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This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.
1."The spirit of enquiry leads up a lane which hath no ending." ~ Beatrix Potter
2. Biological warfare isn’t new. In the sixteenth century the Aztec Empire collapsed when three and a half million Mexicans died of smallpox, brought by Cortez’s small army. Later smallpox was used to help defeat native American armies; Amherst and Colonel Bouquet, for example, used infected blankets to spread the disease among the Indians. By the beginning of the seventeenth century, smallpox was endemic in America; nine tenths of the population on the Massachusetts coast were killed by the infection, and small towns were sometimes almost completely wiped out. (From The Story of Medicine by Vernon Coleman)
3. A number of Kennedy Administration officials, including Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara and McGeorge Bundy (who also happened to be Bilderberger members) met at a place called Iron Mountain, near New York – a huge underground corporate nuclear shelter. The authors of the subsequent report stated that war was both desirable and necessary as an economic stabilizer and an organising force. They argued that war could not be allowed to disappear until there was something to put in its place. ‘The possibility of war,’ they wrote, ‘provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…the basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has severed as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.’
4. There is a good deal of free material available on the internet but I was appalled to discover that the British Medical Journal charges £30 for the right to read one short article for a day. This is utterly outrageous since I suspect that the BMJ still doesn’t pay its contributors and makes a fortune out of advertising. Suppressing knowledge in this way is surely counter to the whole principle of medicine. Sadly, I’m not particularly surprised.
The British Medical Journal is published by the British Medical Association which is, in reality, simply the doctors’ trade union. It’s an utter scandal that the BMJ won’t allow free access to important articles. Profiteering from patients and relatives seems awful. And the British Medical Association is always the first organisation to complain that alternative practitioners can’t be decent people because they dare to charge for their services and the medicines they recommend. The BMJ is not, of course, the only journal to charge people huge fees to access material which they themselves didn’t pay for. The Lancet website offers all sorts of interesting papers which can only be accessed (for 24 hours at a time) for a payment of $31.50.
5. It is important to remember that some of the lesser known medical journals (not the Lancet or the BMJ as far as I know) will print so-called scientific papers for a fee. The publication of such papers in journals with convincingly earnest titles helps to provide drug companies and lobbyists with references and spurious evidence with which to support their advertising campaigns. It is almost impossible to tell which ‘scientific’ papers were published for a fee, and are therefore worthless, and which may be of genuine importance. The internet means that these papers spread far and wide within a very short time and bloggers are often over-hasty to draw the conclusions they were intended to draw. Collecting and studying scientific papers is something of a nightmare since there is much contradictory stuff out there, and many of the people publishing material are merely trying to sell a particular product or point of view. Furthermore, as I have known for many years, not all relevant trials are published. Anything paid for by a drug company which turns out to be commercially inconvenient will usually be suppressed.
6. Have you noticed how many billionaire Bilderberger conspirators now have huge yachts? It’s no coincidence. They haven’t all suddenly become enthusiastic deep sea fishermen or Jet-ski aficionados. As the world falls apart, in the preparation for the great reset, the conspirators clearly plan to live on their super yachts. These big boats have desalination plants, windmills and solar power. Most important of all they can be fuelled and stocked with food while still at sea. The billionaire owners will not need to approach land at all. One of the reasons for pushing up the price of oil has always been to preserve as much oil as possible for the private aeroplanes and yachts belonging to the billionaire conspirators. They are, of course, well aware that the world’s supply of oil is running out – and they want to keep as much of it as they can for themselves.
7. ‘Our opponents would wreck the old world in order to build a new, but you cannot found any system on chaos, not even communism.’ – John Buchan.
8. The official figure for the number of people killed by covid-19 is now 5.6 million. (Pause for derisive laughter.) And the moon is made of green cheese and Biden, Johnson and Putin are decent, honest human beings.
9. The phrase `fact checker’ has become a sick joke. Thousands of fact checkers (well paid by governments, drug companies and others to sustain lies and suppress truths) are always ready to share their deceits with as wide a public as possible. If a government advisor insists that there are six days in a week then the fact checkers (as reliable as Baron Munchausen) will excoriate anyone who suggests otherwise.
10. The high cost of heating a home will push more and more people into going into their offices to keep warm.
11. The best way to find out if an athlete is entitled to compete as a woman is to ask them to remove a sweater. If they pull at the back of the neck then they’re male. If they cross their arms and grab the sides of the sweater and lift it up that way then they’re female. Simple. Forget all the other tests.
12. Chips have been inserted under the skin for a number of years – so that futuristic morons can buy things without having to carry cash or even plastic. But this rather outdated notion is making a come-back. I wonder if those who agree to have their credit card implanted under their skin realise that instead of lifting wallets, thieves will carry axes and chop off the hands of those with these chips under the skin?
13. It is worth noting that in Japan, houses have for a long time been routinely demolished after just 20 or 30 years. This policy has clearly been espoused by the EU which has created building regulations which promote the erection of dwellings which are flimsy and built to be temporary rather than permanent. The policy is likely to mean that there is always a shortage of accommodation but always plenty of work for builders.
14. ‘With stupidity the Gods themselves struggle in vain.’ – Schiller.
15. I bought stamps from a Post Office. It turns out that they’re fake. And the people who received the letters on which I used the stamps have to pay a penalty. (If they really were fakes, they were very good fakes! I couldn’t tell the difference.)
16. I have such little faith in professional health care that I have bought a suture kit – complete with scalpels, needles and thread. I hope I never have to use it. If you don’t think you will be able to manage suturing, buy some butterfly plasters in case you need them.
17. Scottish supremo Nicola Sturgeon was reported to the police for allegedly breaking her own face mask law. She was told off by the constabulary. What fun.
18. A terminally ill man who mooned at a speed camera for his bucket list was arrested by six police officers.
19. Extinction Rebellion blocked several London bridges and brought traffic to a standstill. Scotland Yard said they were aware. The group also targeted oil terminals and one in three petrol stations in Southern England had to close. Maybe all the available policemen in England were busy arresting mooners.
20. According to ‘Good Sciencing’, 830 athletes who had been jabbed have had cardiac arrests and 540 have died. So far.
💬 Beatrix Potter (Quotes)
Source: vernoncoleman.org. IMG: Pinerest. AWIP: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/aJ1t