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Mahboob A Khawaja, PhD.
Warmongering as an institution spells out history’s malicious mistakes, often irretrievable. America needs a visionary transformational leadership capable to restore democracy, people-oriented system of governance, political accountability and to avert fascism on a global scale. Should such a leader not be equipped with superb insight, originality and verve, to make the masses think about a new and an emerging global civil society away from the existing reactionary onslaught of blame-games and failed institutions, and invigorated by human rights principles and religious tolerance. Does America want another Clinton or Trump to slip toward a geopolitical morass? One wonders if American presidential elections are just a prototype of robotic political model full of incurable resentment and repeated historical ironies to dominate and control the world. Could the next American president envision an apocalyptic ending to humanity's stint on planet Earth?
In its search for change and progressive future-making, the global mankind is oppressed and victimized by the systematic intransigence and arrogance of the few affluent class of people managing the global institutions, militarization and governance - the perverted insanity lacking basic understanding of the Human Nature and of the working of the splendid Universe in which we enjoy coherent co-existence. The mankind continues to be run down by the cancerous ego and cruelty of the few Western warlords. Killing unjustifiably one innocent human being is like killing of the whole of the humanity. The global warlords represent cruel mindset incapable to see the human side of the living conscience.
Can we think to be human in all of our moral, political and intellectual endeavors? Can we come-up with a remedial imagination to cure the incurable ignorance, sectarian resentment and nationalistic bloody rampage, the malice and perfidy out of the sadistic human plans and priorities? Can we critically look at ourselves - why have we become so stagnated in moral, spiritual and intellectual values to be on a cliff to destroy the cause of freedom, equality and justice to all? Can we see the mirror with a collective conscience - why have we been pushed to resort to animalistic characteristics and behaviors that those who appear to be well educated and morally and intellectually intact but act like agents of the draconian age as if there were no people of reason and accountability populating the Planet Earth?
Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert Publishing Germany, May 2012.