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The Death Cult of Global Power: Greed, Militarism and Spiritual Bankruptcy Fomented by Hollywood 2

December 22nd, 2024

Related: Prequel Part 1, Sequel Part 2, Conclusion Part 3, Epilogue 4

Tracy Turner

In the early 21st century, global power structures are increasingly dominated by a lethal combination of greed, militarism, and deep-seated spiritual bankruptcy. The world is divided between those who wield power through violence and control and those who oppose them. Central to the structure are the powerful political entities, the multinational corporations, the intelligence agencies, and institutions that use coercive means and physical force to make people surrender to them. The United States, NATO, Israel, and associated intelligence agencies like the NSA and Mossad have become core perpetrators in a geopolitical order ruled by a ' death cult' logic-one that pursues the interests of power through the application of violence, secrecy, and surveillance at the profound cost of human life and ecological survival.

This and previous articles have delved into the interlinkages between military-industrial power, the surveillance state, and geopolitical violence. These forces reflect a spiritual and moral crisis that transcends political competition. We aim to equip the reader with real-world examples and scholarly sources to comprehend and resist a world order where control is the ultimate objective, and human life can be sacrificed for dominance. Understanding and resisting this system is not just a moral imperative, but an urgent call to action that you, as a reader, can actively participate in.

Power, Greed, and Violence: The Global War Machine

The international system in the modern world is increasingly being shaped by military-industrial powers whose corporate and political interests have become profoundly inbred and permeating in the pursuit of dominance. The term' military-industrial Complex ', coined by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1961, refers to the intimate relationship between a country's military, its contractors, and its political leaders. The military-industrial global cabal, a term used to describe the collective influence and operations of these entities, denies its existence.

It is rampant in the United States and Israel, where military needs often seem to be running ahead of domestic needs. According to SIPRI, U.S. army expenditure alone accounted for 39% of global military spending in 2020 (SIPRI, 2021). This sham is not only about national defense but also about economic dominance through the export of weapons, military intervention, and control of strategic resources, particularly oil (food production, transportation of food, and oil for war). The mainstream press makes light of this government conspiracy, mainly by overusing the root word theory (theorists).

The U.S. has been using military force as a way of ensuring its interests all over the world, especially in the oil-rich Middle East. George H. W. Bush initiated the 1990-1991 Gulf War, presented as protection for Kuwait but closely linked with retaining U.S. dominance over the oil supplies of that region.The invasion of Iraq in 2003 by George W. Bush on the grounds of WMDs was an invasion based on interests in oil and regional dominance. The connections between the Bush family, defense contractors, and the oil industry are well-documented (Finer, 2017). The Carlyle Group is a global investment firm with close ties to the Bush family that has reaped significant profits from Iraq's post-war reconstruction (oil redistribution) (Palast, 2004).

The ' peace through strength' concept plays a significant role in these conflicts. It is a doctrine wherein peace is believed to be attained not through diplomacy or negotiation but through an overwhelming threat of violence. This scene was seen in Ronald Reagan's speech, which stated that 'A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought' and spoke for 'peace through strength' (Reagan, 1984).

Again, in George H. W. Bush's articulation of the 'New World Order' following the Cold War, it seemed implicit that the U.S. would, through its military force, sculpt the world matter of the human or ecological consequences into a form that best reflected the American way of life. The 'New World Order' was a term used to describe a new era of global politics, where the U.S. would be the dominant force, shaping the world according to its interests (Bush, 1990).

The false concept of " peace through strength" is paradoxical. It assumes that violence secures long-term stability, but history shows otherwise. Wars fought in the name of resource control, whether in Iraq or Afghanistan, have left nations in ruins and populations devastated (think homeless refugees globally). The fundamental objective is not peace but control over resources, strategic military positions, and global influence and interference.

