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The Ulsterman Report: Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama? (ReCovered)

August 3rd, 2016

Reading about Obama's dark past I found TheRightScoop.com UPDATED – OPEN THREAD: AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH – LARRY SINCLAIR INTERVIEW ON OBAMA, COCAINE AND LIES Posted by Dan Cleary on Jul 17, 2011 at 12:32 AM with 182 comments.

Larry Sinclair is the author of Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

The book is about "The biggest untold story of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, the 100% true story of Barack Obama's use and sale of cocaine; his homosexual affairs and the December 23, 2007 murder of Barack Obama's former lover and choir director of Obama's Chicago church of 20 years, Donald Young, just days before the 2008 Iowa Caucus."

The book goes into the details of how Sinclair, in 2007, repeatedly contacted and requested that the Obama campaign simply come clean about their candidate's 1999 drug use and sales and the staggeringly true story of how the Mainstream Media, the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, the Delaware Attorney General and others helped the sitting U.S.President get away with murder and more.

The TheRightScoop post included the comment below by Kelly60:

I read a post regarding Obama's sexual orientation quite some time ago and have been wondering why I'm not finding more...apparently, Larry Sinclair was one of Obama's soap carriers along with 3 other men (now dead) in Chicago reportedly apart of the DLC (down low club) within the sanctions of Wright's own church. There was even a blog about it I believe posted by Ulsterman on newsflavor.com. Ulsterman is the guy that supposedly has a "White House Insider" giving him information on what's going on inside. Very informative.

I'm surprised with all the information I obtain through a variety of websites that many of you haven't heard of this activity. The bathhouses in Chicago are full of Obama-types. If I'm not mistaken, that's how he came to know Rahm Emmanuel.

Unfortunately the link to the post by Ulsterman on newsflavor.com is dead: "This site can’t be reached, newsflavor.com’s server DNS address could not be found. Search Google for new flavor ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

But thanks to the wayback machine, 498 billion web pages saved over time, (consider donating to this valuable resource) the post and the 40 comments were archived.

The Ulsterman Report: Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama?
Published by Ulsterman on February 12, 2011 in US Politics

A shocking tale of Barack Obama’s behavior following a high profile Chicago gathering of Democratic Party elites shortly before Obama won election to the Illinois State Senate.

From The Ulsterman: This story came to me via a message to my Facebook account. Upon reading what the author had to say, and doing some preliminary investigation to attempt at least partial corroboration, I have finally determined, following what appears to be both a sincere and earnest request, to publish this recollection of what they say they saw from Barack Obama and a now deceased man who was in Barack Obama’s presence that night. The following is their recollection in its entirety – no editing has been done. I leave it to the readers to determine for themselves the validity of what the author of this story claims to have seen.


I was an intern for a local Chicago newspaper and a college student working toward a journalism degree. This happened before Barack Obamawas president. It happened a short time before he became a state senator in Illinois. He was not the big name he would become just a few years later, but around Chicago he was a big enough name that I recognized who he was when I saw him. His book has just been published and he had received some recognition locally for it, and I had actually seen him on campus a couple of times the year before. He was an “up and comer”.

Anyways, I got the chance to attend this big dinner/party/celebration event downtown that had everybody who was anybody in Chicago at the time. It was an event that took place just before the big Democratic Party convention. The mayor was to give a talk and I was told to do a write up of the mayor’s comments and if possible, get a short interview. (I did not get the interview) I would figure about three or four hundred people were there. Lots of money and power in the room. As the night went on the drinking and noise levels both escalated. I remember being a bit shocked to see these kind of people carrying on like they were, but it was also exciting to be around it. I want to emphasize though that I was not drinking. I was clear headed the entire night. I saw what I saw. I know what I know.

Just before I was going to leave, I ran into one of my professors and sat down to have a talk. I remember being pretty excited that she actually remembered me, and even more excited that she seemed to want to ask me how I was doing and whatnot. I also remember she did seem a little drunk. We ended up sitting and talking for almost an hour and by the time she stood up to leave there were maybe just twenty or so people still hanging around. Everyone else had left.

