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We Are All “Palestinians,” Now!

November 5th, 2024

By: Brett Redmayne-Titley

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."

It is not inaccurate to determine that we, the remaining moral world, are in reality also Palestinian by metaphor. Likewise, we are all individually disenfranchised, country-by-country, by a cadre of purported nationalist politicians who are doing the work of- and for only one nation.

As they do so, the disdain they publicly boast against the correct morality expressed by their public, as shown by the ongoing violence these minions reap on civilized society by legislation or cop, is not merely deliberate. It is arrogant and loud.

These politicians, The Bastards of Zion, serve only one master. This is all too obvious: Massacre by massacre.

During the height of the previous Israeli Genocidal slaughter, “The March of Return” of 2018, I penned the article, “World: WE are all Palestinians Now!” Therein, I noted by comparison, country-by-country, how the people of the EU, Britain, USA, and others had effectively been locked by these same political concubines into an ever-narrowing dominion of country and... of mind!

It was slaughter then. It is genocide now—societal genocide.

Yet, the Palestinians of the world, are being attacked on all fronts in the ridiculous attempt to have all Palestinians worldwide quietly go home...to countries whose societies are already substantially destroyed by the economic bombings of Zionism and its minions. If not by bomb, then by media trickery and anti-populist impositions, austerity, and more-and-more war that have delivered all the “western” countries on earth into a continuing downhill spiral of fiscal, political, societal and mental poverty.

However, bombs or no, the criminals are still the same.

But, WE.. Are...Still...Here!

Our numbers are growing with every Israeli atrocity. Because our morals, the correct morals, tell us we must.

It is now time for the civilized world to join with Yemen, Gaza, Palestine and Lebanon as the new and moral “Axis of Resistance.” They are dying for Palestine, but also for us, for our morals, and the proper conscience of man. We must not let them fight alone!

The March of Return (to sanity) begins...worldwide.

It starts with... YOU!

Duty Calls.

Consequent to the Sept. 18, 2024, International Court of Justice ruling (the UN's Supreme Court), which was thus supported by the representatives of 85% of the world, "Boycotting everything Israeli" took on legal implications.

Included in the approved Resolution:

"All States [countries of the world] are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the state of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continuous presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory."

As of this date, it is no longer the obligation of the outraged moral world to actively involve its full breadth of conscience to end the daily apartheid Israeli genocide. It is your now duty. Period.

Yes... YOU!

The ICJ was express in its call to the entire world body to collectively do its part. Responding to the historic advisory opinion, Amnesty International’s Senior Director for Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns, Erika Guevara Rosas, said:

“The International Court of Justice has issued its opinion and the conclusion is loud
and clear: Israel’s occupation and annexation of the Palestinian territories are
unlawful, and its discriminatory laws and policies against Palestinians violate the
prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid.”

Moreover, the ICJ said such acts render “Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory unlawful.” It clearly stated that Israel’s continued presence was “illegal” and should be ended as “rapidly as possible.”

If not for Israel’s bought-and-paid-for politicians worldwide the ICJ mandate would have been enforced by popular worldwide demand. However, since the ICJ ruling these same politicians have allowed, nay, condoned the additional summary execution of thousands of Palestinians; all for the quest to please “greater Israel.”

Today, the world is ready to explode. Because we Palestinians have had enough of war. Enough of Genocide. Enough of societal and mental austerity. Far beyond the moral catalyst caused by the unabated genocide is the growing individual realization that indeed: "We are all Palestinians, Now.”

And equally as expendable.

In 2017 I offered a more broad-based examination of the malignancy. After reading, “Correctly Defining Modern Zionism,” let us Palestinians consider...

Beyond the two-generation military effort to ever-expand expenditures for purported wars, this was funded in reality by “much needed” austerity, in turn sucking the economic life from these NATO countries.

Who orchestrated the long-term economic trickery that has debased the currencies to the point of hyperinflation and recession while transferring wealth in a deliberate manner that has produced five Billionaires in 1982 and over 5,000 billionaires today. Such being the benefits o f “trickle-down economics ", re-branded or not.

The worldwide conspiracy that was Covid-19, now proven in courts around the globe in testimony under oath by the rouges gallery of Fauci, Redfield, Birx, and Bourla, Covid-19 was the biggest conspiracy against humanity in history. Millions were genocidally murdered. For profit.

Ukraine, like Gaza, has been and continues to be one huge media lie of minimization and rationalization. I was one of the first journalists to set foot in Ukraine as soon as the war began. My multi-part expose showcased the lies of this war. And who was actually responsible for this other genocide. Need I fill in this blank?

