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Whoopi Goldberg said, "Somebody needs to take him out”

July 15th, 2024

When Whoopi Goldberg said on The View, "Somebody needs to take him
out”, in reference to Trump, there's no question about what she meant.

Editor thepeoplesvoice.org

Nobody is talking about how this happened and why this happened, who is responsible and who caused it.

Some are blaming the slow response of the police. It was five minutes after rally attendees brought the sniper to the attention of police before they reacted. Others say it was the fault of the Secret Service sharpshooters because they allowed the assassin to squeeze off seven rounds before they shot him. Those were certainly contributing factors to a near fatal tragedy, but was that the cause? No, that was simply the chain of events that took place.

The unbridled and incendiary left-wing propaganda from the globalist media caused this. It happened because of the twenty-four-seven lies spewed by the leftist talking heads. As Americans, we must ask: Who controls the globalist media, and who pays these people to do what they do? Why is there no punishment, no retribution for their dangerous incendiary words? They incite hatred and division and caused this event. We all possess constitutional First Amendment freedom of speech rights, but nobody has the right to suggest assassination and murder.

There are too many examples of statements and lies made by these psychotic left-wing liars in the globalist media to quote, but here is just one example to illustrate the degree to which they will go. CNN said that Donald Trump was the worst mass murderer in history having killed more people than Stalin, Hitler, and Mau combined. Unfortunately, naive and gullible people believe these idiotic statements. CNN, MSNBC, and shows like The View don't have to answer for their propaganda. The public is left to judge for themselves what is fact and what is fiction. Unfortunately, millions of people are influenced by the lies of the globalist media, or else the talking heads wouldn't be paid to spew them.

The Yiew is an ultra-leftist Hollywood production with the sole purpose of sowing the seeds of division and hatred, through half-truths, innuendo, outright lies, and propaganda. When Whoopi Goldberg said on The View, "Somebody needs to take him out", speaking about Donald Trump, there is no question about what she meant. The left will candy-coat it and try to defend the statement by saying, she meant it metaphorically, or she was only suggesting removing him from his position of influence.

The phrase "take him out" is commonly understood to mean, eliminate someone by removing them physically. For example, a mob boss might order their goons to "take him out" meaning 'kill that person'. Some might argue that Woopie Goldberg is an uneducated Hollywood idiot and her moronic jabber doesn't matter. But she is a paid professional leftist extremist with the license to influence tens of millions of people every day with her incendiary words.

We see now that Whoopi Goldberg's words, 'take him out' along with the propaganda of the far-left globalist media had a cumulative effect and nearly caused the murder of Donald Trump. A naive and unstable individual probably heard Woopie's call to 'take out' Donald Trump and they acted on it. The poor foolish young Biden supporter climbed up on a rooftop with his father's scoped AR-15 and tried to take out Donald Trump, killing one innocent bystander in the process before losing his life.

There needs to be legal retribution against the leftist globalist propaganda media for the harm they are causing. There should be some degree of ethics. They should not be allowed to incite hatred and violence. The globalist media lies and propaganda are tearing America apart. They lie about racism, lie about the republican party, lie about patriotism, lie about MAGA, lie about Trump, lie about white people, lie about black people, and just lie constantly for the sole purpose of dividing the American people against each other and their country.


Editor thepeoplesvoice.org

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