Hollywood is the most important promoter of the ideologies of militarism, greed, and spiritual bankruptcy that dominate global power structures. Through its films, television shows, and entertainment franchises, Hollywood advocates a worldview in which violence, warfare, and the manipulation of public perception are normalized as necessary tools for achieving security, freedom, and justice. Films like Top Gun, The Matrix, and the James Bond series glamorize military might, espionage, and the role of surveillance in maintaining global power. The media narrative would only desensitize the people of the very real negative repercussions of such policies, nurturing further the sentiment that it is war and surveillance which safeguard democracy and freedom. Hollywood knows untimely mass death is antithetical to freedom.

By glamorizing the very practices underlying the militaristic, surveillance-driven order, Hollywood subtly indoctrinates global audiences into accepting these systems as inevitable and even desirable. Thus, Hollywood's symbiotic relationship with the military-industrial surveillance-mind-control-complex helps perpetuate a "death cult" of power, where human lives and ecological well-being are crucified in the name of control and profit.

The Nuclear Threat: A Tool of Political Control

The core of nuclear weapons in international relations is considered one of the most unsettling aspects of modern power politics. Numerous heads of state (Truman, Stalin, Khrushchev, Kennedy, Nixon, Brezhnev, Reagan, Gorbachev, Bush, Hussein, Kim, Bush, Kim, Ahmadinejad, al-Assad, Putin, Obama, Trump, Biden, Jinping, Netanyahu) have used nuclear war threats to enforce their decisions and ensure a desired level of obedience.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev once stated, " If we have to, we will fight a nuclear war to defend socialism" (Gorbachev, 1996). The nuclear arms race that defined much of the 20th century was as much about military preparedness as it was about projecting power.

Likewise, during the Gulf War, leaders such as George H. W. Bush and Saddam Hussein issued veiled nuclear threats, a further indication of how nuclear weapons function as a political tool rather than a means of defense (Sagan & Waltz, 2003).

Nuclear rhetoric continues to dominate international politics from 1945 to date. Modern-day North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has repeatedly threatened on multiple occasions to attack his perceived aggressors-major, among them the United States, with nuclear weapons (Sagan & Waltz, 2003). Similarly, statements by Vladimir Putin that he would use nuclear weapons to defend Russia's territorial integrity (or flagging moments in Ukraine).Atomic threats reflect a broader strategy of nuclear deterrence as a means of "maintaining sovereignty" in a world where military power is increasingly tied to controlling strategic resources (Tannenwald, 2007).

Israel's sole existence is underpinned by a nuclear arsenal, an underdog with many nukes to maintain the status quo (International Macroaggression).

The continued existence of nuclear weapons, despite their devastating possibilities, reflects a fundamental paradox of modern power. While global leaders claim a desire for peace and stability, their willingness to deploy-or even threaten to deploy-nuclear weapons undermines these very ideals. The threat of nuclear annihilation now becomes just another tool within the geopolitical toolbox, reinforcing above all else the centrality of power and control, misnomer-labeled as "freedom and democracy" above human survival.

Surveillance and Control: The Rise of the Surveillance State

Aside from military violence and nuclear threats, the new power structures rely on an ever-enlarging surveillance apparatus to foment control over populations. The National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States, together with its equivalents (Unit 8200, Mossad, MI-5, Rome) elsewhere, constitutes the contemporary face of the surveillance and control state. These agencies collect and analyze vast reams of data, including everything from phone calls and emails to online activity.

The scale of global surveillance is enormous. As Shoshana Zuboff says in her book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, in 2019, through the growth of companies such as Google, X, and Facebook, a global panopticon has been created, one which tracks and even manipulates the behavior of individuals for commercial gain. Predictive Analytics from Harvard, M.I.T., the Mossad, the NSA, the United States, and Israel are now predicting what we will do next as "Precrime."

It has turned out that the use of surveillance to control populations is practiced globally, as intelligence agencies, such as Mossad in Israel and Unit 8200, conduct covert operations to affect political outcomes and secure interests on behalf of powerful states.

Operations by the NSA and its allies represent a new kind of " discipline," as Michel Foucault (1995) described in Discipline and Punish. Foucault contended that modern power functions in relation not only to force but also to the military force of surveillance and behavioral controls. Today, the surveillance state watches not to identify threats but to enforce adherence to the status quo- obeyance, conformity, and the mafia enforcers of the Surveillance Role Players.