But worse, it is these same Bastards of Zion who have reduced world democracy to that of a singular, self-propagating monocracy. The only “change” every two or four years being the color of the neck-tie featured TV. The utter treason of UK Prime Minister, “Sir” Keir Starmer, as a champion of Labour just mere days after the general election and the American enthusiasm for what will certainly be a similar Trumpian treason of the promised American Dream,” show that democracy has also been killed-off. Wholesale.

By whom?

And should democracy- real democracy - come calling...the candidates will be arrested and their democracy banned as we have seen in the aftermath of the recent German election. And Spain. And France. Moldova. Brazil...

The killings will continue.

Despite the collective media running cover for these political Bastards, this mental censorship has worked in reverse. The daily epiphany that Zionism in all its many forms is destroying the entire fabric of “moral society” has only just begun in Gaza.

Gaza is now a metaphor. Lebanon? Another example. As are now the colors, Green, Red, White and Black that ooze beyond the blood-soaked edges of the Palestine flag with each and every new Israeli blood-letting. Yes. Indeed a metaphor for the world. To all of us Palestinians awakening daily to the real evil within society today. A metaphor now so succinctly put by necessity into one all-important word...a call... a scream!


The “Constant of Conscience” fights the “War for Your Mind.”

This moral epiphany should not be surprising, for it has been predicted by history throughout the ages of man. A fundamental moral obligation: Your duty.

In a 2024 article, I coined the phrase, "The Constant of Conscience.” This basic fundamental of the moral man is where true resistance begins- often slowly - but in due course will define succinctly- by action. Combined as the Constant of Conscience, this defines the moral tenets of the properly moral man. It demands that these commandments, regardless of religious persuasion, cannot and will not be altered. Yes, media and purchased politicians can delay the inevitable for a time, but as the numbers of those who join the “March of Return” to sanity swell daily, the expected reformation towards our Constant of Conscience, cannot be prevented from returning to proper power.

The power of the mind.

Israel would have the Palestinians of the world, as in Gaza, ignore their eyes, their conscience and the facts. Israel too well knows that it violates all the moral tenets of the Constant.

Here, worldwide, lies Israel’s bane. And likely, it’s doom.

Under pressure from the War for Your Mind, in the past thirteen months we the moral have been persuaded that our outraged minds, wringing hands, and tear-stained eyes are not correct; that the Bastards of Zion know.... better!

But, what is to be said of the man, the politician, the talking heads of media, who abrogate their Constant of Conscience in exchange for the few shekels of fame or infamy? Strangely, they order us to believe that it is somehow better when we adjust our minds to believe and accept that:

  • Palestinians are not humans, they are animals.
  • All religions are accountable to God- save one.
  • Genocide, cannot be Genocide when Jews do it.
  • The word, “ceasefire” must be considered anti-Semitic.
  • Bombing hospitals and schools; refugees and children, must be considered defense.
  • Using nuclear weapons in Gaza is acceptable.
  • Anal rape and tortured killing is a religious Jewish right of passage.
  • Starving a population to death is not related to Genocide.
  • Propagating disease to finish off the job cannot be called Genocide either.
  • Israel, killing its own soldiers and civilians on Oct 7, 2023, is certainly legal.

But more importantly, that at this very minute in time...

43,264 dead Palestinian innocents are simply not.... enough!

Today, Judaism is that dark red asterisk at the bottom of the pages of history, or a dictionary. There in tiny, tiny print it says, in italics, “exception: Israel.”


Is there any other world religion that so unabashedly and gleefully attaches its name to war crimes such as the aforementioned, and trumpets these atrocities as righteous?

What is worse is that we who still hold on desperately to a moral compass- those who will not prostitute their Constant – are told that our objective evaluations of these Israeli war crimes are without exception anti-Semitic. This is of course an erroneous accusation since none of these crimes have a religious justification found in any other religion on Earth. Much less within the Constant.

By a more simplistic comparison: none of these Israeli war crimes were systematically used by the Nazis of old. This, the scourge that Israel purports to detest as it cries crocodile tears with its hand out constantly for sympathy and more money? Yet, in gratitude, Israel emulates, if not improves upon, Nazi atrocities daily.

Consider the religious mantras of the major religions of the world.

