Thats right you heard it. The democrats in Nashville like the masks and repression and want the mask mandate to be State wide. And they want prison time for violators.
Tennessee police like to pull over cars with women and tell them they smell marijuana as an excuse to strip them naked on the side of the road. Alcohol is still illegal in half the state. Medical marijuana has been voted down three times, and the politicians fought a bitter battle to stop CBD oil.
Tennessee is heavily invested in the repression state with a massive drug testing industry whose sole purpose is to detect marijuana use. With all the drug testing labs paying the local politicians to keep the repressive system in place marijuana will never be legal. Tennessee is not the Shangri-La that people fleeing California and New York think it is. Its a backward repressed hell still enforcing prohibition era laws against alcohol from the 1920s
Tennessee was always a repressed backward hell and it always will be. Thinking of fleeing to Nashville to escape your communist democrat mayors and governors? Forget it, Nashville has a democrat mayor. He got caught hiding data proving there was almost no covid 19 in the city. He did this to justify his mask mandate and lockdown, which bankrupted the city driving thousands of businesses under and forcing thousands of citizens into poverty.
Nothing was done to Mayor Cooper for destroying Nashville. In fact when he got caught lying about the covid data, instead of ending the lockdown and masks he doubled down, hiring secret police to roam the city looking for mask violators. Nashville's Communist mayor destroyed a once thriving tourist industry and turned the city into a bankrupt police state. His mask mandate continues based on his lies. There is no legal recourse, no justice for the people in Nashville.
Nashville is a repressed collapsing covid19 hell run by communist traitor democrats. Don't relocate to Nashville. You will not find peace there. You will not find freedom there. You will not find a job there. You will not find prosperity there. You will only find repression, poverty, economic collapse, and a Chinese communist funded democrat gang of traitors whose sole purpose is to keep America locked down and bankrupt while China forgets all about Covid19, masks, and lockdowns, and economically leaves America in the dust.
If you really want to be free again, leave the United States immediately before the globalists implement mandatory vaccines for international travelers. You have only a few weeks to escape.
By the