I decided to look for a bathroom before taking off myself and followed a sign that led me down a hall that had all the lights already turned off. There were about four doors to the left that were to conference rooms, with a sign on the right of the hall pointing further down to the bathrooms. I was a little spooked because it was so dark but managed to find the bathroom. When I came back out I noticed one of the doors to a conference room was about halfway open. I had remembered that no doors had been open before and I got a little freaked out. I hesitated because I was afraid to walk by the door. That was when I heard the voices. Or not so much voices but I heard sounds being made by a person or people. I also smelled something that was odd. Never smelled it before or since that night. A heavy sweet smell that was filling up the hallway. It was not marijuana or anything like that. I was in college. I was plenty familiar with what marijuana smelled like. Something different. And as I stood there not quite sure what to do the smell seemed to go from sweet to kind of gross like rotting garbage. It was weird.

I started to try and sneak past the open door so whoever was in there couldn’t hear me but I sure could hear them and that was when I realized the sounds coming out of that conference room were sexual. I heard a male voice saying “Yeah,” again and again and then another sound from another male voice. I realized then that there were at least two men in that room having sex with themselves or someone else I could not hear. I was almost past the door when I heard a loud sniffing noise, and more of that weird smell coming from the room, and then one of the men yelled out the F-word. And that’s when I tripped. I tried to fall as quietly as I could but when my right hand hit the floor it kind of twisted under me and it really hurt. I cried out and then was trying to get up as fast as I could so I could keep heading down the hall. I heard some scrambling from inside the dark conference room and then one of the men told the other one to shut up and be quiet.

And then the door opened behind me and I turned around and saw a young tall thin black man looking at me. I recognized the face but wasn’t sure of the name right away, but was pretty sure he was someone important. I told him I was just using the bathroom but knew I must have looked very embarrassed. He just stared at me for what seemed like forever. There was just enough light in that hall that I could see that his eyes were not really “right”. I thought he was probably drunk. Then his eyes seemed to suddenly clear up and become a lot more focused and he looked down at me and he gave a big smile. He asked me if I was ok. I looked down to his belt which was undone and I could see that his dress shirt was not tucked into his pants. When I looked back up at his face the smile was long gone. He looked really angry at me now. He asked me again if I was ok but he said it in a way that really spooked me. There was something in his voice that scared me. Really bad. And it was at that exact moment I finally recognized his face as the author and political candidate Barack Obama. I was just about to turn and walk as fast as I could out of the hallway when the door opened wider and another black man’s face poked out. He said, “What the F is going on B?” The guy I now recognized as Obama stepped all the way out of the hall and closed the door behind him, leaving the other man inside the conference room. He asked me again if I was all right. Now he was standing right over me. He smiled again and I noticed one of his front teeth seemed to have a chip in it, or it was a lot shorter than the other one. He must have had work done because the pictures of him today don’t show that. I don’t know why I noticed that so much or why it has stuck with me but it has. And his breath smelled really bad. It made me want to gag it was so bad. I told him I was fine and did a kind of half walk half run down the hall and back into the main lobby. I looked back right before I turned the corner and could make out Barack Obama still standing in the darkness of the hallway looking back at me. It was very very creepy.

I didn’t really make much out of it. I mentioned it in a joking way to some friends that I had interrupted some guys going at it in a conference room but never mentioned the name Obama when I did. Then I forgot about it pretty much until I was watching the news and saw that Obama was running for U.S. Senator. I figured whatever he was doing in his private life was his business though, and didn’t want to make any trouble for him. I actually agreed with his politics and voted for him. If he was gay or bisexual, I really could have cared less. Whatever issues he had with that were between him and his family and none of my business right? That’s how I felt. So I forgot all about what I saw on that night again. And I hardly thought of it when I heard Barack Obama was running for president.