“Thou Shall NOT Kill.” – Christianity and Catholicism. (Exodus 20:13)

Simple enough. But what about in times of war? Within Islam, morality is not exempted:

“Go for Jihad in the name of Allah adhering to the community of the Messenger of Allah. Do not kill anyone old and weak, any young child or any woman.' (Mazhari)

I know this to be true. In 2017 I made it all the way to the Lebanon/ Israel (Palestine) border, writing another multi-part series. I interviewed Hizbullah officials and yes, they do honor this restriction. Religiously. Unlike the Israelis who prefer to treat their adversaries like “animals.”

As to the world’s third largest religion Hindu, contrast the barbarity we witness perpetrated by
Israel during this Gaza war with the “War Ethics and Rules of Engagement” in the
Mahabharata. I n part, this mandates religiously:

  • A single warrior cannot be attacked by multiple warriors.
  • A warrior who has surrendered cannot be injured or killed.
  • The surrendered warrior becomes a prisoner of war and is subject to the protections allocated to such a warrior.
  • An unarmed warrior cannot be injured or killed.
  • A person or animal not partaking in the battle cannot be killed.
  • The war had to be just and warriors were not to engage in an unjust war.
  • Land was not to be harmed in any shape or form.

Contrast these holy restrictions of the Constant with the Israeli/ Jewish dogma of war, best
translated as “We kill... because we can.”

Indeed the Constant of Conscience is not individually, nor religiously exclusive at all. Rather, it is a collective mind, one that, despite the difference in Bible, joins all men in one conscience, despite their chosen religious persuasion.

All religions, save one. One steeped in unabashed admission of worshiping the devil and dedicated to eradicating from the Earth all those of improper mind. All Palestinians.

But the Israeli war for your mind is not working. The Constant of Conscience is rising... quickly. This understanding I have implicitly shouted in every article written: that the problem is the system... and that system is Zionism. That, Zionism is actually multi-faceted; that it is societal, and it is endemic.

And... it must be stopped!

This allegation is no longer a spark... it is this very day... a lit and crackling fuse!

Part of this new worldwide awareness is that we are being more and more controlled in our thinking. From the 2020 Election, the Laptop, COVID-19, Ukraine and so much more, it is beyond obvious that we of pure heart are being attacked as being infirm of mind.

This is the greatest threat of Zionism. When using properly the word “Genocide,” how can it be, with the arbitrary stroke of a political pen, thus mandated as criminal for its correct use? The answer is of course increasingly rhetorical and speaks to only one master.

Every day, if not by the hour, we are reminded who that master purports to be.

In an article I penned ironically just days before the Oct 7 military incursion by Hamas, “The War for Your Mind,” without naming those whose name must not ever be named, I opined that we, the moral world, are being mentally assailed, right now, in an attempt to conveniently and surreptitiously change the proper human mind or conscience inherently given to us- despite semantics- by our chosen Gods as the correct moral guidance of all men.

All the world’s religions are rather similar in this regard for their own adherence to their own distinct form, definitions and allegiance to the Constant.

Minus one.

This fundamental Constant is a commonality found in the goodness of all religions. As a Taoist, I abhor and respect all religions equally for their leadership in maintaining the righteous path, and for the hypocrisies of each in so wantonly discarding that path at mere convenience over centuries past.

I have stood, knelt, and bowed respectfully and enjoyed church services in many of the sixty- plus countries I have visited. I love churches. The ambiance. The quiet. I have looked all around within their many forms, enjoying the rapture and solace of the goodness manifested in those personal moments of deep religious thought.

Here, in any church, allegiance to a singular religion is not a prerequisite. Only respect for the Constant is required.

Now one religion, a scourge against all that is good within the others, would have the moral world withdraw any word from the dictionary not complimentary of Judaism and its transgressor into social barbarity, Israel. Not a word. Never.

This is “The War for Your Mind.”

In that article I pose the rhetorical question: Is this new normal, forced upon us by Israel, really, as we are told.... “better?”

The reader is encouraged to now watch the horror that this question begs as encapsulated in a four-minute video clip from the movie, “1984.” A finer piece of acting I have not seen. If a picture says a thousand words, this video clip says it all.

Better? Only the addled mind of the barbarian would think so.

The War for Your Mind - to think as instructed or indoctrinated- is not a recent malignancy. It began years ago and was quite deliberate in its methodologies, now bearing fruit in Gaza, if not worldwide. “The Rise of Bifurcation and Implosion in America and NATO,” a short historical synopsis of this advent was authored by independent journalist, Tracy Turner., Turner chronicles the War for Your Mind, from the inception of COINTELPRO to MKULTRA and so much more. It is a must-read.

The War for the Mind, as one will read, has not been by happenstance. It has been deliberate and a well-defined pogrom.

