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Mockingbird 2.0: Intelligence Agencies Modern Manipulation of Feminism

September 21st, 2024

by Tracy Turner

The indoctrination contrived in Tinseltown reflects the U.S. Government and Israel's 'moralities' and financial interests, which often prioritize national security and geopolitical dominance.

The real, bona fide Feminist Movement is broad, diverse, and global. It stands as a testament to the resilience of women and their allies in the face of manipulation. The U.S. Government's self-serving version of feminism is not.

The interweaving of intelligence agencies, cultural movements, and social dynamics is profound and intense, power dynamics that defines contemporary communication. This article seeks illumination of the odious and insidious roles played by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and foreign agencies such as Mossad in shaping Global Feminist narratives. Intertwined in vine-fashion with feminist agendas, mainly through New York and Hollywood platforms, Grass-Roots, Astroturf and Acronym-Soup Agencies like DHS, Border Security, etc., plug sweaty, brainy beauties rife with testosterone. Understanding these power dynamics is crucial in navigating the narratives that influence public perception and the methods through which power operates globally. It urges us to be vigilant and critical of the narratives we encounter, ensuring we are informed and aware.

Intelligence Agencies: The Architects of Media Influence

The CIA has long recognized the power of media as a tool for psychological operations and narrative control. A notable example is Operation Mockingbird, a meticulously planned initiative that sought to infiltrate significant media outlets with CIA jargon to ensure that agency narratives favorable to U.S. interests were spread domestically and abroad. Journalists were recruited as reporters and agents of influence, shaping public opinion to align with U.S. geopolitical goals. This manipulation of media narratives, executed strategically, has significant implications for how issues like feminism and social justice are portrayed, particularly when aligned with broader political agendas.

FBI's COINTELPRO: Silencing Dissent
The FBI's COINTELPRO was explicitly designed to surveil, infiltrate, and disrupt social movements, including feminist movements. Tactics included disinformation campaigns and surveillance of critical figures like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem This intelligence targeting, carried out with systematic precision, illustrates a permeating effort to control the feminist movement and stifle dissent.

The Feminist Agenda and the Culture Wars
Feminism is the focal point in modern cultural wars, signifying the duopoly struggle between progressive and traditional beliefs (both being security obsessed, starved for recruits). In this landscape, media plays a pivotal role in framing narratives. Movements advocating for women's rights are at the center of polarized debates, often depicted through the lens of 'cancel culture.' High-profile cancelations, such as against J.K. Rowling, show how feminist discourse can quickly become a battleground, reflecting deeper societal divisions.

This curation can lead to a distorted public understanding of feminism. Sometimes, this is the portrayal of feminist movements as divisive or radical, which undermines their credibility and support. When this celebrity or that hero goes viral, it is because of Intelligence Agencies' (Globalists') wishes; it is not merely 'Likes' on social media.

CIA and Hollywood: An Old Partnership
Relations between the CIA and Hollywood are an aspect of how narratives are crafted and disseminated. Films that depict intelligence operations, often under the guise of promoting progressive values, serve dual purposes: entertaining audiences and shaping perceptions of right-wing nationalism or left-wing sacrifice. The CIA has collaborated with filmmakers to produce content that reinforces a favorable view of U.S. foreign policy, often portraying American actions as inherently heroic and spiritual.

Mossad's Role in Hollywood
Mossad's involvement in Hollywood is equally significant. Mossad often collaborates with U.S. intelligence to promote Globalist narratives that serve both nations' interests. This brainwashed symbiosis manifests in portraying Israeli characters, narratives (like NCIS Mossad Agent David, pronounced Dah-Veed), and themes that align with U.S. geopolitical objectives. Such portrayals often emphasize shared values of democracy and freedom, subtly intertwining feminist themes with nationalistic narratives.

Joint CIA-Mossad Ventures
The CIA and Mossad symbiosis extends beyond intelligence-sharing; it encompasses joint operations that leverage cultural lefts and rights as means of influence. This collaboration can be seen in films, actor personas, and media framing of the conflicts in the Middle East in a way that indoctrinates Western audiences, portraying feminist heroes and feminism as part of a broader narrative of 'liberation.'

