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Frankenfood Laced With Chain Molecule Toxins - Ultra-Cheap to Them, Expensive For You
Chris Spencer
Biotech companies Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, and Corteva argue that GMOs will help solve world food insecurity and climate change. Their claims of 'equivalency' to real food hide a much darker reality. These companies have used GMOs to consolidate immense power over the agricultural industry, governments, and the populace. While they assure us that GMOs are 'safe,' they are also fostering a system of chemical dependency, environmental degradation, and public health risks all hidden behind expensive PR campaigns and political lobbying. The urgency of this issue cannot be overstated.
Monopolistic Control of Global Food Systems
But there are alternatives. Organic farming and alternative sustainable agricultural methodologies would overcome the crisis in diversified forms to keep up with biodiversity and reduced use of chemicals for safety in food. Such a wide, across-the-board adoption of organic methods may create a healthy alternative market and threaten to displace such biotechnology giants and move toward truly healthier, more sustainable systems.
Bayer and Monsanto: The Architects of Chemical Agriculture
Bayer's acquisition of Monsanto in 2018 gave the company near-total control over genetic engineering and chemical herbicides like glyphosate (Roundup). Monsanto, now part of Bayer, has long promoted GMOs engineered to withstand glyphosate, a toxic, carcinogenic herbicide linked to cancer and numerous environmental issues. Despite mounting evidence of glyphosate's dangers, Bayer continues to push these crops as "safe," benefiting from its influence over regulators, media, and the public.
GMO food crops such as Roundup Ready soybeans and Bt cotton use way too much herbicide/insecticide which seep into our foods and into the environment. This very blind over-reliance upon chemicals has ushered in superweeds resistant to glyphosate, driving forward even more toxic herbicide usage while biodiversity has alarmingly declined.
Syngenta and BASF: Two Chemical Giants with Questionable Agendas
Syngenta, a subsidiary of the state-owned ChemChina, and German agrochemical giant BASF push for the growth of genetically modified crops with resistance to herbicides and insects. Perhaps one of the most distressing examples is how Syngenta advocates for the use of neonicotinoids, pesticides at the center of the global collapse in the bee population. This linked usage of GMOs with these deadly chemicals portends great threats to biodiversity and food security.
The GM crops developed by BASF are resistant to highly toxic herbicides such as glufosinate, which further contaminates food and water supplies. The notion that GMOs are "equivalent" to non-GMOs is easily dispelled by the sheer volume of pesticides being sprayed on GM crops. These eventually find their way into the food supply, exposing consumers to dangerous chemicals linked to cancer, neurological disorders, and endocrine disruption. These companies declare an all-out war on small organic farms.
Corteva: New Face, Same Old Chemicals
Corteva is a spin-off from DowDuPont, promoting weedkiller-tolerant crops designed to be sprayed with toxins such as 2,4-D, an active ingredient in notorious Agent Orange. Such crops are engineered to be resistant to heavy doses of toxic herbicides, perpetuating a vicious cycle of chemical addiction in agriculture. Corteva and other biotechnology giants claim that GMOs are needed to feed the Earth's growing population. The Agrochemicals are getting us prepared for a chemically contaminated food system in the future where citizens' health comes second in front of corporations' super profits.
Hidden Dangers of GMOs: Soaked in Chemicals
These chemicals, including glyphosate, neonics, and other pesticides, have been linked to a wide range of health problems from cancer to developmental defects to neurological disorders. One reason so many of these chemicals are allowed to remain on the market, offering no protection to consumers, is because of the vast political clout these corporations hold over regulators.
One of the most egregious examples is GMO “farmed†salmon. These fishes are farmed with the aid of insecticides, algaecides, fungicides, antibiotics, anti-larval agents, and other chemicals that are harbingers of devastation both to health and the environment. These chemicals destroy health and biodiversity, contributing to growing chemical load in our food supply.
Corporate Power Over Food and the Public's Right to Know
The reach of these biotech giants extends far from just the pesticide residue (your neighborhood grocery store) foods they are producing. Major influence by these corporations takes place over government policy and public opinion. Misleading advertisement budgets combined with heavy lobby efforts further a false claim that GMOs are safety 'approved' and also 'necessary' to feed the world. They finance PR campaigns trumpeting the benefits of GMOs while working diligently to enact laws that reduce pesticide transparency, further blindfolding consumers as to what's in their food. This is an obvious imbalance of power, an injustice that must be addressed by empowering consumers through testing what's on their table.
Grocery chains like Trader Joe's, Vons, Safeway, and Albertsons stock their shelves with plastic-wrapped, pesticide-soaked produce. These factory-farms stores, controlled by factory food conglomerates like Aldi, are complicit in the spread of chemical-laden GMOs. While they market themselves as health-conscious and eco-friendly, they continue to sell food produced with harmful chemicals, contributing to a hidden public health crisis.
Acting: Testing and Exposing Pesticide Contamination
Time to act, by testing the food we buy. Using pesticide test kits and strips, we can determine pesticide residues on food. We will show the toxic levels of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides GMOs carry and even the so-called 'organic' produce may well be contaminated, so nothing should go untested. Simple, just buy one of the many pesticide test kits available, follow the enclosed directions to obtain a sample, place the sample in the test kit, and the result will show if pesticides were used or not. USDA Organic or India, Turkey, Chili, Mexico and Guatemala 'Organic' wink? Once the tests are complete, the findings will have to be shared on social media platforms. Pesticide test results published on social media will raise awareness and force supermarkets to be more open. This grassroots movement could lead by informed consumers to take on the corporate dominance of the biotech industry and make these companies responsible for what they do: poisoning our food supply. Your action can make a difference.
Food Freedom, Farm Freedom: Fighting for Organic Farm Autonomy
Large, billion-dollar biotech firms belonging to Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, and Corteva have hijacked the food chain to adduct our food into chemicals. It is for the pecuniary benefit of the gigantic corporations. GMOs were swimming in a large pool of pesticides and herbicides and posed serious hazards for the environment and public health. And that lie is equivalent to non-GMOs, it's now time for consumers to make the saying, "Enough is enough."
With pesticide testing tools and the power of social media, the truth can be brought to light as it relates to GMOs, and the public will force these companies to disclose what's in the foods they are selling. It is time to hold them accountable and take back our food sovereignty to take back what goes on our plates.
Reclaiming Control Over Our Food Supply
Fighting for food independence is not an issue of saying no to GMOs but a stand against the chemical tyranny imposed on the food system by the very same corporations. Testing our foods for exposure to pesticides and contamination from pesticides, while demanding transparency, is protection for ourselves and future generations against what GMOs and their associated noxious chemicals represent. It is now time for action. The time has come to push back against the biotech giants and reclaim our food supply, health, and future.
Biotechnological "Food" Tyranny: The Dark Side of GMOs and Gene Editing
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