As we see daily, this pogrom of war is closer than ever to completion.

Hence, we must fight back. Now!

It is a de-regur reaction by authoritarian regimes to apply all pressure against the Constant of Conscience using its collective War for Your Mind. However, again, historically these authoritarians have been defeated. For when the Constan t is denied for far too long and the “war” becomes finally all too obvious, then one more all-powerful facet of the moral man will, by necessity, finally arise.... The First Rule of Democracy.

The First Rule of Democracy.

The summer months have been quiet in opposition to Genocide in America. The Students went home. They have returned.

Fall is here.

It was a sad and all too accurate commentary on the apathetic gerontology classes that are America today. Last Spring the youth of America showcased the energy and dedication needed to fight back against the War for Your Mind.

As I documented in a two-part series regarding last Spring’s tent protests at the University of California/ San Diego, “On the Importance of Tents” and “Battle Rages at UCSD- Students Taste Victory!,” the administrators of the nation’s largest public school system were in a panic as to how to supplicate their superiors- who were and are exclusive pro- Genocide- and as such put down the student protests while trying to remain the facade of being “Student Advocates.”

As the students return, bringing their Constant of Conscience with them, these same administrators are working overtime to “keep the loonies on the path”, one which does not include factual examination of war crimes, genocide... or morality.

But they, like their Zionist master, hold a far deeper concern... a concern that I highlighted in a previous article. One that UCSD administrators also saw work before their own eyes... because it is a fundamental reaction by the Constant, thus properly enraged.

The war for your mind by Zionism can never be won for two reasons. First, the Constant will not be defeated in this war for it rests as much in one’s DNA as it does in the soul.

Second, combined, the War for Your Mind and the Constant of Conscience, as showcased on a dawning November 2012, and this past May at UCSD, this conflict creates the chemical cocktail of societal backlash that I, more than ten years ago, coined, “The First Rule of Democracy.”

I have seen with my own eyes it work, oh so well.

Simply put, when the forces of authoritarianism cross the line being held by those of the Constant - the unflinching vast majority - that majority will win the war for one simple reason, a truth that remains in motion this very minute... The First Rule of Democracy:

When there are more of US... than there are of THEM... WE... WILL... WIN!

Certainly, we Palestinians are in the majority! Today, we must, per our duty as world citizens and stewards of proper conscience, call out...nay...march for...freedom for Palestine and the eradication of Zionism in all its forms.

There is little doubt that Hamas made a huge miscalculation. It assumed that worldwide public outrage at Israel's all-too-expected overreaction would have stopped the carnage long ago. While this might have come true, Hamas sadly misjudged the moral estoppel of Israeli purchasing power on almost all politicians. There is equal blood on the hands of these political minions who ignored the will of the moral world and instead performed a far different national obligation.

Genocidal Fellatio.

Yes, if it were up to the moral world the War would have stopped, Gaza would be a nation, and Israel would be as isolated as a West Bank water tank, with Netanyahu and his War Cabinet collectively dangling from lampposts in Mussolini-like fashion at the Hague.

Must I list here the worldwide volley of political prostitution from every “western” nation on Earth? A daily assault on morals and mind. And to the Constant. Must we ask the question:

Who controls these Bastards of Zion so easily- and obviously- in the face of our First Rule of Democracy?

This answer has only further served to articulate the epiphany for all Palestinians as to the epicenter of all the world’s evils.

Yes, every day we receive more news of further war crimes by Israel from excellent independent journalists whose flaming keyboards continue pulling on the heartstrings and the morals of man. Yet, we among those journalists are guilty of inaction, for our efforts are merely reactive. Not the proactive call to arms, thus required.

To focus otherwise is futile.

Now, before the FBI drops a flash bang through my living room window, kicks in my door, shoots my dogs, and riddles my unarmed, lifeless body with bullets; all before being fully exonerated, it must be made clear that advocacy of The First Rule of Democracy is by definition expressly non-violent. Here, violence is unnecessary. The power lies in sheer numbers. Yes, but those numbers must include... you!

As I have documented previously, twice, when used correctly, The First Rule, when backed up by those who understand well The Constant, will fight a war as a force that will, by sheer numbers, carry the day.

And the mind.

I have seen it. As documented in several previous articles, on a crystal clear Los Angeles dawn, after some 20 hours on a knife’s edge of an orgy of potential police violence I saw and I heard that cheer (one I will never forget) as 7000 non-violent occupiers of LA City Hall grounds, forced, yes, forced, some 1700 rabidly salivating cops to finally...take that very first...all important, one step... backwards. In the preface to my new book, “THERE!” I spoke to this epiphany... my epiphany, when I too, first joined the Axis of Resistance.