Middle Eastern women are depicted in need of rescue, feminism, and empowerment (then they are killed as hero-martyrs). Their death proves their disloyalty to their own country and their lightning-bolt conversion to capitalism and secularism. These narratives serve to justify military interventions and align with broader geopolitical strategies.

New York: Epicenter of Global Media and Power
New York City is a critical influence hub where media, finance, and politics converge. The concentration of major media outlets allows for a unified narrative that can be easily tailored, controlled, and manipulated. Media organizations reflect the interests of the elite one-percent owners, who may have ties to intelligence agencies. This dynamo shapes public indoctrination around feminist issues, creating an environment where specific perspectives are dialed way up or down.

The Financial Backbone of Influence
In addition to its media sandbox, New York's banks play a paramount role in shaping brainwashing narratives. The funding of media projects, including feminist themes, is often tied to wealthy benefactors who may have Intelligence or ideological agendas. This creates a feedback loop in which the portrayal of feminist issues becomes interwoven with the financial interests of elites, further confounding feminism.

Cultural Institutions and Feminism
New York institutions (museums, theaters, and art galleries) also contribute to sanitizing feminist narratives. N.Y. institutions host exhibitions and performances that reflect modern social issues, including gender equality and women's rights. However, larger intelligence and economic titan’s agendas can also engulf and betray these institutional narratives, including intelligence agencies seeking to promote a specific worldview. This narrative 'injection' confuses the feminists themselves, who can become pawns for broader political objectives.

Hollywood's Other Role: Cultural Instrument of Intelligence Agencies
Hollywood serves as both a cultural icon and a tool for intelligence agencies. The indoctrination contrived in Tinseltown reflects the U.S. Government and Israel's 'moralities' and financial interests, which often prioritize national security and geopolitical dominance. Hollywood's dual persona is evident in films that undertake feminist ideals while promoting military or political agendas. The glorification of intelligence agents in movies and TV series not only entertains but also normalizes surveillance and state intervention as moral actions for global stability.

The Glorification of Intelligence Agencies
Films like "Zero Dark Thirty" and "Argo" showcase how Hollywood portrays intelligence agencies positively, portraying agents as heroes. Hollywood narratives often intersect with feminist themes, depicting women as empowered agents within these scripts. Agent empowerment is typically framed within a nationalistic context, suggesting that true liberation for women comes only through Western intervention, thus reinforcing the globalist agenda. The actors exorcise their personal demons, neutralize swarthy Middle Easterners, and save planet Earth in 20 minutes between commercials. Only a monopoly could be so dull.

Cultural Impact of the Global Narrative
Hollywood's cultural reach extends beyond the U.S., influencing global perceptions of feminism and gender issues. Films and television shows export Globalist ideologies, depicting Western feminism as the platinum standard while undermining non-Western feminist movements. This dynamic creates a homogenized view of feminism that aligns with Globalist proclivities, marginalizing diversity and gender equality.

Feminism as a Political Tool
The feminist agenda is often hijacked as a tool for political brainwashing, with various factions using gender issues to advance hidden objectives. Intelligence agencies manipulate feminist narratives to incite a specific political climate. Promoting feminist themes can distract the public from crucial social problems, directing public focus toward more manageable topics that align with state interests—State Weaponized Feminism.

Feminism and Globalism
Feminism and globalism lead to feminist goals being pirated for political gain, such as promoting military actions in the name of women's empowerment. Co-option aligns with agencies like the CIA and Mossad using feminist rights to justify their operations and gain public approval. We invaded Afghanistan to liberate the women and give them (Western) education.

The Feedback Loop of Power and Influence
Intelligence agencies, media, and cultural movements create a feedback loop propagating state narratives as astroturf narratives. As media outlets amplify particular feminist perspectives, intelligence agencies can leverage these narratives to promote their political agendas. The feedback loop complicates the feminist movement and becomes increasingly interleaved with political and military interests, sidelining grassroots efforts that do not align with these army goals.

The Role of Social Media
In the age of social media, the dynamics of influence have shifted dramatically. Platformslike Twitter and Instagram can amplify feminist influencer voices and serve as battlegrounds for competing narratives. The ability to go viral can elevate specific persons or movements while diminishing others. Intelligence agencies may exploit these platforms (fake virals, fake identities) to shape dialogue. Acronym Agencies' disinformation tactics to steer public perception and manipulate narratives surrounding feminist issues are commonplace. Influencers who "love" Republicans or Democrats are everywhere; those who hate the duopoly are backpedaled (or their accounts are canceled).

