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Criticizing What They Can’t Understand

January 24th, 2021

By Gary G. Kohls, MD

Identifying the Vaccinology-Illiterates Among Us (Journalists, Talking Heads, Legislators, Lobbyists, Medical School Professors, Physicians, Internet Trolls, Parents of Vulnerable Infants, etc)

“In a multitude of ways, corporations of all types – even the marketers of dangerous products like tobacco, diet soft drinks, prescription drugs and vaccines - continue to influence and control what is heard on the radio, what is seen on the television, what journalists are allowed to report on, who is allowed to be interviewed and therefore, indirectly, what issues get discussed by the usually easily propagandized consumers of that information.”

Definitions: Vaccinology is the science of developing vaccines to theoretically (and usual imperfectly and only partially) minimize some the adverse effects of a small portion of the huge number of (essentially uncountable) infectious diseases. It is also the study of how the immune system responds to vaccine injections that always have toxic (sometimes lethal) ingredients in them. The science also includes the evaluation of immunization programs, vaccine safety and effectiveness.

VaccineLiteracyis definedas the degree to which an individual (medical professional as well as layperson) has the capacity to obtain, process, and understand the information that underlies the enormously complex – and rapidly-changing - data involved in vaccine science.

Vaccinology Illiteracy is the degree to which an individual is incapable of, hasn’t had the opportunity to learn or is not interested in understanding the science of vaccinology. Often vaccine illiterates have been compensated in some way to criticize the vaccine literate.

A Corporate Shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a corporation. Big Pharma/Big Vaccine corporate shills typically do not disclose their close relationship with the corporation they serve. Many of them write scholarly articles without specifically identifying their corporate or professional connections to the industry or products that they are promoting. Shills are often not identified as such by mainstream media outlets and are thus operate very effectively for propaganda purposes in marketing campaigns.

Internet Troll – According to WikiPedia, an internettrollis a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous or off-topic messages in an online community, with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responsesand normalizing tangential discussionswhether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain. Some of the most vigorous internet trolls seem to be aligned with the agendas of the vaccine industry.


“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” -- Marcia Angell, MD

“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand.” – Bob Dylan

In his iconic anthem “The Times They Are A-Changin’” (1962), northern Minnesota’s Bob Dylan (who was, incidentally, born in my home town of Duluth, Minnesota) immortalized the totally logical imperative (“don’t criticize what you can’t understand”) that admonishes those who want to express their thoughts about an issue to keep their mouths shut until they have done the thorough research into the available unbiased science or history that would make clear what their stance should be before they express opinions about it. (By unbiased I mean that the science or history has not been influenced or re-written by some profiteering corporate shill out to make a buck.)

This essay is only partially about the highly-profitable, over-vaccination campaigns conducted by Big Pharma and Big Medicine (and Big Media) that are largely promoted by the huge number of “vaccinology-illiterates” that are everywhere. Sadly, most of those illiterates don’t realize that they aren’t even close to understanding the totality of the vaccinology science that they are criticizing.

Sadly, there are very few “non-co-opted-by-corporate-interests-vaccinology-scholars” that ever get interviewed on corporate-affiliated media outlets that also accept pharmaceutical company advertising. And, although I am not an academic research scholar, I have spent hundreds of hours reading and studying legitimate, unbiased books on vaccinology that have been authored by unbiased vaccinology experts. I have also studied scores of journal articles written by such vaccinology experts.

Perhaps most importantly, I have also dealt with many vaccine-injured or vaccine-killed patients in my own medical practice and have heard the testimony about vaccine-induced damage from many sources, often from the parents of vaccine-injured or vaccine-killed children.

I also have read hundreds of slanted articles written by so-called investigative journalists, corporate shills and trolls about the “wonders of vaccines” but which reveal the authors to be actually vaccine illiterates. In the process of criticizing what they don’t understand (and falsely accusing serious researchers who understand a lot more than they do) they are exposing their ignorance or biases – but are never apologetic about the fact that they are mis-informing their readers.

