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The Hidden Message of the Great Pyramid

January 22nd, 2023
The Hidden Message of the Great Pyramid

Francis J. Ward & Francis P. Ward

[A father-son research team believe they have broken the code of the ancients and solved the riddle of the Great Pyramid (Giza). They think it reveals the solutions to global poverty, world hunger, and the end to the worldwide economic depression. Some of our readers may want to listen to what they have to say. - Editor]

The Great Pyramid of Egypt has been called “the Bible in stone”[1], and according to an ancient Arab legend, the Great Pyramid contains the past and future history of the world.[2] Indeed, the solutions to Mankind’s toughest and most intractable problems have been symbolically written into the ground plan of the pyramids at Giza. In ancient times, Mankind solved the problem of the inequitable division of land and natural resources via a periodic declaration of economic renewal known as the Jubilee Year.

The Jubilee Year of “Clean Slate” debt forgiveness and redistribution of the land and natural resources has been hard-wired into the ground plan of the pyramids at Giza, and according to the Dead Sea Scrolls, when the Messiah returns, he is going to declare a Jubilee Year. Moreover, Jesus Christ himself tried to re-establish the ancient tradition of the Jubilee Year.

The key to saving the world is contained in the first line of the American Declaration of Independence, where the American people declared their national sovereignty based upon “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” This is the ancient notion that God and the Law of God can be discovered in Nature—in Creation—as opposed to the warp and woof of someone’s limited personal experiences, or fraudulent supernatural revelations whispered into a false prophet’s ears.[3] If Almighty God reveals himself to Man through Nature, then supernatural revelations —like God appearing to Moses in a burning bush, or God whispering into Muhammad’s ear— are abominable frauds.

As a corollary to “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”, in ancient times, Mankind solved the problem of the inequitable division of land and natural resources via a periodic declaration of economic renewal known as the Jubilee Year. In Leviticus 25:23, Almighty God says “The land shall not be sold forever, for the land is Mine, for ye are strangers and sojourners with me." With this edict from ancient land law--“The land shall not be sold forever”--we are finally getting to the source of the worst crime that has ever been committed against the human race: the criminal Rich, rent-seeking few have cut-off and deprived most of the human race from access to the God-given land and natural resources that all of Mankind needs to live upon.

For example, today, five extended families in the Middle East own about 60 percent of the world's oil[4], but God created the natural resources like the land, water, coal, oil, etc. to supply the material needs of all Mankind. For over five thousand years, however, the rich plutocrats who control the world have partitioned and divided up the Natural World amongst themselves, and blocked the Poor and Dispossessed from access to the land and natural resources that all Mankind needs to live upon. All over the world, the Rich oligarchs have planted their flags in the Earth and asserted that “This land is mine”, “This water is mine”, “This coal and oil is mine”, et al, etc., in clear violation of the Natural Law of God, because God created the land and natural resources to provide for the material needs of everyone—and not just the craven, corrupt, wealth-hoarding few.

The Jubilee Year

Economist Dr. Michael Hudson of the University of Missouri described the provisions of the ancient Jubilee Year:[5]

“...there developed throughout the ancient Near East a tradition of clean-slate edicts, which “proclaimed justice” or decreed “economic order” and “righteousness” by canceling debts and restoring forfeited land to farmers. Clean-slate proclamations date from almost as early as the first interest-bearing debt, starting in Sumer around 2400 years BCE. Eventually, the tradition became known as the Jubilee Year, but by that time it was taken out of the hands of kings and placed at the core of Mosaic law.

Radical as the idea of the Jubilee seems to modern eyes, these “restorations of order” were a conservative tradition in Bronze Age Mesopotamia for 2,000 years. What was conserved was self-sufficiency for the rural family-heads who made up the infantry as well as the productive base of Near Eastern economies. Conversely, what was radically disturbing in archaic times was the idea of unrestrained wealth-seeking. It took thousands of years for the idea of progress to become inverted, to connote irreversible freedom for the wealthy to deprive the peasantry of their lands and personal liberty.

The clean-slate tradition was so central to Israelite moral values that it framed the composition of both the Old and New Testaments.

