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Tracy Turner
Once upon a time, there was a Democratic Party: the hope of the working man, a champion of economic policy equity, civil rights, and the idea that good things might be done with government. Fast-forward to 2025, and that party is a cartoon version of itself: an empty vessel for elite interests, performative wokeness, and a whole laundry list of "non-issue" issues that has the traditional base of the party scratching its head, fleeing for cover. How in the name of all things holy could the party of FDR and LBJ be transformed into that of avocado toast, gender-neutral pronouns, and virtue-signaling billionaires? A tour de force through the abject moral turpitude of the Democratic Party and their not-so-funny tendency to commit political suicide.
Economic Fairness? More Likely Economic Farce
Does anyone remember when Democrats fought for workers, for unions, for social safety nets? Yeah, those days are about as dead as Blockbuster Video. In fact, by 2025, the party had swallowed hook, line, and sinker the neoliberal agenda: cuddling up to Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the 1% they once pretended to fight. These days, they will talk about 'income inequality', but their actions are a joke. But of course, they virtue-signal about Universal Basic Income and student loan forgiveness, yet really did little to fix the problem that creates the economic disparity in the first place. Instead, they are a party of Big Tech monopolies, corporate bailouts, and tax loopholes for their billionaire donors. What do they give the working class? A promise of a $15 minimum wage—good as a screen door on a submarine.
Civil Rights or Civil Wrongs?
Once upon a time, the Democrats were on the right side of history, championing civil rights legislation, standing up for racial equality. Their so-called civil rights by 2025 had degenerated into an identity politics cabaret. Instead, it had a platform that should have dealt with the complex systemic problems of poverty, education, and criminal justice reform, but the party obsessed over symbolic reforms in schools, tore down statues, and argued over whether it was "Latinx" or "Latine." Meanwhile, the police were still beating down Black and Brown communities, the economy was still keeping them poor, and the schools remained broken. But hey, at least they got a Juneteenth federal holiday, right? And totally expanded the Surveillance Mind Control Police State.
Government Role: From New Deal to No Deal
Democrats used to represent the use of government power to regulate markets, build infrastructure, and provide core services. By 2025 they would completely be inculcating the mantra of "public-private partnerships"—euphemistic for "letting corporations run it." The Green New Deal? More like the Green New Distraction: talking big on climate change but doing the bidding of their corporate donors to water down policies that could have made a difference. Public investment in infrastructure? Forget that. Just handing the keys over to private companies has left the roads in tatters, the tolls high, and managed health care more expensive and less accessible than ever.
Environmental Protection or Pretension?
And on the environment, Democrats would have been about as much help considering climate change as a paper umbrella in a hurricane. They will be talking about renewable energy and the Green New Deal, but their actions don't match that. By 2025, they'd be the party of "greenwashing," allowing corporations to slap a "sustainable" or an "organic" label on their products while continuing to pollute the planet. Meanwhile, they incensed working-class voters whose livelihoods depended on coal and oil with no more than bromides about "retraining programs" and ladders of opportunity in the gig economy.
Access to Education: From Public Schools to Private Profits
The Democrats were once the party of public education from kindergarten through technical school. The Democrats were the party of the best universities and of student loan debt by 2025. To date, free college has done little if anything to staunchly stop the cost of learning and lighten the onerous student loans. But instead, critical race theory and those gender studies in schools seemed to alienate parents who mostly wanted to teach their kids a simple math lesson. The result is a growing backlash from working-class families forsaken by the party that was intended to represent them.
Healthcare: From Universal Care to Universal Chaos
What once was the Democrats' hard-core, no-question commitment to universal health care, by 2025, was a relic from another era altogether. Democrats had long since left Medicare for All in the dust and settled with half-measures like the Affordable Care Act that left millions uninsured or underinsured. In return, they let Big Pharma jack up the price of lifesaving medicines and then pocketed campaign donations from the health care industry. The result has been a health care system which is more expensive, more complicated, and less accessible than at any time in history. Managed health care is like betting on ponies at the track. Everything you need is delayed, the providers are betting you will die before they pay for an organ-transplant. Delay, delay, delay.
Diplomacy: From Multilateralism to Moral Posturing
Democrats at one time were supposed to be the party of multilateralism, international alliances, and human rights in foreign policy. Fast forward to 2025, and this party of endless war, of drone strikes, of moral posturing had become the lecturer on democracy and human rights to other countries while covering up atrocities of their friends. What they succeeded at was alienating a large part of their base by making foreign policy about corporate concern versus human lives. The diplomacy of Joe Biden and Netanyahu dropping 2000 lb. bombs on starving women and children in Gaza.