That’s until I heard a news story coming from my television while I was making dinner. A man had been murdered. Shot numerous times at his home. I glanced up at the television and there was the now dead man’s face being shown. He looked older. Heavier. His hair was longer. But it was him. That was the same face that I had seen poke out from the conference room with Barack Obama about ten years earlier. The news report said he was a church choir conductor and school teacher. They didn’t mention it was the same church as Barack Obama. I found that out a short time later. Then I learned that another gay man from Obama’s church had been murdered about a month before. That is when I started to really freak out. I kept my mouth shut and didn’t say a word about what I had seen. Then I started to feel like I was being watched. I would see a car parked outside my apartment that wasn’t any of my neighbors. One time I caught a man staring at me from across the street as I was getting my mail. I worried I was losing my mind from way too much paranoia.

I have since moved away from Chicago. I have tried to forget all about what I saw, but it won’t leave my head. I’m scared. So now I’m telling you this. I have been reading your stuff and think that the way you are doing it is giving you enough protection to get out your information but also protecting you. So if you could do the same for me I would be very grateful. I need to tell this story, but I don’t want to be known for doing it. That scares me too much. So the same way you seem to protect yourself and your sources I am hoping you can do for me. I have to get this off my chest. Part of me says I should have said something sooner but another part of me says that maybe I would not be around today if I had done that. I know what I saw and I know what I heard. I know who I saw. Maybe it was some kind of phase he was going through at the time. Maybe he was experimenting with a different lifestyle. Maybe the death of that man was just a coincidence. I don’t know the answers to that. I just know what I know. I just know what I heard and saw. On that night I heard Barack Obama in that conference room with another man. I saw Barack Obamastep out of that room with another man. I smelled what I think was some kind of drug they were using. And I know that the other man who was in that room with Barack Obama was murdered about ten years later shortly after Barack Obama declared he was running for President of the United States.

That is my story. I hope that you share it. If something happens to me now, you will know why.


UPDATE: Since publication, many within the Ulsterman Facebook Army have come forward with evidence that would support some of the specific claims made within the recollection above. The strange smell coming from the conference room would most likely have been “poppers”, a drug that is used predominantly within the gay community. Its smell is said to alter quickly from sweet to that of “rank, dirty laundry”. It’s effects last only a few minutes, indicating a user could recover quickly after inhaling it. Second, both video and photo evidence were provided that show considerable work has been done on Barack Obama’s teeth. Here is video from 1995, evidence that would further corroborate the timeline of this story, showing just how extensive this dental work in fact was. The alteration to both Obama’s appearance and speech is remarkable, and one of the front teeth does appear to be considerably shorter and/or of a very different shape than the other, which again compliments the details found in the recollection above:

Research also uncovered the fact that Chicago Democrats, playing host to the national convention in August of 1996, held a number of large social events throughout that summer, including a visit by then President Bill Clinton during the first week of July – events that were described in some detail by the Chicago Tribune on July 4th, 1996:

The crowds, the parties, the security and the hoopla that accompanied President Clinton’s visit to Chicago, plus the meeting of Democratic leaders last weekend, provided test runs for the Aug. 26-29 Democratic National Convention, organizers said.

Even the Chicago ‘96 decorations that adorned Navy Pier and the red, white and blue lights atop the Hancock and Stone Container buildings were previews of what to expect later this summer, said Julie Thompson, spokeswoman for the civic host committee.

Certainly Barack Obama, already a fixture in the Democratic Party machine by 1996, and the Democratic Party candidate for state senate, would have attended some or all of those large gatherings. And equally certain would be Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s presence at those same events – the same Richard Daley whose brother now serves as Barack Obama’s White House Chief of Staff.

Thank you to all those members of the Ulsterman Facebook Army who helped bring this information to light so quickly.