In the United States today, elections are determined by powerful monied interests who finance the political campaigns of both political parties, and the legislation that is enacted by the federal government is written by these aristocratic elites to serve their own narrow interests. In ancient times, however, the primary job of the ruler was to resist the undue influence of the aristocratic class, and to administer justice by declaring a Jubilee Year of Clean Slate debt forgiveness and redistribution of the Land. According to Dr. Hudson:[6]

A ruler's function was to rule, that is, to administer equity in the land. The major way to rule (the linguistic root of regal) was to proclaim order, above all by canceling debts—at least once every 30 years. In these Clean Slates, rulers in effect cancelled debts owed to themselves. This tradition was phased out by Biblical times, as kings came to represent the wealthy nobility, rather than being their overseers or antagonists as in Bronze Age Mesopotamia.

In Babylon, Nabu was the god of the planet Saturn, the patron of justice, and the counterpart to the Sun-god. As the slowest-moving planet that is visible to the naked eye, Saturn takes 30 years to make one trip around the sun, and this 30-year interval became the foundation of Egypt’s royal sed festival and Babylon’s misharum “order” proclamations.

Accordingly, every 30 solar years—or once every “Saturn year”--the ruler would declare a Jubilee Year and cancel all the debts, and re-distribute the land, so that everyone would have access to the natural resources that they needed to live upon. According to ancient Hermetic philosophy: “As above, so below.” A new Saturn year began up in the skies, and down here on Earth, a corresponding new economic year would begin—where all men were “free” and equal—both economically and literally.

The House of Israel and the Jubilee Year

In the Late Bronze Age, however, this ancient social order was overthrown by rich oligarchs who hoarded the Land, and refused to forgive the debts of the Poor. The Land became closed off to most of the people, and the Poor became debt-slaves. According to Dr. Hudson, these landless and dispossessed debt-slaves became the “Hapiru”—the Hebrews:[7]

Hapiru. In the Late Bronze Age (after about 1600 in Mesopotamia) the land became closed off to a growing number of rural poor. Many left to become hapiru (LUSA.GAZ in Sumerian ideograms), landless have-nots working sometimes as migrant seasonal labor, mercenaries or joining robber bands. Diakonoff (1982) finds the major motive for their exodus to have been usury. Many were of Amorite stock, but the agrarian problem was so widespread that the term hapiru did not yet signify an ethnic identity such as the Hebrews subsequently were represented to be. They are found pressing into Canaan in the Amarna Age c. 1400 BC.

Most historians have profoundly misunderstood the central issue that incited the biblical conquest of the Holy Land. According to Dr. Hudson, the House of Israel protected the God-given rights of the Poor to access the land, against the depredations of the Rich, who wanted to hoard and plunder the land:

The Israelites are portrayed as having made a covenant to protect the economically weak by holding the land as the Lord's gift to support a free rural population. "Land must not be sold in perpetuity, for the land belongs to me and you are only strangers and guests. You will allow a right of redemption on all your landed property," and restore it to its customary cultivators every fifty years (Lev. 25:23-28). Israelite bondservants likewise were to go free periodically in the Jubilee Year, for they belonged ultimately to the Lord, not to any person (Lev. 25:54).

How did the Egyptian and Babylonian conception of the Jubilee Year find its way into ancient Israel? According to Dr. Hudson:[8]

Recent discoveries of Bronze Age Near Eastern royal proclamations dating from 2400 to 1600 BCE leave no doubt that these edicts were implemented. During the Babylonian period they grew more elaborate and detailed, capped by Ammisaduqa's Edict of 1646 BCE. Now that these edicts are understood, the Biblical laws no longer stand alone as utopian or other-worldly ideals; they take their place in a 2,000-year continuum of periodic and regular economic renewal based on freedom from debt-servitude and from the loss of access to self-support on the land.

The revolutionary Israelite contribution to the tradition was its removal from the hands of rulers to become a sacred popular compact, to be preserved by the Israelites in memory of the fact that they had once been enslaved and must never again permit economic oppression to develop.

The history of the Hebrews and the nation of Israel begins with King Warad-sin, who first organized the poor, landless and dispossessed Hapiru (Hebrews) into a revolutionary army to reclaim their ancient lands back from wealth-hoarding, Babylonian Elites, who overthrew the ancient social order of the Jubilee Year.