The NSA's mass "baby-steps" surveillance programs, revealed in 2013 by whistle-blower Edward Snowden, clarified how personal privacy had been traded for a semblance of national security. The ability of governments and corporations to monitor individuals on a global scale has profound implications for freedom and democratic autonomy. It also shows the deep spiritual and moral virus at the heart of modern power. If individuals are primarily viewed as data points that must be controlled and manipulated, then the very essence of human dignity is undermined. Security is overused and misused, as the general populace has none.

The Role of Israel and Zionists in Global Power Structures

In this global system, Israel is a regional power. The State of Israel has been involved in numerous covert operations through its government, primarily via the intelligence agencies Mossad and Unit 8200 and semi-covert Talpiot Lavender AI, to influence foreign governments and secure its geopolitical position. The assumed, yet never officially acknowledged, nuclear capabilities of Israel further complicate the global balance of power. The " Samson Option," which suggests that Israel would commit nuclear war if it were threatened with defeat, reflects the death cult mentality underlying Israeli security policy at its core (Hersh, 1991).

In the face of international criticism of Israel's operations, particularly in Gaza and the West Bank, military power in this nation has been propped up by the United States and other Western powers. This relationship underlines in what manner military power functions in world politics: Israel's security is guaranteed not through any diplomacy or peacemaking but via overwhelming military force and with promises of nuclear annihilation. The strategic interest of the United States in Israel and its function within the more significant Middle East conflict will continue to place Zionist Israel at the center of a global system of violence and control. Israel's landmass is America's largest Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Group within Ancient Persia (SUV-oil).

The Moral and Ecological Costs of Militarism

The profound disregard for the human cost of military intervention and ecological unsustainability lies at the very heart of this death cult. Wars for oil-the Gulf War, the Iraq War, and the current conflict in Syria-have left millions dead, displaced, and impoverished. The environmental costs of these wars are also stark. According to a report from the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL, 2020), the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq led to the destruction of vital ecosystems, including the drying up of the Mesopotamian Marshes, once considered the cradle of civilization. Millions "live" (starve) in refugee camps.

The military-industrial surveillance-control complex, propelled by corporate profits, taxpayer rape, and geopolitical ambition, further exacerbates ecological degradation. The production and use of particularly depleted uranium munitions create long-term environmental hazards, leaving affected areas uninhabitable for thousands of generations. The ecological consequences of militarism are not simply about the immediate destruction of the natural world but also the long-term destabilization of entire ecoregions.

The Need for Moral Resistance

This nexus of military power, corporate greed, and surveillance control (mind-washing) in a world where human life and the health of the planet are subsidiaries of the pursuit of control (profits for Oligarchs). It is a " death cult" that has the leaders of nations like the United States, Israel, and Russia, among others, in its sway, having left behind their souls in a world spiritually bankrupt. Leaders explain their actions in terms of security and freedom. However, the goal is always the same: power-control brainwashing of resources, strategic territory, and, not infrequently, the lives of the masses.

Of course, not all is lost. There is still a chance for resistance. Not resistance from the old military position of opposing forces, but resistance as in refusing to participate in the system that controls human life. Through civil disobedience, activism, and solidarity movements, a moral compass has appeared in a world that has become lost.We can also resist this death cult in modern geopolitics by insisting on priorities of diplomacy, environmental sustainability, and human dignity.

The more evident the spiritual and moral bankruptcy of the current global system, the greater the challenge: Are we going further on our path of destruction, or can we oppose and fight for another world of peace, justice, freedom, and human dignity?

Global power structures, shaped by militarism, greed, and surveillance, have created a "death cult" of domination wherein human life, ecological sustainability, and moral integrity are sacrificed to maintain control and profit. Hollywood is both a cultural engine and a reflection of societal forces perpetuating these ideologies.

