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PART 2 of: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship

February 6th, 2025

By Mark Aurelius

Trump meets with Netanyahu

[As was the case for Part 1, this full article is included herein because of Internet censorship. For several days after Part 1 was published, practically all common search engines did not retrieve this title even if typed exactly (and even if surrounded by quotation marks!). Or they might eventually retrieve some obscure website that linked it, but in which it is difficult to actually find to the article itself (buried under the minutia of many other stories). A great deal of censorship has been happening due to algorithms and other devious means meant to censor certain topics or points of view. This is especially true if something is likely to be labeled anti-Semitic (regardless if true or not). And note that truth is not anti-Semitic in a rational and truly just world). If you agree this message, it is important you help promote it.]

It is important for all to read Part 1. Here are two links: Do not overlook this seminal statement.

Still, for orientation purposes, four paragraphs from Part 1 are now quoted:
Too many [of Trump’s nominees] reflect the rabid zealousness of Zionist domination already reigning in the U.S. Government, and its willingness to destroy our American 1st Amendment birthright, that is if speech happens to be critical of Jews, Zionism, and Israel, particularly Israel’s genocidal war against Palestinians.”

“A half a year ago Joachim Hagopian wrote in an important statement: On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, … Expanding the scope of what is legally considered antisemitism, … another bipartisan uniparty trap to ensnare the thousands of protesters exercising their free speech against the apartheid Israel’s extermination of Palestinians, in effect criminalizing those that are critical of the genocide. … a betrayal of our First Amendment rights and a betrayal of the American people, and a testimonial how AIPAC Israel through bribery and blackmail have turned our constitutional republic into a totalitarian technocratic police state.”...

“As we will explore herein, there were already several alarming articles noting a worldwide Zionist-dominated war on free speech has been going on, and building, for a long time (decades). For example, a decade ago, Aletho News published a succinct dire warning on the matter:

Israel Campaigns Against Global Free Speech
The Bilzerian Report | February 20, 2014

“Israel’s threat of forcing world governments to enact new laws against free speech should not be taken lightly. Israel and its lobbyists have already succeeded in enacting stiff anti-racist laws in most Western countries. … This is a dangerous precedent that threatens worldwide freedom and must be combated immediately, before speaking out against such Israeli efforts is also illegal. … over the last decades there has been a great deal more coordinated effort on the part of Israelis and Zionists to destroy free speech than most people realize, and now Donald Trump’s selection of cabinet members, such as Pam Bondi to be Attorney General, and Kristi Noem to head the Department of Homeland Security, and Elise Stefanik for Ambassador to the U.N. (and others) reflects this authoritarian Israeli-dominance mindset.”

It would be worthy to quote more, but again, it is important for readers to read Part 1 in its entirety, as there is too much of importance there to now review here again.

Therein we examined not just a Zionist “media war” on free speech, if one is critical of Jews, Israel, or Zionism, but it was also suggested a greater “cultural war” against American nationalists, such as patriots who value the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Also, a “cultural war” against Caucasians (using CRT, or Critical Race Theory, as a form of reverse racism, by basically and systematically blaming most of the world’s inequalities on white Europeans (even if, for example, Jews were actually much more responsible for bringing slavery into the new world.

By using their control on the Hollywood movie industry, and equally their political, legal, and philanthropic power to influence and distort American education, many people think it was primarily European Caucasians who were the souls primarily responsible for the slave trade to the new world and into the United States. This is not true. There is substantial evidence on the contrary, one example, a video:
Who Brought the Slaves to America? Slavery and the Jews White, Walter, Jr., 1898-1984

Jews Pushing “Critical Race Theory” on Youth; Brainwashing Black Community to Hate White Race (as deliberate form of anti-whitism meant to create a hornet’s nest of hostility and violence rather than a happy melting pot).
https://rumble.com/v2ba9z2-jews-pushing-critical-race-theory-on-youth-brainwashing-black-community-to-.html Read also:

Jewish Anti-White Books: The Zionists and the Jews like to bring in so called 'Hate Speech' laws to stop criticisms of Israel or Jewish power. But isn't this Hate Speech?
https://www.thehardtruth.info/jewish-anti-white-books (scroll the article).