Progressive Reform: From New Deal to No Deal
Whereas Democrats once led the charge for progressive reforms, from the New Deal to the Great Society, by 2025 they would be the party of incrementalism, compromise, and capitulation. In place of leading the fight against bold, transformative change, Democrats settle for half-measures, symbolic gestures, that don't begin to solve the problems working people face. This farce set up a party that lost touch with its roots and base and set Americans up with a system rigged against them.
Freedom of the Individual: From Privacy to Surveillance
Democrats should be the party of civil liberties, the party of privacy, and the party of reproductive rights. By 2025, Democrats had been changed into the party of Big Tech surveillance, the party of censorship, and cancel culture. Lip service to "net neutrality" and "data privacy" gave them cover to do nothing while Silicon Valley acquired unprecedented power in the world: to spy on Americans and silence them. Meanwhile, they offended their base through the culture of censorship and intolerance that had hallmark features excluding or marginalizing every kind of heterodoxy characteristically heralded either as "bigots" or "fascists." People who complain about Surveillance Mind Control are dealt with as treasonous.
Inclusivity: From Empowerment to Exclusion
They once had Democrats standing for the inclusion of people, diversity, and uplifting of marginalized communities. The year 2025 shall find these to be a party of elite gatekeepers, identity politics, and performative wokeness. Since other than actually fighting against economic justice and systemic change, the battles symbolic in nature—such things as gender-neutral bathrooms and diversity quotas—what comes out in the end is a party that has more interest in virtue signaling over helping the very people they should.
Well, the last nail in the coffin came as political Harakiri. By 2025, the Democratic Party was not even similar to what it had been during the early days: all old-time leisured values for the elite, performative wokeness, and a whole host of "non-issue" issues. And how did that go? Working-class voters started fighting back against their supposed representatives. The Democrats finally did what they set out to do some time ago: making that downhill journey into moral turpitude, political suicide, and becoming ghosts of their former selves. Many Centrists voted for Trump in 2016, 2020, and 2024.
Of course, it is from this tragic comedy of the Democratic Party that any political organization gets a signal in case it loses touch with its roots and grass-roots base. That's the whole moral of the story: the minute you abandoned your values, you abandoned your people, and you end up being left with only the legacy of failure and the future of irrelevance.
Kamala Harris for President: The Final Descent of the Democratic Party into Oblivion
It would be, were it some Shakespearean tragedy, but the campaign of Kamala Harris stands as the final act of the Democratic Party's slide into moral turpitude and political suicide. Democrats by the time Harris threw her hat into the ring had long made their mark upon the world—to wit, an oxymoronic Holy Matrimony between elite technocrats and performative activists and celebrities detached from any sense of reality who masquerade as champions of the working class. Harris's was the last nail in the coffin—only the point at which utter descent into irrelevance could no longer be denied. An apotheosis finally reached that left their obsessive identity politics and their surveillance-state authoritarianism with bitter tastes in the mouth of the voter.
A Party Out of Touch
The fight over the question of how Democrats handled the controversy over sex-change hormones symbolized a party that had become perilously out of step with its base.
But while the progressive wing of the party celebrated the policy as a gain for "trans rights," the average Democrat scratched his head and wondered why his party was out in front on an issue as divisive as this, and not focusing attention and energies on bread-and-butter issues like health care, jobs, and education.
Centrists felt that Democrats had left the kitchen table for the ivory tower, jettisoning practical solutions in favor of performative wokeness. The fact is this was considerably more pronounced across those swing states and suburban districts, which have traditionally formed the fulcrum of Democratic electoral victory. The party was far more solicitous of its progressive activists and elite donors than of the economic anxieties and cultural concerns of pivotal voters. And thus, began to take hold, in just the right demographics, a feeling of betrayal. The election returns of 2024 would prove it: this tin-eared crusade had plainly come at great political cost for the party.
The Last Straw
For many centrist Democrats, the push to legalize sex-change hormones for children was the final straw.
It wasn't just the policy itself that was such an outrage; it was how the party presented it.
The party refused to listen, readily tarred dissenters as bigots, and whisked the agenda onto obscure cultural matters in place of mainstream economic issues far more important to everyday American life. It became an expanding party-embracing hand in glove—not only the identity politics and the cancel culture but even police-state aspects of authoritarianism—that kept many center-of-the-road voters feeling less welcomed home. But it was more than a policy failure; the Democrats' tone-deaf crusade for sex-change hormones for children had become emblematic of a party that had lost its way. By forcing such a massively divisive issue on their centrist base, Democrats managed to alienate key voters and handed their opponents a powerful weapon.
The party, when nursing its bumps and bruises shortly after the election in 2024, met with an unsettling fact: it's not good enough to make it through with a victory. Now, finally, it gets down to brass tacks and really attempts to get at whether this time around will find Democrats drawing any lesson or persisting upon the path toward political suicide. One thing is certain: unless they change course, they face the real prospect of becoming a permanent minority in American politics.
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