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The Biden-Harris Treasonous Marxist Revolution

January 27th, 2021

By Kelleigh Nelson

Truth has become the new hate speech. —Pamela Geller

Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light. —George Washington

Justice is truth in action. —Benjamin Disraeli

Patrick Henry said, "It is when a people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains."  How true this is for America today.  The dread I felt knowing that President Donald Trump handily won the 2020 election but treason and fraud cheated him out of a second term overwhelmed my spirit.  Many American patriots are full of the same fear and dread knowing the Biden administration will completely destroy what President Trump accomplished in four years without the help of Republicans.  And in all those years he was pilloried, lied about and hated not just by the Marxist Democrats, but by a majority of the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans as well.

"Fear" is spoken of over 500 times in the King James Version of the Bible. In addition to the "Fear nots," many times the Bible teaches us to "Fear God," which really means reverence God alone and do not fear anyone or anything else.  Years ago, a dear friend called my attention to  Proverbs1:33 and I have relied on this passage ever since.  Those of us who belong to the Lord are his children, and as such He watches over us.  When the devil tempted Christ, Jesus said to him, " Get thee behind me satan ." We must do the same.

As big as our fears are, God is bigger still. Because the Eternal One is constant and whole, God can contain our fears, absorb the shock of them, until we feel ourselves strong enough to carry on. American patriots will carry on with God's help!

Despair and Anger

January 6 th  changed everything.  When VP Mike Pence stabbed President Trump in the back and the Republic in the heart, we knew it was over.  What  Benedict Judas Pence  did was expected as he's always been an establishment globalist. Pence carries a Bible out front, and a knife behind his back. After all, he and Reince Priebus made sure intelligence expert General Michael Flynn was ousted as the National Security Advisor from the Trump administration in order to keep the Deep State's diabolical plans from being destroyed.

Black Lives Matter  (BLM) along with their close commie friends, Antifa , have used racism to garner support and donations while destroying federal buildings and middle-class businesses, including those owned by black Americans.  BLM's three black women founders have openly admitted they are trained Marxists...trained by  Bill Ayers' Weathermen Underground , the 1960's communist radicals.  The ownership and enslavement of any person, whether they be black and brown, Irish or Asians, was an evil that America eliminated, but slavery is on the American horizon. Today's promotion of communism by both political parties will eventually enslave everyone.Four years of Donald Trump brought out their true Marxist natures.

Many patriots are angry that Trump wouldn't listen to the people who could have saved the Republic and his presidency.  Instead, Trump listened to his Deep State advisors who have surrounded him for four years.  Unless the 2020 election is exposed for its treason, fraud and foreign interference, we will never have another honest and fair election.  Justice is problematic as the politically one-sided courts are refusing to take these cases, and that includes SCOTUS.

It seems Trump's discernment regarding people he hires hasn't changed. The former president has hired Butch Bowers  at the recommendation of Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Like former  Deep Stater Attorney General Bill Barr , Bowers served in the U.S. Justice Department under former President George W. Bush, whereas Barr was under former CIA Director and then President George H.W. Bush.

Democrats who now control all three branches of government are fully behind an impeachment of the 45 th President for allegedly inciting an insurrection in the capitol.  They hope the second impeachment will result in  disbarment from future office . Eric Swalwell, who had a lengthy foray with Chinese spy and honeypot, Fang Fang, will have a prominent role in the impeachment trial .

The left hates Trump for disrupting their plans of a Hillary win in 2016, and they'll never let him rest in peace for trying to save this nation...they want his family, his businesses, and his entire fortune destroyed, and they will probably succeed.  Multiple banks are  already closing Trump's accounts , losing millions, but doing what they're told.  Of course, it's not legal or right, but with communists in control, our constitution is worthless paper.

Fraud and Destruction

Trump's  list of accomplishments  was published by the White House prior to his departure.  Biden need only go through that list and by Executive Order (EO) overturn most of them.  On his first afternoon in office, Biden signed a multitude of EOs  and made the statement that he had no idea what he was signing. Kamala Harris told him to sign it anyway.

The communist coup d'état of America has been planned for decades and was thoroughly implemented over the last seventy years.  We are  now facing the purge and a full attack of communist reeducation camps for 80 million Trump  supporters. Former Obama CIA Director, John Brennan claims Biden officials are moving at lightning speed to identify and root out "political opposition " from the American population. This closely resembles the  Chinese detention and reeducation camps for their Uyghur population .

One has to wonder how long it will be before we'll see book burning in America.After all, most of the classics have been banned from American education, including Homer and Shakespeare. Science-fiction writer Jon Del Arroztold the WSJ, "It's a tragedy that this anti-intellectual movement of canceling the classics is gaining traction among educators and the mainstream publishing industry. Erasing the history of great works only limits the ability of children to become literate."   Link

In 2000, many Americans believed they had elected a Christian president in George W. Bush, but his mask came off after his wife and mother later admitted they were for abortion.  In 2016, Bush said he voted for Hillary, and after Trump's 2017 inauguration speech,  he said , "that was some weird s**t."

Democrat Congressman James Clyburn stated in a video posted to twitter that George W. Bush told him , "You know, you're the savior, because if you had not nominated Joe Biden, we would not be having this transfer of power today. Joe Biden was the only one who could have defeated the incumbent president." For decades, republican presidents and politicians have been members of the same establishment cabal as the democrats.Defeated?  Hell no, it was stolen!