And also read (because time to acknowledge when the pot calls the kettle black—that is a substantial amount of Jewish hate speech tries to deflect legitimate argumentation):
Destination 1982: Wilmot Robertson’s "Ventilations" Then and Now by Sigurd Kristensen
In this important article Kristensen lays it out from a previous writing of his:
“Instead of submitting anti-Semitism to the free play of ideas, instead of making it a topic for debate in which all can join, Jews and their liberal supporters have managed to organize an inquisition in which all acts, writings and even thoughts critical of Jewry are treated as a threat to the moral order of mankind. The Tartuffe of the contemporary era turns out to be the Jewish intellectual who believes passionately in the rights of free speech and peaceful assembly for all, but rejoices when permits are refused for anti-Semitic meetings and rocks crack against the skulls of anti-Semitic speakers.”

Exactly. They encourage hatred and violence against white people or Muslims, or especially anyone opposing Israeli violence and Zionism, and; yet, merely loud vocal speech and argumentation for a worthy cause is too prohibitively taboo for their “privileged pretense of Jewish innocence” (which now more than ever must be confronted).

The article author, Kristenson, further writes: “More than fifty years later** we find our U.S. House of Representatives passing an outrageous anti-Semitism bill aimed at preventing criticism of Jews and Israel; and we find that “punching Nazis” has become normalized and society-approved form of violence. Robertson saw it all coming, but then he also understood history. He emphasizes that “Jews seem bent on destroying the very political, economic and social climate that has made their success possible.”
**The Dispossessed Majority, by Wilmot Robertson, published in 1972

[Note: This essay will continue to focus mostly on their Zionist war on free speech around the world, but will at times, include other forms of warfare (against the Western world) be it cultural warfare such as racist wars, economical war such as reverse discrimination, political and psychological warfare, and religious war, or whatever animosity however disguised. So, it goes without saying it is important to realize there are many forms of warfare, such as flooding a country with foreigners who want to take advantage of the opportunities afforded but really have no respect for the western culture being invaded, or those who are currently its citizens.]

Part 1of this essay “Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows …” ended by mentioning a book, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within: The shocking story of the infiltration and subversion of the American nationalist movement by Michael Collins Piper. Michael shows readers both the FBI and ADL were conspiring against patriotic Americans as early as the 1950s.

Another book, briefly described by Microsoft Bing search engine AI:
“The Host and the Parasite : How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America published 2010 is a book by Greg Felton that traces America's slide into fascism and subservience to a foreign power. The book argues that three groups - the Israel Lobby, evangelical Christians, and neo-conservatives - have converged and come to dominate American policy for the benefit of Israel.” It describes trends from decades ago, such as during the Vietnam War. Here is a brief book talk by him:

This 5th column infiltration of America is all part of huge police state that has been evolving for a very long time, and only getting much worst, especially after 9/11 (in which, by the way, was an “Israeli attack” on the United States in order to motivate and start U.S. war campaigns against several Middle Eastern countries, that is, by convincing Americans that Israel’s enemies were, and are, really America’s enemies (which is why Muslims were blamed for 9/11). See books, articles, and podcasts by Chrisopher Bollyn (worthy investigative journalist 3 book and numerous podcasts):
Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World

Furthermore, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security was itself an operation meant more to spy on the American people, and anyone speaking out , such as against Israel’s agenda (which is exactly what has been happening with the centralization of the Federal government with the 50 State governments, and police departments and special Fusion Centers around the country). The Patriot Act was, and still is, used to spy on people with political points of view.

One more quote from Part 1, Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows …
“In a related news story illustrating how the will of Zionist Israel controlling America through AIPAC bribery and Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as Israel’s thuggish enforcer, the bought and sold US Congress completely abandoned the will of the American people demanding that the recently passed FISA law be stopped or amended. The ADL/Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations actively lobbied Congress emphasizing the FISA renewal was necessary to keep Israel, Jews in the US and all Americans safe from terrorism. The need for spying without warrant on anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian protesters was used to sell the FISA law’s passage as the biggest domestic surveillance legislation since the subversive Patriot Act.” Quote found in: https://jameshfetzer.org/2024/05/joachim-hagopian-new-antisemitism-law-turns-critics-against-israeli-genocide-into-criminals/

On all things police state, few writers do a better job investigating and reporting on our evolving American police state than John W. Whitehead at his website the Rutherford Institute. Here is his latest piece: The Constitution Has Gone AWOL: From Presidential Power Grabs to Martial Law

“Within days of Donald Trump’s second term, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights disappeared from the White House’s website.
While the Trump Administration insists the removal of these foundational documents will eventually be restored to the site, the timing and symbolism of their removal is hard to ignore. Especially in light of the flurry of executive orders issued by President Trump as a means of bypassing the very rule of law those documents were intended to ensure”.