  1. Posted February 12, 2011 at 6:35 pm

    Oh, my goodness

  2. Tweets that mention The Ulsterman Report: Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama? | Socyberty -- Topsy.com
    Posted February 12, 2011 at 7:43 pm

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Anna Brouker, Carolyn Dunston. Carolyn Dunston said: RT @anna12061: The Ulsterman Report: Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama? Read more:http://bit.ly/dOZqHG [...]

  3. Posted February 12, 2011 at 8:22 pm

    If this really happened doesnt he think that “B” would remember who he is. I guess we wait and see if any journalist come up dead.

  4. Posted February 12, 2011 at 8:55 pm

    Nice share and interesting. Thanks

  5. Personal Responsibility
    Posted February 12, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    Not surprised. I have always thought that there is a darker side to this guy. Much darker than what we already can see.

  6. Posted February 13, 2011 at 1:27 am

    interesting one

  7. SheilaK
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 8:31 am

    Would not be surprised to find this to be true. That thug has a real dark side and anyone with any intuition and smarts can see it. Scary.

    If this journalist is/was relatively unknown, wouldn’t you think he/she is safe? How would ‘B’ know who it is?

  8. Bodhi
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 10:58 am

    It reads to me like a credible report. I wonder why the author does not mention the name DONALD YOUNG in his story?

    What ever happened to Larry Sinclair who tried so hard to get this and other information out about the murder of Donald Young.

    It\’s amazing to me how these stories never get properly investigated by the MSM.

    I pray the birther issue cracks wide open…the cover-up is dramatic evidence that the rabbit hole goes very deep….

  9. Jess
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    Look up Man’s Country. It has been rumored to be a gay club run by Jerimiah Wright to protect the members of his church. Also look up Larry Sinclair. I think he went public to protect his life as well as he has made claims that he engaged in oral sex with Obama and knew the guys who were killed. I guess he figured he might be next so he went public.
    The person who wrote this may want to contact him.

  10. Philo Beddoe
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    Bodhi is correct.

    Larry Sinclair brought things like this up, also he said he was called by Donald Young days before Young was murdered.

  11. True Patriot
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    Good Work Ulstermann. This has been out here for a while

    The press has ignored it, or should I say Pravda media.

    No one is immune from this fraud and criminal in our White House.

  12. Nicole
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    This is ridiculous! 1) if she was a college student at the time, she would know what drug he was doing.

    2) You really expect people to believe you didn’t go home and tell everyone and put it on FB? yea right.

    3) why is this a big deal???? Politician having a gay affair while using drugs…SHOCKER (sarcastic mode)

    4) what the heck does his sexual activities have to do with today? I don’t care who he sleeps with! I wonder if many of you just find this “interesting” b/c you don’t like Obama or because he is black. (and I say this as someone who DOES NOT LIKE OBAMA AT ALL AND THINKS HE IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY)

    5) if you all are sooooo curious about this, then how come I’m not seeing comments about Edwards, the guy in NY that just got outed, and the THOUSANDS of other politicians that do this crap on the daily?

    C’mon people, these stories just legitimize the MSM who say people are just racist or just don’t like Obama just because. Let’s stick to the issues that matter…like the fact that this president is acting in sedition against the US Constitution by still implementing a law that was deemed VOID and UNCONSTITUTIONAL by a federal judge!!!

    This girl is SOOOO lying. if she wasn’t drinking, why go to the bathroom? Why go alone down a “dark hall” just a little too much drama added to this story for believability.

    Plus, wouldn’t obama have just offered this girl a J-O-B since she was an ambitious college kid?

    Let’s stop drinking the kool-aid

  13. jimbo
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    If Sinclair and the anonymous source are to be believed, then Obama was having oral sex and smoking crack cocaine with Donald Young (who was later murdered in the Spring of 2008).

    At Occidental College, where Obama attended for two years before transferring to Columbia University, Obama was considered effeminate and a loner, except for some Pakistani friends.