Birds of a feather.

After January 6 th , President Trump was exiled by the Washington political machine, the establishment media and Big Tech billionaires on the opposite side of the country.  They did this to the leader of the free world because they are owned by the communists who infiltrated this country from Europe only 60 years after the Constitution was signed.  By the 1950s, they had permeated every facet of society including federal, state and local governments.  Our judiciary was one of the main targets, along with media, education, medicine, Hollywood, and the entire American culture that once consisted of patriotic love of country, kindness, courtesy and decency to your fellow man...something Maxine Waters and her comrades worked diligently to destroy.

President Trump listened to his Deep State insiders and forfeited our White House to communist traitors. Why didn't he fight?  We don't know.  We know the enemies of freedom threaten and kill people.  My friend Phil Haney is gone.  Seth Rich is gone; Vince Foster was gone long ago and far more have since been expunged.  We expected and needed a spine of steel to stand against the obvious treason.

American patriots are devastated, they can't sleep and they're tortured with worry over our country.  Yet, despite this evil, despite the fears, God is still on the throne, He still answers prayer, and He is still in charge.  His will is the perfect will.  Rain falls on the just and unjust, and God's kids are at the forefront of faith, hope and charity.  We must trust in Him.


The communist left hates our military, but called on every state to send their National Guard to DC to oversee the unattended ersatz inauguration of Joe Biden.Several of the National Guard tasked with providing security for the inauguration event  turned their backs to Biden  as the presidential motorcade made its way to the US Capitol.

The democrats actually removed the Guard from the warm environment of the Capitol Hill complex, and banished them to the cold underground parking garage.After an outrage, they were allowed back into Capitol Hill, but why are they even still there?

Some states have actually told them to come home. While in the underground parking garage, newly elected Congressman Madison Cawthorn took pizzas to them  and even told them they could sleep in his office. Better yet, our former president  opened Trump Towers and all its benefits to all of them .

The Joint Chiefs of Staff 

In an unprecedented  memo  to the American citizenry, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) stated the following, "As service members, we must embody the values and ideals of the nation. We support and defend the Constitution. Any act to disrupt the constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values and oath, it is against the law."

The memo stresses that the United States military "will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership, support civil authorities to protect lives and property, ensure public safety in accordance with the law, and remain fully committed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

Interesting isn't it that they certainly weren't worried about the George Floyd riots or the destruction in many Democrat held cities across the country by the Marxists of both Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

Nothing was done about the sixty-one days of unbridled Antifa thuggery that destroyed the entire front of the Mark O. Hatfield United States  Courthouse in Portland , Oregon.  But of course, nothing was done to stop the destruction and looting in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Atlanta, and so many other cities across the country.  They have stressed a  commitment to the constitution  which has been dramatically frayed by the actions of the Marxists within both parties.

The JCS have warned against sedition and insurrection, but it apparently only applies to what happened in the country's capitol on January 6 th , 2021.

Biden's EOs

Immediate changes took place in the Oval Office.  The picture of President Andrew Jackson was replaced with a picture of Ben Franklin , and a bust of Cesar Chavez was placed on the credenza behind Biden's desk.

Biden's  plan for his first day in office  was the reversal of numerous Trump's achievements, especially those that benefitted the American working class.

All  federal work forces  across the country will be required to wear masks until May 1 st , 2021.  This will spread to the states unfortunately...and the Conservative Tree House has reported the  ten EOs that federally weaponize Covid against us.

Expect to pay more in travel expenses.  Biden  revoked the permit  for the Keystone XL pipeline, as promised. In so doing, he killed  some 11,000 direct jobs that the pipeline's construction was to have created, and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs in secondary, related industries.

Women will have to compete against biological male athletes who are trans gendering to female. The border wall  construction is stopped . Trump's 1776 Commission is stopped and the 1619 project via the New York Time's revisionist history will now continue.  Travel bans from known terrorist countries have been reversed.  We will now rejoin the communist Chinese loving World Health Organization and pay exorbitant fees to them.

He also wants non-citizens counted in the census, and protections for Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.  What protections?

We will join the sham Paris Agreement which is  projected to cost  400,000 jobs, an average income loss for families of four of $20,000 and a $2.5 trillion hit to the nation's gross domestic product.

One of the worst EOs of this Catholic president is revoking the policy that prevents federal taxpayer dollars from going to abortions abroad .


Do you remember how Apple wouldn't help unlock the phones of the terrorists?  The FBI eventually accessed that device without Apple's help working with a third-party security firm.

Huge difference today with America's Big Tech.  Zuckerberg's Facebook is giving the FBI all the messages of Capitol Hill Protesters who allegedly took part in the riot, including their private messages since many of the events were apparently arranged on the social media platform.

Simone Gold, leader of the Frontline Doctors who has told the truth about the lies of Covid-19, masks, lockdowns and the politicized National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was arrested and shackled for being at the Trump rally at the Capitol on January 6 th .  She is arraigned on Tuesday, January 26 th .

Eliminating history, shutting down truth, and censoring those who love freedom...all are communist traits.  What's next?  Labeling Christians as terrorists because the Marxists hate God?  Remember what was done to our Jewish brethren in Nazi Germany.

Get out of your recliners, dump the beer, turn off the sports and start writing and calling every damned one of these evil communists in our local, state and federal government. Don't wait for someone else to lead you, otherwise you may just end up in a reeducation camp like the Uyghurs of China or worse.


© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth. net

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