Subscribe to this man’s (with wife team) articles, and study what they have already written—important and factual material not hyped with hyperbole but with solid evidence and logic. Yes alarming.

A lot of people on the left do not seem to care, yet were somewhat likely familiar with the ‘fact’ the U.S. Government (via those who control their puppet strings) declared some American nationalists were, and are, the biggest terrorist threat to this country! Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists. Both Jewish Attorney General Merrick Garland and Jewish Head of the DHS Alejandro Mayorkas declare domestic white extremists major a threat:

These warnings, of course, are within a political environment in which the FBI and ADL themselves have, supposedly, helped covertly spawn so-called white extremist protests (see Ryan Cristian video mentioned a few paragraphs below).

This deep state cultural war against white gentiles, especially of conservative and or of Christian suasion, is both political and massively fallacious. Witness these couple FBI Director Wray/ Comey speech statements, to understand which foreign country, and special grievance minority, really runs the homeland.

Notice too how it is the ADL, Anti-Defamation League, actually an Israel spy organization illegally operating here under false pretense, melds three terms, namely, extremism, terrorism, and anti-Semitism, as if they were all especially related (and this is after Israel attacked the Twin Towers in 2001 with their own form of extremist terrorism—which Donald Trump very likely is aware (and which Netanyahu was involved)). But no, it is the white home landers they need to spy on.

Why was not the FBI arresting and prosecuting the many Israelis involved in a war against our nation rather than directing our tax dollars to spy on Americans who were becoming aware of this and similar truths of Israeli perfidy?

Listen to Ryan Cristian discuss how the ADL’s role in the FBI and the United States government in general on this podcast from 2:42 to 3:02:
Trump’s “Rebel” Narrative Completely Collapses & The Secret Sabotage Deal Behind The Gaza Ceasefire

Yes, the FBI has been engaged in instigating terrorist activities, such as on January 6th, and equally the ADL has been engaged in having reportable terrorist activities acted out as well. See podcast: Zionism Vs Nazism, Israel’s Connection To Extremist Ideology & ADL’s History of Faking Nazi Marches

Meanwhile, despite all the blatant Israeli murder in Gaza (and Zionist hatred against those who protest), and while the American Government funds their genocide, we, average citizens, the masses, get the usual crybaby, alarmist, exaggerated propaganda that decries how afraid Jewish students supposedly were on American campuses during last year’s protests (which is not to argue there were not some relatively minor cases of graffiti and or threats which were primarily of zealous anger).

But as discussed in Part 1, some of those supposed documented “hate events” (mostly accusations and here say) were staged to make it look like they were being carried out by racist pro-Palestine protestors and Muslims when in fact, and more suspiciously, some significant and highlighted events or acts were carried out by pro-Israel advocates and Zionists themselves, in order to hyper-exaggerate their sanctimonious levels of fearmongering (with the number one main reason, being, to crack down on legitimate free speech, with their overly broad brushed strokes, like what they want to call “hate speech”).

Fake Antisemitism on Campus EXPOSED! Jewish & Palestinian Students Are Leading The Way To Peace

If you search for college news reporting on protests and clashes last year, you can find such suspicious, agent provocateur double-dealing.
FSJP, NYU condemn ‘violence and vandalism’ from right-wing Zionist group
The group, Betar USA, denied the allegations and called on “all Jewish Americans to boycott NYU.”
Via Washington Square News
“NYU’s chapter of Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine criticized Zionist movement, Betar USA, for allegedly vandalizing a university building and threatening pro-Palestinian student activists on social media in a Monday press release. A university spokesperson also condemned the “acts of violence and vandalism,” which Betar told WSN it was “unaware of.”
“FSJP claimed … the phrase “Betar was here” was spray-painted on NYU’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World building … Betar used its Instagram account to threaten students attending a vigil held by the Students for Justice in Palestine in Bobst Library on Oct. 8. In another story on Instagram, Betar posted an image of pagers with the caption “free pagers for all @nyu_sjp members.” In a statement to WSN, Betar said it told NYU SJP that some of its members had planned to attend and “vowed not to permit a silent vigil honoring terrorists.
“… a staff member wearing a keffiyeh was assaulted by an unidentified perpetrator who had painted the words “NYU School of Terror” on the ISAW building …”
“In statements to WSN, Betar director Ross Glick said that while the group “didn’t do the graffiti,” he believed the statement on the building is not threatening compared to pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus”.
“FSJP claimed the university notifies students of reported incidents of antisemitism more often than incidents targeting pro-Palestinian students. The group said NYU “treats pro-Palestinian demonstrations as threats,” but that Betar’s statements directed at SJP “are not seen as deserving of community-wide notification.”