    Obama was promoted by the Chicago political elite because he had skills, cross over appeal (both black & white Democrats), and could be controlled with a threat of blackmail hanging over his head. Remember, Obama is a puppet controlled by others.

    There are many theories on who provided Obama a strategic political “leg up” in Chicago. Let’s face it, Obama didn’t do it on his own. Obama has skills, but he’s no political genius:

    Obama is a creation of corporate elites/CIA:


    Where Evil Grows, an appropriate song for the revelations from this anonymous . Watch and listen to the linked video above to the end and you’ll know how serious the situation is.

  14. Posted February 13, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    I have no reason to believe the allegations are not true. Obama’s background, which I researched and detailed in my book, The Obama Timeline, is entirely consistent with the charges. Norma Jean Young, the mother of Donald Young, claims he was murdered to keep him quiet. Neither Young’s murder or that of Larry Bland (another gay church member who was murdered two weeks before Young) have been solved.

    Some people likely will doubt the story because its source wishes to remain anonymous, but one can hardly doubt him for being cautious. My sources include people who attended the University of Hawaii with Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (and who knew him well and who insist he is not the father of the current temporary occupant of our Oval Office), and they also wish to remain anonymous. There are powerful forces running “the show” and treading lightly is far from unwise.

    Part II of The Obama Timeline is at http://www.colony14.net. Parts I and II combined total more than 2,000 pages, include more than 17,000 references, and contain additional details about Sinclair, Young, and Bland. The Timeline is updated on an almost daily basis, and provides the ammunition needed by Obama’s opponents to keep him fro serving a second term – assuming he cannot be booted out of office before then and deported to Indonesia.

  15. Juanita
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    Good post you guys. Here’s some links. *http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2010/05/27/washington-insider-obama-member-of-chicago-gay-mans-club/*


    I’m sure you guys are familiar with this story as well.
    Lt. Quarles Harris Jr, a key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Dept was shot in front of a church.http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/02/john-brennan-involved-in-obama-passport-breach.

  16. Traci Williams
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    I have a FB friend who found a picture of a close up of BO’s hand. She reads palms and straight up said he ”is obsessed with sex.\” Fits right in.

  17. Posted February 13, 2011 at 6:38 pm

    When I started making my documentary about voter fraud, all of this was WAY out in the open in 2008. Everyone knew about Donald Young being murdered, Obama’s coke and sex parties with Larry Sinclair, and the connection between Young and Sinclair, who was immediately murdered after contacting Sinclair.

    We worked with many black women from Obama’s district and Trinity Church on our film. What they told me about him was beyond horrifying, and they all laugh back there about how stupid everyone is for falling for his BS and phony person. In short, they all say it’s absolutely true.

    My friend’s husband is a detective in the Chicago PD. He says they KNOW it’s true, but they can’t prove it. I would imagine they could prove some of it, but the Chicago toilet, and filthy sewer Obama crawled out of wouldn’t allow anyone to get to the truth about him. When Obama was running, we all had hope that Patrick Fitzgerld would take the reins and expose Obama for the criminal and liar that he is. Then no one heard anything from Fitzgerald again. Even though I was told that they had FBI files on Obama that were a foot thick.

    I cried for two weeks when this criminal and fraud got “elected.” It’s a joke and embarrassment to our country. Why anyone voted for him I will never know, but then again I did have the benefit of doing deep research on him and most others were watching MSDNC and Tingles getting a man love “thrill” up his leg over this jerk,

  18. Little Johnny
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 6:43 pm

    One of the problems with the mainstream media wanting so very much to see a particular person elected as president such that they refuse to vet him, is that that person may be subject to blackmail. If Obama was or is a promiscuous bisexual or homosexual, who holds that information and what are they demanding to keep quiet? Has it come to the point that people are being murdered to protect Obama?

    If Obama is or was a promiscuous bisexual or homosexual, then it is not surprising that the Chicago machine would want to cover that up – if he was honest about it, too many Americans would consider that to signify too high a risk of psychological instability for a president, not to mention immoral, and he would not have been elected.