Warad-Sin ruled the ancient Near Eastern city-state of Larsa from 1770 BC to 1758 BC, and his sister En-ane-du was high priestess of the moon god in Ur. The SA.GAZ are generally considered to be the leaders of the Hapiru / Hebrews[9], and one of the earliest mentions of the SA.GAZ occurs in the cuneiform records of Larsa in Sumeria during the reign of Warad-sin. To wit:[10]

Official court records from the reigns of Warad-Sin and Rim-Sin detail rations of small animals and clothing consigned by the king to the SA.GAZ (in one case, to the Hapiru). One of these documents explicitly mentions that these people represent a contingent of state-supported troops.

Accordingly, Warad-sin and his brother Rim-sin were the historical “Joshua” in the Bible, who sought to reclaim the land back from the wealth-hoarding Babylonian Elites, and reinstitute the Jubilee Year of Clean Slate debt forgiveness and redistribution of the land. After the conquest of Canaan, until the formation of the first Kingdom of Israel (ca. 1150-1025 BC), the Israelite Tribes formed a loose confederation, which were led by ad hoc leaders known as the Judges.[11] Eventually, the ancient social order of the Jubilee Year got overthrown, and thus began the religious tradition of the Messiah who was coming back to save the world. According to the Dead Sea Scrolls, when the Messiah returns, he is going to reinstitute the Jubilee Year. According to Luke 4:17-19, Jesus Christ himself sought to re-establish the ancient tradition of the Jubilee Year:

And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

The Jubilee Year is Hardwired into the Ground Plan of the Pyramids at Giza

The Great Pyramid of Egypt has been called “the Bible in stone[12]”, and indeed, the Great Pyramid symbolically contains a commandment from divine natural law that is archaeologically encrypted through astronomical alignments within its architectural design and layout. This commandment is the ancient “Jubilee Year” of “Clean Slate” debt forgiveness and redistribution of the land and natural resources that has been hard-wired into the ground plan of the pyramids at Giza.

According to the Memphite theology that was elaborated in the ancient Egyptian Shabaka Texts, it was the job of the pharaoh-Horus-king to “unite the Two Lands.” To wit: “Then Horus stood over the two lands. He is the uniter of the Two Lands . . .”[13] In the early days of Egyptology, researchers assumed that this unification was an historical event whereby the two regions of Upper and Lower Egypt were united by the first pharaoh Menes (circa 3400-3100 BC.) In recent decades, however, some Egyptologists have adopted Frankfort’s suggestion that this unification referred instead to the unification of the earth and sky. According to Alan F. Alford:[14]

...Firstly, the texts are unequivocal on the point that the unification took place in primeval times, in the age of the gods. This idea is implicit in the Pyramid Texts, but explicit in the Coffin Texts and the later Book of the Dead. In Spell 335 of the former, the tradition is recorded with a helpful explanatory gloss, as follows...

Osiris, to you was entrusted the rulership of the gods on that day when the Two Lands were united in the presence of Neber-djer. As for the unification of the Two Lands, it means that the shroud of Osiris was ordered by his father Re.

The unification is thus dated to the time of the death and resurrection of Osiris. Similarly, in Spell 17 in the Book of the Dead, the gloss states...

As for him to whom was entrusted rulership among the gods, he is Horus the son of Isis, who was made ruler in the place of his father Osiris on that day when the Two Lands were completed. It means that land was joined to land in the tomb of Osiris.

Again, the unification is dated to the time of the resurrection of Osiris in the form of his son Horus—the sky-god whose eyes were the sun and the moon . . . the texts make it clear that the Two Lands (tawi) signified not only Egypt but also the entire earth.

According to the science of archaeoastronomy, ancient cultures used the Hermetic principle of “As above, so below” to astronomically-align their sacred sites with the positions of important stars and constellations in the sky, and according to Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval:[15]

In her thesis on the astronomical content of ancient Egyptian funerary texts, Jane B. Sellers observes that Spell 17 of the Book of the Dead, which is drawn from extremely ancient sources, alludes in cosmic terms to the 'unification' or joining of the 'Two Lands'”. . . .”I have contended that the joining of the two lands is a joining of sky to earth.”

In his 2006 book, The Egypt Code, Robert Bauval asserts that the ‘Jubilee Date’ has been locked-in to the ground plan of the pyramids at Giza:[16]

“ . . . . the 'jubilee date' of 1 Tybi was locked into the design scheme of the Giza Necropolis. . . . The conclusion that the heb-sed, or jubilee, was celebrated at the Giza Necropolis (and other pyramid sites) was also arrived at by Jeremy Naydler in his latest book, Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts, Dr Naydler, a cultural historian, asked:

'Were the pyramids and their surrounding buildings and ceremonial courts built simply to serve the royal funerary cult, or could they also have served mystical ends? Could they, for example, have been used for the performance of rites such as those of the (Heb) Sed festival [i.e., Jubilee Year], involving the living king?'