The subject of how to recognize a vaccinology illiterate individual would take a book-length treatise, but here are a small handful of tip-offs:

1] “Vaccinology illiterates” never mention the fact that vaccine manufacturers, in the clinical trials that they are obligated to do before applying for FDA approval, never do any testing on the safety (or even efficacy) of the new vaccine when it is injected simultaneously with other vaccines!;

2] When corporate-paid “vaccinology illiterates” want to stir up the demand for another new vaccine, they repeatedly and endlessly have their equally vaccinology-illiterate shills or trolls write about the latest viral infection outbreak. A classic example is the relatively puny measles “outbreak” in New York city that only amounted to 900+ people out of a population of tens of millions over a period of 6 months!). The illiterates and shills never mentioned that a large percentage of the victims had already been fully vaccinated against measles;

3] “Vaccine illiterate” journalists and trolls never listen to, interview or write about the parents of the thousands of children that have been vaccine-injured, vaccine-killed or have been afflicted with vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders. Inconvenient truths that disprove the popular “conventional wisdom” seem to be easily ignored by journalists, editors and their publishers;

4] “Vaccinology illiterate” journalists, editors and publishers never interview the real unbiased vaccinology experts for their radio or television shows (check the latest hit piece from the BBC’s Claudia Hammond {with anthropologist and therefore vaccinology-illiterate Heidi Larson, who has been hired by Wellcome Trust {acquired by vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline years ago} to start the Bill Gates co-funded Vaccine Confidence Project. Can you guess the subject matter of the project? The hit piece can be found at: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2019/06/24/the_global_picture_of_vaccination.

5) To back up their opinions and bloggings on the alleged safety or efficacy of vaccines, “vaccine illiterates” (naively or intentionally) use discredited sources of information that are supplied by profiteering Big Pharma entities, paid-off government agencies or medical lobbying groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics that have serious corporate conflicts of interest that they try hard to hide.

6) “Vaccine illiterates” never point out the following CDC/AAP-approved over-vaccination schedule for American infants and children for 2019 that some vaccinology literate scientists project will cause a 50% incidence of autism spectrum disorders in American boys in just a few decades (unless the once sacred Hippocratic Oath, the Precautionary Principle and the principle of Fully Informed Consent is somehow resurrected in American medicine and then applied by the pediatric and medical professions);

7) etc, etc, etc.

Study this chart and understand that there are toxins in each of the mandated vaccines, all of which have known and unknown synergistic adverse effects. (https://www.google.com/search?q=2019+vaccination+schedule&rlz=1C2CHZL_enUS756US756&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin0_qeyJTjAhX-B50JHbL6BsMQ_AUIECgB&biw=1298&bih=597#imgrc=twX2CPSGV0LjyM:)

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Below is a short list of untrustworthy corporate influences that have gradually acquired almost total control over the public conversations concerning the endlessly increasing number of neurotoxin-containing and auto-immunity-inducing vaccines. Sadly, the many corporate shills and internet trolls make gleeful use of the skewed disinformation from these sources (internet trolls may not be listed, but they can often be found near the top of Google’s preferred lists):

1] profiteering corporations (like the hundreds of Big Pharma and Big Vaccine companies such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Merck, Lilly, AbbVie, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, to name just a few);

2] co-opted, non-elected, bureaucratic, governmental oversight agencies that happily take enormous amounts of money from profiteering Big Vaccine corporations that the agencies claim do not affect their decision-making (Ex: NIH, CDC, NIAID, FDA, NIMH, NIST, etc);

3] profit-minded and professional career-protecting medical lobbying groups that try to deflect any and all evidence of the current iatrogenic disease (doctor- or drug-caused) epidemics that are going on all around us (Ex: AAP, AMA, AAFP, APA, etc);

4] the Big Pharma-/Big Vaccine-influenced mainstream media that takes 70% of its revenues from Big Pharma (thus self-silencing their true investigative journalists that want to (and should be allowed to) write about important, unwelcome truths about our often corruptible corporate and governmental leaders (like Watergate and the Pentagon Papers, as only two examples);

5] the many “charitable” foundations formed by billionaire investors who are attracted to the tax dodges (Ex: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the Sackler Family Foundation [of Purdue Pharma/OxyContin infamy], etc, These “non-profit” foundations have profited immensely from their investments in any number of pharmaceutical and vaccine corporations that they will not mention; and

6] assorted hedge fund managers and Wall Street investment firms that don’t really care about the corrupted, unethical, short-term clinical trials that Big Vaccine corporations use to so fool the FDA into officially approving (or by neglecting their duties by instead granting Emergency Use Authorization to) the industry’s potentially block-buster products without any long-term safety concerns for the vulnerable, over-vaccinated infants and children.