    It would be surprising if Barrry’s high school mentor, Frank Davis, the notorious communist bisexual swinger and author of “Sex Rebel Black” (who bragged about having sex with children) did NOT introduce Barry to sexual activity as a mere child. That is not of course a healthy development psychologically, and we know it is not unusual for sexually abused children to become promiscuous homosexuals or bisexuals.

    It’s the same issue with the cover-up as to his natural born citizenship status – what do the concealed documents show? The Soetoro-Dunham divorce papers refer to Obama as a child of Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen, and his mother’s passport papers refer to him by an Indonesian name, Soebarkah. Was Obama an Indonesian citizen and did he re-affirm that status as a young adult, thereby causing him to lose his U.S. citizenship?

    Who knows the actual facts, and what are they demanding to keep quiet?

    The fact that our own media is complicit by refusing to investigate his background doesn’t mean that foreign powers haven’t looked into this. What do the intelligence services of Russia, China, Israel or other countries with sophisticated espionage networks know?

    Do they use this information against America? Is this why Obama sold out Poland and the Czech Republic missile defense to Russia? Why he just signed a one-sided nuclear treaty with Russia? Why he disclosed British nuclear secrets to the Russians, according to WikiLeaks? What about Indonesian government officials – are they receiving something to keep their files closed?

    It is of the most serious importance to our country that our highest political leaders be transparent and that our mainstream media hold them to this and investigate and report on their backgrounds.

  19. Personal Responsibility
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 7:18 pm

    Did anyone else gag when you heard the “interviewer” describe Rev. Wright as a “wonderful man?”

  20. Personal Responsibility
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    @ Little Johnny:

    Bingo. You’re right on the mark. Too many will just look at the issue that BHO is gay or bisexual. What’s lost is how that puts the entire country at risk.

  21. ShainS
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 8:28 pm

    FYI, the URL to the blog entry referred to at the end of Juanita’s post — “Lt. Quarles Harris Jr, a key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Dept was shot in front of a church.” — is missing the final “.html” suffix, so should be:


  22. neonzx
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 9:22 pm

    How does someone get a good enough look at two black guys faces (or white guys, for that matter) when this alleged incident occurred in a hallway that was “so dark” because all the lights were off, including in the “dark” conference room?

    Add in that there is no mention of a venue, the name of the supposed newspaper, or anything else… all of those details are left vague. Can anonymous not remember? But anonymous remembers the face of a man who “popped” his head out of the dark conference room into the dark hallway for 1 second???

    It’s Bogus, just like that fake Kenyan Birth Certificate was.

  23. ITYS
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    Check out that Chicago Boys Town or Club and BO was known to frequent, Rahm too. Is this why Rahm has been dispatched back to Chicago??? Also remember last winter BO leaves WH w/o any press for daughter’s soccer, except no soccer was scheduled. Press was roughly 20-30mins behind.
    Should they even be referred to s “press” anymore or groupies??? There appears to be ZERO intellectual curiosity about this guy or is this FEAR?????

  24. ITYS
    Posted February 13, 2011 at 10:13 pm

    BTW….is this is why there are no old girlfriends? No old friends even? Remember Jarrett is the supposed “godmother” of both he and MO.

  25. jerl
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 12:42 am

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. Ulsterfag you have jumped the shark you idiot. So Obama went to a church that had a guy who was killed and so Obama is somehow mixed up in that???????? AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH You are all idiots to be buying this disgusting crap. noecon morans every single last one of you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH

  26. etimodos
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 1:33 am

    Great comeback jerl, I bow to your intellectual superiority,

  27. Jimbo
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 2:23 am

    jerl: “neocon morans every single last one of you”

    Does that include Obama?