“As above, so below.” In ancient times, the pharaoh-Horus-king would “unite the Two Lands” and bring balance to heaven and earth by declaring a Jubilee Year of Clean Slate debt forgiveness and redistribution of the land and natural resources. Since the 18thcentury A.D. rediscovery of Pharaoh Akhenaton’s ancient capital of Amarna, a great deal of nonsense has been written about Pharaoh Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti’s ruthless banishment from Egyptian history. At Akhenaton’s capital of Amarna, the boundary stelae testify that Akhenaton agreed with God’s biblical injunction that “The land shall not be sold for ever, for the land is Mine, for ye are strangers and sojourners with me." (Leviticus 25:23.) Ahmed Osman writes:[17]

“The criticisms leveled at Akhenaten himself included, according to other inscriptions on the boundary stelae at Amarna, the land the king had chosen for the building of a house for the Aten at Karnak: 'Behold Pharaoh ... found that it [the Land] belonged not to a god, it belonged not to a goddess, it belonged not to a prince, it belonged not to a princess ... [There is no right for] any man to act as owner of it.'”

In view of Bauval’s work, it seems clear the Akhenaton incurred the wrath of Egypt’s wealth-hoarding Elites by attempting to re-establish the ancient Jubilee Year of Clear Slate debt forgiveness and re-distribution of the Land. Bauval writes:

But what of the Great Temple at the solar city of Akhet-Aten, 'Horizon of the Sun Disc', which seems to have been exclusively dedicated to the Aten, 'Lord of Jubilees' and 'Distinguished in Jubilees'? An inscription quoted by Richard Wilkinson states: 'Aten living and great who is in jubilee residing in the temple of Aten at Akhet-Aten'. Surely, then, it is this particular temple that should, above all others, be aligned towards the sunrise on the 'jubilee date'. . . .[18]

Akhenaton, it must be remembered, was a purist who wanted to adhere to the cosmic order as set down by the ancestral religion of Heliopolis. . . .[19]

It seemed to me certain that the Great Temple of the Aten was, in fact, aligned to the 'jubilee date' in accordance with the original Heliopolitan calendar that had fixed the New Year's Day to the heliacal rising of Sirius! Akhenaton was far more of a purist than he had hitherto been given credit for.[20]

Carved into the boundary stones of his solar city, Akhenaton explained why he built his new capital of Amarna:[21]

In this place that I have said that I will make a House of Rejoicing for the Aten my father, in the island of 'Aten Distinguished in Jubilees' in Akhet-Aten. And so it is in this place that I have made a House of Rejoicing for the Aten my father, in the island of 'Aten Distinguished in Jubilees' in Akhet-Aten. In this place I do all the works that have to be done for the Aten my father, in Akhet-Aten.

Bauval concluded: “Akhenaton had kept his promise. But the priests of Amun-Ra had shattered his dream with the iron fist of intolerance.”[22]

The Last Jubilee

According to the Dead Sea Scrolls, when the Messiah returns, he is going to declare a Jubilee Year. In his translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Theodor Herzl Gaster discusses the New Golden Age that will follow the Coming of the Messiah, and a document which Gaster calls “The Last Jubilee”.[23]

The Golden Age which will follow these periods of visitation, trial, and testing is graphically portrayed in the text which I have called The Last Jubilee. Preserved only in a single copy, this is best regarded as a series of notes for a sermon, and was evidently compiled by one of those official 'expositors' mentioned expressly both in the Manual of Discipline and in the 'Zadokite' Document as well as in Josephus' accounts of the Essenes.

The purpose of the text is to depict the Golden Age as the fulfillment, in eschatological terms, of the Law of the Jubilee, in the twenty-fifth chapter of the Book of Leviticus.

Biblical scholar Geza Vermes agrees with Gaster that the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that when the Messiah returns, “the heavenly deliverer is Melchizedek,” and he will declare a Jubilee Year:[24]

The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek (11Q13)

A striking mid-first-century BCE document [the Dead Sea Scroll designated 11Q13], composed of eleven fragments from Cave 11 and centered on the mysterious figure of Melchizedek, was first published by A. S. van der Woude in 1965. It takes the form of an eschatological midrash in which the proclamation of liberty to the captives at the end of days (Isaiah 61:1) is understood as being part of the general restoration of property during the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:13), seen in the Bible (Deuteronomy 25:2) as a remission of debts.