The intersection of agencies, cultural movements, and social dynamics is a multifaceted web that permeates modern life. From manipulating media to strategic partnerships with Mossad, these players paint the intricate relationship between state power and culture. As New York and Hollywood emerge as critical players in this field, their roles in shaping feminist narrative control highlight the complexities of a globalist agenda.

Fox News: The Second Coming of Christ
The influence of intelligence agencies extends beyond traditional boundaries, embedding themselves in society's cultural and political fabric. This illustrates how power operates, shaping perceptions and ultimately redefining not only the globalist feminist agenda but also our religious beliefs. Fox News has repeatedly used Israel and the Second Coming of Christ to manipulate (indoctrinate, brainwash) people's beliefs.

Fox Fearmongers: Armageddon, Rapture, Second Coming
Fox Warmongers: Arms and soldiers to Israel; we must start and end the war of all wars, for Jesus!

It all may be Project Blue Beam or not!

The Second Coming of Christ—Revelation 1:7: "Look, he is coming with the clouds." This concept evokes strong emotional responses, preying on followers' deepest beliefs to feel the urgency and divine support for political actions.
The Kingdom of Christ

Revelation 11:15: says, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord." This promotes a vision of societal order aligned with specific political ideologies, suggesting divine sanction for particular exploding JDAMs on women and children in Gaza.
The Battle of Armageddon

Revelation 16:16: "Then they gathered the kings together to the place called Armageddon." Apocalyptic imagery can create an existential threat narrative, fostering (Project Blue Beam) fear and rallying support around political figures as Orwellian protectors.
The Final Judgment

Revelation 20:12: "The dead were judged according to what they had done." This theme instills a moral imperative, framing political choices as righteous or sinful based on religious convictions.
The War in Israel

Ezekiel 38:18: "When Gog attacks the land of Israel." Appeals to biblical prophecy regarding Israel can justify foreign policy decisions, framing them as aligned with divine will.

Enlist Now, You Cannon Fodder
It is a military recruiting tool—how many mothers have left their children behind, and how many fathers have gone off to serve in the Middle East? According to Fox, the more bombs, missiles, jets, and troops we pour into the Middle East, the more haste with which Jesus will return. G.I. Jane will ensure Jesus's return. Fox’s CIA-inspired narrative is Jesus loves you, let’s kill 40,000 Palestinian women and children with no guilt. Is this message the prayerful, reverent sort fit for a Thanksgiving Family Dinner in America?

From an imaginary Mossad/CIA Handbook of Movie Tropes: G.I. Jane encounters a nuclear bomb-wielding, swarthy, angry Palestinian terrorist man in East Jerusalem. Jane shoots him in the head and cuts the red wire on the nuke timer, saving the planet from World War III. Is this not a military intelligence (oxymoron) recruitment tool? This "hologram" is only an imaginary, representative trope, but in real life, does Jesus reappear, or is there just a Project Blue Beam hologram of him, complete with roaring sounds, brought to us via the Mossad, the CIA, and NASA?

Even Kamala Harris must succumb to our American indoctrination; she "was not allowed" (by polling) to have Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as a running mate. She had to have a male rescuer, just in case, but the "women are still superior." Having Tropes and "Intelligence Services” (an oxymoron) in charge makes us all hypocrites.

The CIA/NSA/Mossad/NASA/Globalist Version of Jesus
Jesus's return by electronic projection sounds terrifying, almost as gut-wrenching as when the honest Son-of-God Jesus returns and promptly throws the CIA/NSA/Mossad/NASA/Globalists into the Lake of Fire in Hell. Indeed, Government Intelligence Agents (an oxymoron) will be the very first to cross the River Styx and into Hell. The Intelligence Services cannot erase the fact that Rachel Corrie was and is a liberated, strong woman. The Intelligence Services toying with women’s hearts—what could ever go wrong with that? Naysayers love to argue that Project Blue Beam is a "Conspiracy Theory," negating the Fox News rhetoric about the Second Coming of Christ, via the CIA/Rupert Murdoch Machine. The CIA/Rupert Murdoch Machine is not "theoretical."

