue since the time of the 9/11 attacks, when Mr. LaRouche was an eyewitness by television to those events unfolding.

It is the British Empire that we're dealing with; and that's what has got to be brought down. Otherwise, Europe and the United States are facing a wave of terrorism that will go beyond anything that we've seen up until this point. So, this is a real showdown moment, and we've got to take all of the measures necessary to ensure not just that the 28 pages are released and made public; but that there is a full spotlight, top down, on the role of the British Empire -- from the Queen on down. Through the Al-Yamamah project, through the hundreds of offshore accounts holding billions of dollars in funds that are available for use by terrorist organizations, by drug trafficking organizations, by gun smuggling organizations. That entire apparatus has to be dismantled; and we've got a unique window of opportunity right now to do that, and we can't let that opportunity slip through our fingers.

FBI Role in Terror Nexus

EIR's Jeffrey Steinberg answers a question during LaRouche PAC webcast, May 20, 2016


It's actually pretty straightforward. The FBI is not a Federal law enforcement agency. From its very inception at the beginning of the 20th Century, it was always an instrument of London and Wall Street power. In effect what you're looking at is a Federally-sanctioned Murder Inc. Blackmail Inc. And the fact that J Edgar Hoover, who was notorious for his collusion with organized crime, for his blackmail files on members of Congress and others, is dead; but the apparatus at the top has simply become more sophisticated, using more advanced tools. But the basic point is absolutely the same; it's an instrument for maintaining the power of London and Wall Street over all of your lives. There are obviously honest individuals who were duped into thinking they were going to work for a Federal law enforcement agency; and probably some of them do some useful work in the small. But the organization as a whole, from the top, from its very inception, was conceived to be a police state apparatus. Early Congressional opponents equated it with the Russian Okhrana; they were absolutely right, and it's only gotten worse and worse over the years.

So, you have issues that will come up in the 28 pages. The FBI had a paid informant living in the San Diego area -- a Saudi; two of the hijackers, the original hijackers to arrive in the United States, were living in his home for over a year. And yet, when the 9/11 Commission and before that the Joint Inquiry staff attempted to interview that FBI informant, to find out what did he know; to find out how much information had he passed on to the FBI. Why hadn't they done anything about two leading well-known al-Qaeda terrorists residing in southern California? They found out that the informant had been put in the Federal Witness Protection Program, given a new identity, and kept from being interviewed. Not even the FBI field agents who were handling this informant were presented to either the Joint Inquiry or the 9/11 Commission to be interviewed.

Robert Mueller, who was the FBI Director -- he came in a week before the 9/11 attacks -- was adamant that the 28 pages had to be buried. Now, some people say, "Well, the FBI made such a botch of the investigation, and they should have been in a position to prevent it in the first place; so it's a bureaucratic cover-up to protect their reputation." I say, "No." They are there to protect the British Empire and its Wall Street apparatus here in the United States. They've been that from the very beginning. If you have the image of the FBI as Murder, Inc., you're a lot closer to the truth. Anyone who's ever investigated the assassination of John F Kennedy will give you chapter and verse; different circumstances, different events, same conclusion. President Lyndon Johnson, in his last interview before his death, said "I discovered that we had a Murder, Inc. operating right here in the United States." And he was talking about the FBI.


Executive Intelligence Review

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