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Chris Spencer
The State of Israel is an intricately interlinked part of the geopolitics of the region, largely through its special relationship with the United States, complemented by that with Russia, and now spreading toward Africa, Latin America, and beyond. This complex geopolitics at the core represents the struggle for military and economic hegemony, ensured through resource extraction, diplomatic manipulation, and covert operations. It's not just a question of influence but of siphoning the wealth and resources of the most vulnerable regions, using military power to enforce such domination. In this model of imperialism, it might be observed side by side with the tactics of Russian and U.S. actions where countries all over the world act as pawns in a greater competition for global domination.
Mathematical Analysis of Military Spending and Resource Drain
Global spending on military budgets includes direct military aid, projects of resource extraction, and covert operations-all exposing a wide net of transferences of wealth from the South to the masters of imperialism. Herein follows an overview of selected financial figures and the overall implications.
1. Military Aid and Weapons: A Billion-Dollar Game
Part of the way this Israeli military expenditure is covered is through U.S. military aid and its entwinement with other global powers. The United States alone has provided Israel with more than $38 billion in military aid over the last decade. Such assistance fuels precisely the dominant military position that maintains occupations entailing massive displacement and the extraction of resources in conflict areas like Gaza and the West Bank.
$38 billion in U.S. military aid to Israel in the period from 2016 to 2026.
$3.8 billion per year, making Israel the largest recipient of U.S. military aid.
This military funding is earmarked to secure resources and maintain strategic alliances like those of Israel with Russia, through clandestine military operations and mutual geopolitical maneuvering in resource-rich regions like Syria.
2. Resource Extraction: A Global Drain
From resource extraction projects in Ethiopia to Brazil, Israel's involvement is planned with the sole intent of draining the natural wealth of poor countries. Most of these activities are in collaboration with military assistance and create great loss economically on the local people.
Africa: Resources and People: To be Exploited
The Israeli interest in Africa focuses on minerals, agriculture, and oil-niche sectors connected with international supply chains. This is strongly felt in local economic terms since much of the extracted wealth flows out of those nations to Israeli coffers.
Ethiopia: Israeli companies are involved in the exploitation of minerals, as well as agricultural produce. In exchange, the military of Ethiopia receives weapons and training services that often displace locals. The agricultural ventures often displace rural farmers through land expropriation as large-scale industrial farming operations take over tracts of lands that were previously utilized by locals for their subsistence farming.
Military and agricultural investments: well over $500 million in the last decade alone.
Soil degradation: Extensive farming practices result in the loss of good land and soil depletion, especially in areas meant for crops like cotton, which require a lot of water. It has also resulted in the extraction of more and more groundwater to feed the rising agriculture production, thus leading to desertification of previously productive agricultural lands.
Nigeria: Israeli companies participate in the exploitation of oil and gas. In tandem, military cooperation with the Nigerian government has brought massive displacements, especially around the Niger Delta.
Oil Wealth Extraction: While Israeli companies get a lion's share, the indigenous people suffer environmental degradation characterized by the destruction of waterways and deforestation.
Environmental costs: The extraction process, along with decades of oil spills, gas flaring, and toxic waste dumping, has devastated the local ecosystems. The Niger Delta, once a haven of biodiversity, has destroyed huge tracts of wetlands as mangrove forests die out and marine life becomes uninhabitable. Oil spills and the heavy use of pesticides in Israeli-backed agricultural ventures have poisoned water supplies, further exacerbating food insecurity and health crises in the region. Kenya: Israeli technology aids agricultural projects, but these often lead to the dispossession of land for export-oriented agriculture, which then displaces local farmers and compromises local food security.
Environmental impacts: Kenyan agricultural land has been increasingly used for large-scale commercial farming, including the export of flowers and horticultural products. Such a shift in farming has resulted in the depletion of soil nutrients, increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and reduction in biodiversity. In most areas, the intensive agricultural practices have resulted in severe erosion, diminishing the land's ability to support sustainable farming.
# | Country | Impact |
1 | Palestine | Pollution, Poverty, Political Instability |
2 | Syria | Environmental Damage, Resource Depletion |
3 | Lebanon | Oil Spills, Water Contamination |
4 | Jordan | Water Shortages, Economic Inequality |
5 | Egypt | Land Degradation, Political Tension |
6 | Yemen | Deforestation, Economic Struggles |
7 | Iraq | Oil Drilling, Environmental Damage |
8 | Sudan | Mineral Extraction, Social Unrest |
9 | Somalia | Illegal Resource Exploitation, Famine |
10 | South Sudan | Oil Resources, Political Conflict |
11 | Kenya | Mining, Land Pollution |
12 | Uganda | Mineral Resource Exploitation, Pollution |
13 | Tanzania | Mining, Deforestation |
14 | Zimbabwe | Mineral Extraction, Environmental Destruction |
15 | Democratic Republic of Congo | Conflict Mining, Land Degradation |
16 | Angola | Oil Extraction, Water Pollution |
17 | South Africa | Mining, Water Contamination |
18 | Namibia | Mineral Mining, Environmental Damage |
19 | Mozambique | Natural Gas, Environmental Impact |
20 | Argentina | Oil Extraction, Pollution |
21 | Brazil | Deforestation, Resource Depletion |
22 | Colombia | Mining, Environmental Pollution |
23 | Mexico | Oil Extraction, Air Pollution |
Latin America: Militarization and Ecological Devastation
The involvement of Israel in Latin America is mainly linked with the sale of military technology and extraction of natural resources, especially in countries such as Brazil, Chile, and Argentina.