The heavenly deliverer is Melchizedek. Identical with the archangel Michael, he is the head of the 'sons of Heaven' or 'gods of Justice' and is referred to as elohim and el. . . . These Hebrew words normally mean 'God', but in certain specific contexts Jewish tradition also explains elohim as primarily designating a 'judge'. Here Melchizedek is portrayed as presiding over the final Judgment . . .

This manuscript sheds valuable light not only on the Melchizedek figure in the Epistle to the Hebrews, but also on the development of the messianic concept in the New Testament and early Christianity.


The pyramids at Giza symbolically contain an imperative from divine natural law that is encrypted through astronomical alignments wthin their architectural design and geographic layout. This imperative is the ancient Jubilee Year of “Clean Slate” debt forgiveness and redistribution of the land and natural resources that has been hard-wired into the ground plan of the pyramids at Giza, and according to the Dead Sea Scrolls, when the Messiah returns, he is going to declare a Jubilee Year. Additionally, Jesus Christ himself tried to re-establish the ancient tradition of the Jubilee Year.

The Bible contains several references to the Great Pyramid, including the admonition that the Great Pyramid will serve as “a sign and a witness to the Lord.” For example:

Jeremiah 32:20: "God has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and has made Himself a Name, as at this day".
Isaiah 19:19-20: "In that day there will be an altar to the lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior, and a Great One and He shall deliver them".

Moreover, according to Muslim prophecy, the 12th Mahdi or the “Rightly-Guided One” (the Muslim version of the Savior) will call for the “treasures of the Earth”, which will be given to him. Subsequently, the 12thMahdi will then re-distribute this wealth to the people of the world.[25] This Muslim understanding of the redistribution of the land and natural resources mirrors the Judeo-Christian prophecies of the Jubilee Year that are contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

According to Dr. Hudson, the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia echoes the Jubilee Year of Clean Slate debt forgiveness and redistribution of the Land:[26]

Echoes of the doctrine can also be heard in American tradition. The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is inscribed with a quotation from Leviticus 25:10: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, and to all the inhabitants thereof.” . . .

Rome was the first society not to cancel its debts. And we all know what happened to it. Classical historians such as Plutarch, Livy, and Diodorus attributed Rome's decline and fall to the fact that creditors got the entire economy in their debt, expropriated the land and public domain, and strangled the economy.

In the religion of the Samaritans, their version of the Savior is called the Taheb, or the future “Restorer”,[27]and the Jubilee Year of “Clean Slate” debt forgiveness and redistribution of the land and natural resources has been historically-proven to work.[28] Moreover, back when the human race followed these principles, in the universal memory of all Mankind, it was the Lost Golden Age in the Garden of Eden.

Archaeological evidence indicates that Lord God Jehovah was a real person, who lived in the eastern Negev Desert at the Israelite settlement of Tel Arad[29]—which was the Citadel and Tabernacle of King David, the true and historical Mt. Zion, and the only ever-discovered House of Yahweh in the land of Israel, and according to Psalm 82:

Jehovah presides in the great assembly. He judges among the gods. "How long will you judge unjustly, And show partiality to the wicked?" "Defend the weak, the poor, and the fatherless. Maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy. Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked." They don't know, neither do they understand. They walk back and forth in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.

I said, "You are gods, All of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you shall die like men, And fall like one of the rulers." Arise, Jehovah, and judge the earth, For you inherit all of the nations.

♣ ♣ ♣

The family of the pharaohs who built the pyramids at Giza included Jehovah, King David and Jesus Christ, and for those who are interested, we have identified the senior branch of this family in the Introduction to our book -The Truth Against the World— which can be read online at www.thetruthagainsttheworld.net. Among other mysteries, we have solved the riddles of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable, the Fisher King, Pahana—the Lost White Brother, the Kalki incarnation of Vishnu, and the fulfillments of the Star, Branch, and World Ruler Prophecies.

Francis Joseph Ward was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania in 1922. During World War II, Ward served in the Third Army in Africa and Italy, and among his battle decorations, Ward was awarded the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantry Badge, and three Purple Hearts. After the war, Ward graduated from the University of Scranton in 1948 with a degree in biology. Ward is retired and lives in Sandy Spring, Maryland, USA.