    I mean think about it. Obama has continued Iraq, expanded Afghanistan, continued indefinite detention, rendition, CIA kill lists, Bagram air base detention, drone attacks into Pakistan, Obama’s TSA radiating or groping everybody, wire taps, Patriot Act, and a few other things to boot. America has over 700 military bases in over 170 countries; has Obama made one peep about closing any, ANY, of those military bases?

    Obama is a neocon, new boss (puppet), same as the old boss (puppet).

    jerl, there are a lot of folks who don’t support Obama because he is a neocon, or at least acts like a neocon, carries out the policies of a neocon.

    Maybe, Obama acts that way because his controllers want it that way.

    Have you ever stopped and considered that possibility?

  28. Posted February 14, 2011 at 3:16 am

    she or he did not put DETAILS out of fear & wishing to remain anonymous!

  29. Ocriminal
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 4:31 am

    Correction: Donny Young wasn’t murdered in spring of 2008. He was mudered around Christmas 2007. I believe it was Christmas eve. I can understand knowing something for all this time and wanting to get it off your chest anonymously. I have done it myself in a completely unrelated circumstance and persons.

    Some people believe jerl is Valerie Jarret. Do not respond to their posts.

    I think Ozero had something to do with the Polish Plane crash with all the Polish officials aboard. Could someone have threatened to out Ozero as an usurper? Ozero is responsible for many murders directly or indirectly and that’s a common belief as taken from all the evidence and time lines…the latest being Judge John Roll and a dozen more people murdered during the same week. You all know who.
    He’s a psycho. He’s Indonesian. See his Asian nose in the above vids? It appears he had a nose job too. Moooochelle is a wife of convenience used as a cover up for Ozero to ‘pass’ as straight.
    He needs to come clean or get the hell out of our dodge now before there is a revolt.

  30. Emailme
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 9:32 am

    There are a few things that make me a little suspicious of these claims:

    This young journalist just happens to “trip” in front of the conference room door? How novel! Seems like a plot in a movie.

    And then she (or he) seemingly tries to “forget” this politician’s suspicious actions and votes for him! Nevermind that she caught him doing drugs and having illicit sex! She wasn’t creeped out enough to have shunned him as her candidate in an upcoming election? I find that strange, especially since she or he believed she was being watched at her apartment.

    Look, I think there are some very unnerving things that don’t add up: The three murders are suspicious, certainly…but there’s something about this letter that doesn’t add up for me.

    Be careful, folks. You really have to trust a source…. I don’t find any reason to trust this one.

  31. MT
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 11:33 am

    To Nicole:

    “This girl is SOOOO lying. if she wasn’t drinking, why go to the bathroom?”

    Uhm, his/her bladder was full maybe?

    I think by saying the/she was not drinking, he/she meant alcohol.

    “Why go alone down a “dark hall” just a little too much drama added to this story for believability.”

    It was a night time event that was wrapping up? Geez.


    “Be careful, folks. You really have to trust a source….”

    Of course this is good advice.

    “I don’t find any reason to trust this one.”

    Actually, this source corroborates what a couple of other people have claimed. So, it’s somewhat credible.

    Besides, the MSM reports on anonymous sources who make crazy claims about Palin all the time….and Obots smoke it all up like crazy-junk ‘poppers’=)

  32. Chance
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    This is the only photo I have seen of him with the Widow’s peak haircut. I read somewhere else that, it was either Malcolm X or Frank M. Davis that O resembles him even “right down to the widow’s peak”.

    Also, he spoke of his religion and stated that it was not a conventional religion. Why didn’t he just say he is a Christian then if he is!

    I am not surprised about him being gay, or bi-anything. He looks it. I am concerned that he was doing drugs and that he still might be. NOt good at all for a US pres.

    I am convinced now that Obama senior is not his father but believe he is still not qualified to be our President.

  33. Chance
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    Frank Marshall Davis was a sexual pervert and was Obama’s mentor. Like father like son I guess.


  34. Jimbo
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    Ocriminal, thank you for the correction.
    Oops, my error, I stand corrected, Donald Young was murdered either December 23 or 22, 2007.