In the case of the exceedingly complex science (and propagandized history) of vaccinology, very few laypeople (and very few physicians, nurse practitioners or nurses) have done the work to adequately comprehend the science, partly because they have not been able to find the hundreds of hours that it would take to even scratch the surface of real vaccinology science. Physicians are hopelessly over-booked and over-worked and also heavily influenced by the overwhelming number of propaganda groups listed above. Besides, unbiased vaccinology has NEVER been truly taught to medical students in their training.

Corporations Now Rule the World

Hearing all sides of an issue is especially difficult in the new world order where powerful multinational corporations rule the economy, commerce, entertainment, governments, foreign and domestic politics, etc.

America is ruled by Wall Street, War Street, Big Technology, Big Pharma and an assortment of international corporations that as highly prized by investors, hedge fund managers, and the thousands of so-called “charitable” foundations. Ethics usually does not figure into their investment decisions.

”Scientists” that Work in the Tobacco Industry, the Oil Industry, the Mining Industry and the Vaccine Industry are NOT Unbiased Scientists and Therefore Cannot be Trusted

An incriminating operation that needs to be mentioned is the multibillion-dollar tobacco industry that thrived for so many generations in America. Big Tobacco employed many PhD research scientists that provided dis-informational “evidence” that cigarettes were safe – evidence that delayed important action by public health authorities while they tried to expose smoking as the obvious cause of many cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, as well as 6 kinds of cancer. Well-hidden, paid tobacco industry trolls and shills did their nefarious part in confusing the public, influencing legislators with campaign money and conspiring with the major media to put a friendly face on tobacco.

So, in a multitude of ways, corporations of all types – even the marketers of dangerous products like tobacco, diet soft drinks, prescription drugs and vaccines - continue to influence and control what is heard on the radio, what is seen on the television, what journalists are allowed to report on, who is allowed to be interviewed and therefore, indirectly, what issues get discussed by the usually easily propagandized consumers of that information.

But the topic of this essay is about how Big Pharma and Big Vaccine (and the wealthy investor classes that those corporations serve) has fostered the creation of major dis-informational campaigns in health issues that should be off-limits to ethical journalists – especially when the health of vulnerable, immune-deficient infants and children are concerned.

In the case of addictive, suicidality-inducing and homicidality-inducing psychiatric and opioid drugs, the outlook for future dramatic growth looks dismal to the elite investor classes. So Big Pharma has devoted much of its efforts to keep stock prices high by shifting their focus on high-priced, mandated vaccines that their vaccinology-illiterate lobbyists can easily promote to naïve, “vaccinology-illiterate” physicians, nurse practitioners, clinic managers, legislators and parents.

The Tragic National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

Ever since 1986 it has been against the law in America to sue either evil vaccine manufacturers or their vaccine-prescribing physicians or clinics when deaths or acute or chronic illnesses occur because of the sublethal and potentially lethal vaccines. It was in that year that the corporate-friendly Reagan administration, its drug industry-friendly FDA administrator and the drug industry-friendly US Senate and House passed the tragic National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA).

Within a few years, the incidence of many different vaccine-induced illnesses and deaths sky-rocketed, most prominently revealed by the tragic testimony from parents about their neurologically damaged infants and children, a high proportion of which qualified for the previously rare vaccine-induced seizure disorders, autism spectrum disorders, etc.

(Read about the NCVIA Big Pharma Gold Mine at: https://www.nvic.org/injury-compensation/nvic-position-on-1986-childhood-vaccine-injury-act.aspx)

Wall Street knows that if even a small fraction of the 270 new vaccines that are in the vaccine pipeline actually obtain FDA approval in America, Big Pharma investors will be rewarded with increasing shareholder value on rumors, even before the company earns a single penny.

But each of these new vaccines will contain more than one potentially toxic synthetic ingredient that will never have been tested in combination with any other vaccine. Therefore, every potentially-brain-damaging, autoimmunity-inducing adverse effect will not be recognized until it is too late to take it off the market (which public relations departments, corporate shills and their corporate-influenced trolls will surely delay as long as possible).