Brazil: Israel has given over $2 billion in military assistance to Brazil. Meanwhile, Israeli agricultural companies have been accused of Amazon deforestation and forcing the displacement of indigenous communities for industrial agriculture.
Soybean production also creates Israeli interests in land-use change that is greatly affecting the ecosystems and native populations of the area.
This brings environmental devastation with increased large-scale monoculture farming causing acceleration of the scale of deforestation in the Amazon, hence eroding biodiversity. These activities also impede the carbon sequestration functions of the Amazon and add to global climate change. Additionally, it has degraded through pollution of local rivers resulting from pesticide and fertilizer runoff poisoning water sources for local wildlife and communities.
Chile & Argentina: Mining projects, mainly in copper and lithium, have yielded great benefits for Israeli companies from these crucial resources.
Environmental devastation: Increased deforestation and soil degradation of mining areas, as well as land rights violations against indigenous communities.
Mining lithium, one of the main active materials in all kinds of electric devices, including car batteries, has dried out vital water supplies and affected the locally conducted agriculture as well as the native people who needed those water supplies. Toxic chemicals utilized in the mining process include cyanide and sulfuric acid, which poisoned water bodies around the mines and made them deadly for life in every shape.
3. The $ Trillion Resource Drain: Calculating the Global Impact This is Israel's involvement in resource extraction across Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East multiplied. The flow of wealth in approximate figures was broken down on the basis of recent economic studies.
Military expenditure: more than $10 billion in military aid every year to countries engaged in Israeli-backed military operations.
Resource extraction losses: An estimated US$15 billion is lost to countries in Africa and Latin America through resource extraction-mineral, oil, agricultural products-through foreign interests, including Israeli companies.
Total economic drain: It is estimated that US$25 billion annually is drained from these regions due to Israeli influence, which in turn finances military infrastructure in Israel, Russia, and the U.S.
These figures are large in themselves and only a minute fraction of the large imperialist framework in which the U.S. military-industrial complex is involved, along with Russian energy dominance and Israeli geopolitical maneuvering. This is the wealth siphoned off from the Global South to sustain the military operations conducted by the three powers. The Geopolitical Costs: Social and Environmental Impact
As wealth flows out of resource-rich countries to global powers, the impact on local populations is profound:
Displacement: Over 10 million people have been displaced in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East due to military operations or resource extraction projects supported by Israeli, Russian, and US interests. Such communities lose not only their home but also their livelihoods, as agricultural lands, fisheries, and forests are destroyed to make way for large-scale extraction projects.
Apart from that, there is a long-term environmental cost to be considered, which includes the deforestation of Brazil, depletion of soil in Ethiopia, and the pollution of Nigeria.
From the drying up of rivers due to mining operations in the Chilean Andes to the toxic legacy of oil extraction in the Niger Delta, the environmental footprint of Israeli-backed projects stretched across the world.
The indigenous, generally the first casualty of such an environmental cost, see their ecosystems ruined and lost, leading to the crumbling of biodiversity, cultural disintegration, and a spiraling decline in health outcomes.
Conclusion: The Global Machine of Imperialism This represents a unique interrelation and collaboration between the states of Israel, the U.S., and Russia in a hegemonizing trajectory militarily and economically across a world divided into highly resource-rich yet geopolitically unstable regions that create an unparalleled extraction system wherein direct military interventions, strategic alliances, or subtle economic exploitation assure the flow of Global South riches outward, reinforcing their international grip. But it is paid by the millions who have been displaced, the ecosystems destroyed, and the fragile economies of vulnerable nations, which are often left with little to show for their resources but military occupation and environmental collapse. It is a globally interwoven web of resource extraction, economic imperialism, and military control wherein the wealth of the world's poorest nations is used to fuel the military might of the world's most powerful empires.
The environmental cost of this system cannot be understated.
It is from the destruction of the forests in the Amazon through the wetlands of Africa to the pollution of essential sources of water; ecosystem damage is irreversible and far-reaching.
While ramping up resource extraction for the needs of global military power, the ecological cost continues to spiral; what is in store for the next generations is a denuded and precarious Earth nearing the brink of ecological collapse.
The great wealth created for Israel, the U.S., and Russia was made from the destruction of the Global South, while the planetary cost of that system falls onto the planet itself.
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Israel's Widening Reach: A Geostrategic Melange of Diplomacy, Resource Extraction, and Imperialism https://olivebiodiesel.com/Russia-Israel-US.html
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