    I apologize for the error.

    Does that timing difference (from Spring of 2008) act as exculpatory evidence for Obama? I mean it could, but I don’t know.

  35. Jimbo
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    Emailme, I also noted, as I read the statement, as you put it, “This young journalist just happens to ‘trip’ in front of the conference room door? How novel! Seems like a plot in a movie.”

    I’ll also acknowledge that I discounted this troubling coincidence, as the anonymous statement ‘gives’ with other reports of Obama.

    But I’ll also acknowledge the hardest lie to spot is the lie closest to the truth.

    Could the anon. trip at the crucial moment be fortuitous or the lie that unravels the story?

    I’m not sure, coincidences do happen, but as you say, it does give reason for pause — it pains me to acknowledge your point, but, when searching for the truth, one can not ignore evidence that contradicts theory you are, otherwise, inclined to support.

    Perhaps, follow up with the anonymous source, by Ulsterman, could clarify or provide more detail that could quiet these concerns with anonymous source’s veracity.

  36. Tizawiza
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    In my opinion, I think that “if” this story is true, that the person needs to go public just as Larry Sinclair went public. If it’s true that he/she were being watched after this incident happened, that the people probably still know where they are.

  37. gladly
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    Come on folks, this is old news. These “gay” stories about Obama have been around since at least 2008. And the suspicions about the church choir guy being murdered, just as long. You had better catch up quickly because the time is flying by you. If Obama could do this to hide his sexual proclivities, imagine what he would do to protect his “birth certificate?” And how many other politicians, (Pelosi, Reid, Daley, Emanuel) and associates, (Jarrett, Plouffe, Axelfrod) are complicit in his cover ups? It really makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

  38. Dan
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    Makes sense.

    He surely does exude alternative vibes, and we all know he doesn’t “throw like a girl,” but throws a baseball like a flamer.

    As for the darkened hall, ——— makes sense around closing time.

    As for her tripping, ———- that too makes sense. Women are apt to trip in heels, and the fact that she was distracted by the door being ajar and the sounds emerging therefrom lead me to think she was naturally distracted. She heard the sounds, got embarrassed, tried to pick up her pace a bit to get bast and ended up tripping.

    That’s not far-fetched.

    As for her voting for Obama afterwards.

    She’s a lib. And between the time of that event, in the mid-90s, and now, there’s been a great push to mainstream and normalize pathological homosexual behavior. Within the Left, that mainstreaming has occurred. For Conservatives, drugs and perversion are immediate disqualifications. But for the party of Barney Frank, ———— nothing of the sort.

    So it stands to reason she would continue to vote for the guy notwithstanding his pathological hankerings.

    The fact that she went ahead and voted for him leads me to believe the story is accurate.

    BUT WHY disclose this story now?

    Does she still subscribe to the agenda of the Left?

    What’s her motivation now?

  39. fb274
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 6:37 pm

    Research Reggie Love, Zero’s personal assistant and see what type of proclivities one might uncover. I believe he would fall under the same category as Donald Young. Good possibility of blackmail of the individual in the oval office does exist. Read Larry Sinclair’s book – most enlightening and he is a committed homosexual and does not try to hide the fact.

    Can someone find out why the Chicago PD will not answer any questions on the Donald Young murder? Larry S. indicated he has contacted the CPD recently (2011) and when he inquired of D. Young’s murder, they hung up on him. Who are they protecting?

  40. Snoop-Cat
    Posted February 14, 2011 at 7:10 pm

    jerl: “neocon morans every single last one of you”

    So jerl can’t even spell the word moron?

    Sorry jerl, I’m not a neocon, but you are definitely a moron.
    Please keep embarrassing yourself, watching a village idiot like you post on the net is great entertainment…

Read more: http://newsflavor.com/politics/us-politics/the-ulsterman-report-sex-and-murder-in-the-land-of-obama/#ixzz4GHevBniL

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