And not a shot was fired.

Then I heard that cheer again! The sweetest, trumpeted sound called, “victory!”

The students of the University of California/ San Diego thrilled to this same epiphany this past May. Confronted with a similar, albeit smaller, contingent of said rabid cops, the word went out across the previously closed campus like wildfire. The students poured onto to the pathways, joining their threatened brethren. The result...

All those cops were forced to take shelter in two buildings and call for backup. These students, by sheer numbers- the First Rule - forced these mental mercenaries to take their minds and go fucking home.

A victory for the Students. A victory for the Constant. A victory of the First Rule.

But their cheer that day sent chills up my spine as I well remembered that previous morning at LA City Hall all too long ago. That same cheer that went high and strong towards the heavens to next settle upon the minds of a nation... of Palestinians.

With students returning it is time for US... for YOU... to join the First Rule of Democracy.

But how might you do this? It is important to note that The First Rule is expressly non-violent. It must be in order to garner widespread support for its cause. For we, like Hamas, Hizbullah, Houthis and all soldiers of morality must always rise above our adversaries so that our call for Freedom can be heard and embraced far and wide by all.

First, we must show ourselves, daily. You and I and all of us certainly have Palestinian colors already in our wardrobes. Red. Green. Black. White? Easy. Wear them. Friday. Every Friday as you contribute to our worldwide and renewed “March of Return.” You are now proudly a “Peaceful Warrior,” a soldier fighting on behalf of Gaza, of Lebanon, of Yemen, and most importantly you fight now on behalf of the Constant. You are righteous. You are legion.


We fight for the return of Palestine certainly. More importantly, in The War for Your Mind, we fight for... sanity.

Defining “Palestinian” Colors. (Today.)

White: Our Deeds. (The Constant of Conscience)

Red: Our Swords. (The First Rule of Democracy)

Black: Our Battles. (Our growing protests)

Green: Our Pastures. (The Fertility of Peace)

These are now the colors of Palestine- of Palestinians - across the globe. Their flag is our flag.

Put these same colors on your car antennae, your windows or take a bar of soap and write “FREE PALESTINE!” on your rear window.

At work, show YOUR colors! A Palestinian flag in your pen pot. How about a nice big one as YOUR screen saver? One on your cubicle wall. All while you sit in YOUR colors. Every Friday.

You are now a soldier, in uniform, and every Friday we Palestinians will fight. We will, in outrage, weekly show our colors, Palestinian colors, to the Bastards of Zion. With the Palestinian keffiyeh wrapped around the neck as a bullet point accoutrement. Our colors s how that we have exposed the Bastards and that we and our Constant of Conscience and The First Rule of Democracy are coming... now!

But far more importantly, if not effectively, you must expect backlash. Israel, as we know, takes no prisoners. So, when suddenly you are accosted with, “What's this all about?" or “Are you trying to cause some kind of trouble here?” take courage. The courage of the soldier.

Thus challenged on true morality, this is where the eyes now narrow as you look at your quarry directly. A piercing stare. An accusation now affixed firmly atop a scowl of unfettered scorn. Pursed lips accentuated by narrowed and furrowed brow, head slightly to one side in abject wonder as you now say, the only statement needed. A mental dagger of just the right words of conscience shot straight into the cranium of this obvious alien before you who so obviously has no understanding of true humanity. Here you spit...

“Is 43,000 not enough... for... You!”

Yes, 43,000 and rising by the hour as the moral world and the Constant is handcuffed on the sidelines by the Bastards of Zion. 43,000. A nice neat compact little number. 43,000.

Is 43,000, not enough?

The world grows in its understanding of the societal horrors of Zionism. Is it not time for all Palestinians to come together? Will the genocide continue unabated? To which county will it come next? Is resistance futile? Will the world body not finally rise up, "from the river to the sea.”


Must we get to six million, first?!

-The End-

About the Author: Brett Redmayne-Titley has spent the last twelve years travelling to and documenting the “Sorrows of Empire.” He has authored over 200 articles all of which have been published and often republished and translated by news agencies worldwide. An archive of his published work can be found at watchingromeburn. uk. He can be contacted for interviews or comments at live-on-scene ((@)) gmx.com.

The author’s new book, “THERE!” is just out. 18 chapters of the best in old-style on-scene reporting from hot spots around the world. Please support my work by purchasing a copy from Amazon Books.

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