Francis Patrick Ward —the son of Francis Joseph Ward- was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania in 1951. Ward graduated from the University of Maryland in 1973 with a degree in accounting, and became a CPA in 1974. Ward is self-employed and lives in Damascus, Maryland, USA. The Truth Against the World—Red Phoenix Rising and the Return of the Thunder Gods is their first book. www.thetruthagainsttheworld.net

[1] http://www.biblestudents.com/endtimesarchives_sum99.cfm. See also Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, The
Message of the Sphinx, p. 110: “William Petrie was amongst the first 'Pyramidologists' of the Victorian Age to give
strong support to Piazzi Smyth's notion that the Great Pyramid might be some sort of prophetic monument to
Mankind encoding a Messianic blueprint designed to serve as an advance-warning mechanism for the 'Second
Coming' of Christ. 'There had been a time', wrote Professor Hermann Bruck and Dr Mary Bruck in their
authoritative biography of the Astronomer Royal, 'when Flinders Petrie and his father had wholeheartedly concurred
with most of Piazzi Smyth's ideas.' Indeed as these two eminent astronomers and authors point out, the young
Flinders Petrie set out to Egypt in 1880 on his famous study of the Great Pyramid precisely because he wanted to
‘continue Piazzi Smyth’s work’”.
[2] In 820 A.D., the Arab Al Manun forced his way into the Great Pyramid by tunneling into the approximate center of
the north face where a passage was supposed to be hidden. Al Manun told his workers stories about hidden treasure,
but his real interest was the legend claiming that the Pyramid contained the past and future history of the world.
[3] In a paper entitled “Heroism and the Struggle for Liberty”, Tom G. Palmer of the Cato Institute traced the
historical arc of “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”. See
[4] Robert Baer , “The Fall of the House of Saud”, Atlantic Monthly, May 2003
[5] http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/living-economies/532
[6] http://www.schalkenbach.org/michael-hudson/Works-Michael-Hudson-Part4.html
[7] http://www.schalkenbach.org/michael-hudson/Works-Michael-Hudson-Part4.html
[8] http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/living-economies/532
[9] Some scholars maintain that there is no difference between the SA.GAZ and the Hapiru, but some cuneiform texts
specify that the SA.GAZ were the leaders of the Hapiru.
[10] Geoffrey W. Bromiley, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. 587.
[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_judges
[12] The Bible contains several references to the Great Pyramid. For example:
• Jeremiah 32:20: "God has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and
among other men; and has made Himself a Name, as at this day".
• Isaiah 19:19-20: "In that day there will be an altar to the lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar
at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of
Egypt: for they shall cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior, and a Great
One and He shall deliver them".
[13] Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, The Message of the Sphinx, p. 144.
[14] Alan F. Alford, The Death and Rebirth of God in Ancient Egypt, p. 299-300.
[15] Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, The Message of the Sphinx, p. 273.
[16] Robert Bauval The Egypt Code, p. 174-76.
[17] Ahmed Osman, Moses and Akhenaton: the Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, p. 125.
[18] Robert Bauval The Egypt Code, p. 177.
[19] Robert Bauval The Egypt Code, p. 178.
[20] Robert Bauval The Egypt Code, p. 179.
[21] Robert Bauval The Egypt Code, p. 180.
[22] Robert Bauval The Egypt Code, p. 181.
[23] Theodor H. Gaster, The Dead Sea Scriptures, p. 389:
[24] Geza Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls, p. 532.
[25] http://mahdawiat.com/english/pages/news.php?nid=417
[26] http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/living-economies/532
[27] Acharya S., The Christ Conspiracy, p. 311.
[28] In his 2009 book, Jubilee on Wall Street, David Knox Barker culminated twenty-five years of statistical and
technical analysis of the global financial crisis by predicting that the global crisis will accelerate into 2012 based
upon the long wave cycle. As part of his analysis, Barker studied the ancient Jubilee Year of Clean Slate debt
forgiveness, and found that the Jubilee Year was statistically-proven to be very sound economic policy. See
[29] http://thetruthagainsttheworld.net/Introduction%20v2.pdf

Photo: miss_ohara (flickr). PDF: The Hidden Message of the Great Pyramid is Finally Revealed

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