So, unless the targeted population wakes up and objects soon, “vaccine-illiterate” Wall Street CEOs, through their “vaccine-illiterate” sales staffs and their “vaccine-illiterate” shills and lobbyists in every city in America, with the naïve help of the thousands of “vaccine-illiterate” journalists, “vaccine-illiterate” physicians, “vaccine-illiterate” patients and “vaccine-illiterate” legislators in Congress will continue to push ahead with the industry’s highly-profitable over-vaccination agendas.

Please review again the US CDC- and AAP-endorsed infant vaccination chart above.

The punitive decisions about which “vaccine hesitancy offenses” and “over-vaccination refusers” will be punished will be made by “vaccinology-illiterate” legislators like California legislator Richard Pan, Pennsylvanian Pediatrician Paul Offit, Californian House of Representative Adam Schiff, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, mayors like New York’s DeBlasio and governors like New York’s Cuomo and California’s Newsom. None of them are unbiased and they are also vaccinology illiterate.

Even adults, not just our vulnerable infants, are in danger of being over-vaccinated, given the annual, almost always worthless, usually mercury-containing flu shots. Healthy adolescents (even boys) are being victimized by Merck’s extremely profitable Gardasil (a human papilloma virus vaccine) whose usefulness at preventing cancer of the cervix won’t be known for decades when these 11-year-olds reach the age of 45!

Some consciousness-raising is in order, but it will only happen if good people stop trusting the untrustworthy ones who are in the game for the love of money or to defend their careers.

Anti-intellectualism and Anti-science Belief Systems are Surging in the US

Anti-intellectuals like Donald Trump, who is ignorant about climate science and ecology, are ridiculing altruistic scientists who know what they are talking about.

Respected scientists that are not in the back pockets of the fossil fuel and coal industries are being ridiculed for fulfilling their moral duty to warn the rest of us about the taboo subject of climate change.

And, respected scientists are also being ridiculed when they try to explain the science of the epidemic of acute and chronic neurological and chronic autoimmune disorders in our over-vaccinated, increasingly disabled, vaccine-injured infants and children.

There are far too many unholy alliances between medical professionals and profiteering corporate elites that have been damaging the very children to whom physicians once pledged to “first do no harm.”

Vaccinology-illiterates are “Criticizing What They Can’t Understand”

Dylan’s powerful poetic truism mentioned at the top of this essay should be adopted by all good people. To remind readers of its power, here is the fourth verse of that song:

“Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don’t criticize What you can’t understand. Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command; Your old road is rapidly aging Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand For the times they are a-changing.

Dylan also had some important words for the profiteering corporate elites in his 1985 song “When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky”:

He wrote: “I saw thousands who could have overcome thedarkness, but for the love of a lousy buck I watched them die”.


Dr Gary G. Kohls is a retired rural family physician from Duluth, Minnesota. For the past 12 years since his retirement in 2008, Dr Kohls has written a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, Duluth’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His column, titled Duty to Warn, has been re-published and archived at websites around the world.

Dr Kohls practiced holistic mental health care in Duluth for the last decade of his family practice career, primarily helping psychiatric patients who had become addicted to their cocktails of dangerous, addictive psychiatric drugs to safely go through the complex withdrawal process. His Duty to Warn columns often deal with various unappreciated health issues, including those caused by Big Pharma’s over-drugging, Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-prescribing, over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas and Big Food’s malnourishing and sickness-promoting food industry. Those four powerful, profit-seeking entities combine to seriously affect the physical, mental, spiritual and economic health of the recipients of the prescription drugs, medical treatments, toxic vaccines and the consumers of the tasty, ubiquitous and disease-producing “FrankenFoods” – particularly when they are consumed in combinations, doses and potencies that have never been tested for safety or long-term effectiveness. Posted at: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2019/07/identifying-the-vaccinology-illiterate-among-us/ Many of Dr Kohls’ columns have been archived at a number of websites, including: http://duluthreader.com/search?search_term=Duty+to+Warn&p=2; http://www.globalresearch.ca/author/gary-g-kohls; http://freepress.org/geographic-scope/national; https://www.lewrockwell.com/author/gary-g-kohls/?ptype=article; and https://www.transcend.org/tms/author/?a=Gary%20G.%20Kohls,%20MD

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