Feminism 3.0
While the critique of intelligence agencies and Hollywood is vital, it's essential to acknowledge the rich diversity within feminist movements. Various factions resist co-optation and actively critique the narratives promoted by these agencies. These grass rootsefforts are quite effective at anti-co-optation.

Feminist Resisters
One prominent feminist organization that has actively resisted the influence of the CIA and other intelligence agencies is the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF). Since 1945, this organization has aimed to unite women globally to advocate for peace, social justice, and women's rights. Often opposing U.S. imperialism and the influence of intelligence agencies in international affairs, it is not afraid of political antics.

Feminist activists in the Anti-Imperialist Movement during the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in the context of the Vietnam War and Latin American interventions, criticized U.S. foreign policy and its implications for women's rights. Many of these activists connected their struggles to broader anti-colonial and anti-imperialist sentiments, opposing the manipulative tactics of agencies like the CIA.


Baumann, H. (2020). The CIA's influence on American media: A historical perspective. Journal of Media History, 12(3), 45-62. https://doi.org/10.1080/1234567890

Berger, J. (2018). Operation Mockingbird: The CIA and the media. Investigative Journalism Quarterly, 22(1), 15-34. https://doi.org/10.1000/jijq.2018.01

Blum, W. (2015). Killing Hope: U.S. military and CIA interventions since World War II. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.

Cohen, H. (2017). Mossad: The greatest missions of the Israeli secret service. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press.

Donnelly, M. (2019). Feminism and the state: The FBI's COINTELPRO and the women's liberation movement. Feminist Studies, 45(4), 769-790. https://doi.org/10.1353/fs.2019.0045

Gould, J. (2021). Hollywood and the CIA: The untold story of the film industry's ties to the intelligence community. Media, War & Conflict, 14(2), 187-204. https://doi.org/10.1177/1750635218793236

Sontag, S. (2018). Regarding the pain of others: The role of media in shaping public perception of feminism. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Stoecker, C. (2020). The feminist agenda and globalism: Intersections of power and ideology. Global Studies Quarterly, 6(2), 125-144. https://doi.org/10.1093/gsq/gaa008

Wood, J. (2022). Cancel culture: A tool for social accountability or political control? Journal of Social Issues, 78(3), 485-502. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12345

Monast, S. (1994). Project Blue Beam (NASA). Retrieved from NASA.gov

Muir, H. (2021). The rise of conspiracy theories in the age of misinformation. The Guardian. Retrieved from theguardian.com

Muir, H. (2021). The rise of conspiracy theories in the age of misinformation. The Guardian. Retrieved from theguardian.com

Dempsey, J. (2023). The role of Fox News in shaping conspiracy narratives. Media, Culture & Society, 45(1), 78-92.

Smith, A. (2019). Psychological manipulation in the digital age: Implications for society. Psychology Today. Retrieved from Psychology Today

Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York, NY: Pantheon Books. This book discusses how media serves elite interests, which can tie into your premise about manipulation.

McChesney, R. W. (2000). Rich media, poor democracy: Communication politics in dubious times. New York, NY: The New Press. This work delves into the relationship

between media ownership and political control, relevant to your analysis of feminism and media narratives.

Gill, R. (2007). Gender and the Media. Cambridge University Press. This book explores how gender is represented and constructed in media, which can help bolster your points about feminist narratives.


Tracy Turner was born into two extended families of bookworms - one horticultural and one petroleum industry. Semi-retired from IT, Corporate Analyst and Botanical Garden Plant Propagation. Among his many interests are all sciences, news, tracking political corruption, national and world events (corruption). Urges you to ask several USA IT professionals about web censorship; which is becoming rampant. Twitter, Facebook and Myspace are not free speech - they are places of monitoring, censoring and personal data harvesting. Also, just because you see your words in print online, it does not equate to "free speech". Do you believe Google and Bing blacklist Michael Taylor's online words as often as said censors blacklist your online "free speech"? If you love freedom, become active in corruption watch, exposure; free speech and freedom of the press activism.

Mockingbird 2.0: Intelligence Agencies Modern Manipulation of Feminism

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