Hollywood's main tool is for you to relate to the class struggle of their male and female, now mostly ethnic and LGBTQ+ protagonists. Hollywood is nose blind to you driving a forklift or tapping keys in an office or a McDonald's while Rothschild Billionaires profit from both sides of a conflict you are "supposed to embrace."

Through innumerable movies that glorify military might, nuclear threats, and surveillance as necessary for national security or "freedom," Hollywood reinforces the idea that violence and manipulation are the means of achieving power.

Glorifying war, espionage, and the militaristic state not only desensitizes audiences to the real-life outcomes of such actions but also legitimizes a worldview in which human dignity is subordinated to the interests of those in power. Our moral divestment means that as consumers of these media narratives, we have to be conscious of the fact that, in this manner, they are participating in the very systems by which violence and control are made effective.

Resistance against such a global order, however, is moral. We can begin dismantling the death cult that has grasped the planet by clawing back our humanity, trusting in diplomacy over force, and demanding a world based on sustainability and justice. The choice resides within our collective power to reimagine a different future wherein peace, human dignity, and ecological balance replace militarism, greed, and spiritual bankruptcy.

This is the death cult of global power: militarism, greed, and surveillance combined in an ideology that is advanced not only through political leaders, military-industrial complexes, and intelligence agencies but also through society's cultural fabric, in which Hollywood itself plays no small propagandistic role.The system that will not let us go can only be broken if we resist not only the political and military forces but also the narratives in our media that make such violence, surveillance, and control seem normal.

We can choose either to passively accept the glorification of war and manipulation through entertainment or actively question and reject the "death cult" narratives that Hollywood feeds us, boycott, divest, picket Hollywood.

We must demand movies and media that believe in the sanctity of peace, diplomacy, and human dignity and support cultural movements that challenge the status quo. Only then will the dismantling of this global order, premised on sacrificing human life and ecological balance for the enrichment of a few, gradually come into being. The irony of a financially bankrupt Hollywood with dismal movie ticket sales after decades of Death Cult Empire Boosting is not lost on us.

Hollywood, Broadway, and their international cabal in league with NATO, the U.S. government, and the Israeli state. These institutions are churning out propaganda that glorifies conformity and compliance while suppressing dissent and intellectual freedom. From greenwashing to war-mongering, they promote a toxic, anti-intellectual, and divisive narrative that keeps the world in a perpetual state of conflict and crisis. It's time to bankrupt the culture industry that fuels this death cult—strip them of their power to manipulate, divide, and destroy. Reject the lies, and fight for a future where truth and justice can thrive. Take up your wallet as a weapon: #BoycottHollywood, divest from the corporate overlords that profit off of human suffering, and demand a new narrative—one that values real progress, not Orwellian doublespeak.

Dedicated to Sky Ebbets, Ruth Hull, Brett Redmayne-Titley, Robert Singer, Naomi Klein, Chris HedgesGlenn Greenwald, Cynthia McKinney, and Arundhati Roy.


Bush, G. H. W. (1990). Address the state of the union before a joint session of Congress—the American Presidency Project.

Finer, S. (2017). The international politics of the Gulf War: A study of American and British involvement. Palgrave Macmillan.

Foucault, M. (1995). Discipline and punishment: The birth of the prison. Vintage Books.

Gorbachev, M. (1996). Memoirs. Doubleday.

Hersh, S. M. (1991). The Samson Option: Israel's nuclear arsenal and American foreign policy. Random House.

Palast, G. (2004). The best democracy money can buy. Plume.

Sagan, S. D., & Waltz, K. (2003). The spread of nuclear weapons: A debate renewed. W.W. Norton & Company.

SIPRI. (2021). Military expenditure. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Tannenwald, N. (2007). The nuclear taboo: The United States and the normative basis of nuclear non-use. Cambridge University Press.

Zuboff, S. (2019). The age of surveillance capitalism: The fight for a human future at the new frontier of power. PublicAffairs.


The Death Cult of Global Power: Greed, Militarism and Spiritual Bankruptcy Fomented by Hollywood 2
Related: Prequel Part 1, Sequel Part 2, Conclusion Part 3, Epilogue 4

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