This ballyhooed fearmongering, frankly, seems all too typical, especially for Eastern Ivy League and New York City colleges influenced by Jewish populations and philanthropic monies.

Ironically director Ross Glick in the previous story again appears in another story:
Betar Zionist Group Pushes for Visa Revocation of Anti-Semitic Foreign Students in U.S. TJV The Jewish Voice, New York
“Ross Glick, the U.S. chapter director of Betar, outlined the group’s methods and goals in an interview with The New York Post. “We have started commencing lists of Jew-hating foreign nationals on visas who support Hamas,” Glick stated. The organization employs advanced facial recognition technology and database analysis to identify individuals who have participated in anti-Semitic protests over the past year. “One of our issues is processing power; there is just so much video to work through,” Glick explained. …
Betar has reportedly established communication with individuals expected to be part of the incoming Trump administration, specifically in the Justice Department, to discuss potential actions against those identified. …
“… met with several key figures, including pro-Israel Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) and aides to Republican Senators Ted Cruz and James Lankford.” …
“… Betar strongly supports the measure [No Visas for Anti-Semitic Students Act] particularly as the organization continues to identify and track foreign nationals of promoting hate speech and engaging in anti-Semitic protests.”

This corresponds to what was revealed in Part 1 of this article, namely that colleges across the country have been infiltrated by political actors who are trying to destroy free speech on college campuses. Equally the are employing covert forms of spying, and apparently electronic, on people (presumedly not originally requested by the American government nor college administrations).

World Betar movement launches campaign to expel foreign students involved in anti-Israel protests
“On the legislative front, Staten Island Rep. Nicole Malliotakis introduced a bill in February — the No Visas for Anti-Semitic Students Act — that would “revoke the visas of students who have engaged in antisemitic activities.”

em>EXCLUSIVE: Jewish Group Gives Trump Admin List Of ‘Pro-Hamas’ Foreign Students, Faculty To Deport
“Activist group Betar US confirmed … it sent the information to officials in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the White House. The Jewish organization says it documented 100 students and 20 faculty and staff members with visas in the U.S. whom Trump should deport for supporting terrorist groups such as Hamas.”
“…Levy said Betar also seeks to assist Project Esther, an initiative by the conservative Heritage Foundation to curb antisemitism and pro-Palestinian activist networks.”

Meanwhile, there are other organized and financed activities, such as:
PROJECT ESTHER: A National Strategy to
Combat Antisemitism

https://www.heritage.org/sites/default/files/2024-10/Project%20Esther.pdf and

The Harassment of Jewish Students on U.S. Campuses: How Eliminationist Anti-Zionism and Academic BDS Incite Campus Antisemitism September 2019 AMCHA Imitative

Again, as argued in Part 1, this coordinated “Israeli/Zionist” effort to destroy free speech has been building for decades. “Targeting Free Speech & Redefining Antisemitism: How Pro-Israel Actors Are Using US Laws to Attack Palestinian Activism & Solidarity (must read for any serious scholar on this important topic**).”

Recently, Harvard agrees to adopt a broad definition of antisemitism to settle two lawsuits
“Harvard will adopt the broad International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance ("IHRA") definition of antisemitism, which considers certain cases of anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli criticism as antisemitism. Critics say the definition is overly strict and wrongly conflates the two, and will stifle free and open academic inquiry. Harvard calls the move one of many "robust steps" that will ensure that "Jewish and Israeli students are treated in the same manner and with the same urgency as all protected groups."

Nothing ironic about American officials showing abject and naïve deference to the overly histrionic complaining by some college bound American Jewish students and rich philanthropic know-nothings (the minority of Jewish Americans to be sure, but Zionist-firsters nevertheless, who like most Americans, have never realized a single day of real kinetic war brutality in its incomprehension, while both the Israeli and American governments are actively engaged in brutal genocide (with more 2000-pound bomb killing and months of starving of an entire population).

All this, while a supposed ‘nonchalant’ Donald Trump, while in the 2nd day of his new term, waves off such overly-extended machinations with the shrug of his shoulders toward the Palestinians plight, saying, to this question: reporter: “How confident are you that you can keep the ceasefire in Gaza”
Trump: “It's not our war. It is their war. I am not confident.”
Trump Suddenly Doesn’t Care About Ceasefire He Claims He Brought About: Donald Trump has revealed his true feelings about Gaza.
“Trump referred to Gaza as a “demolition site” before going on to suggest that the territory could be completely remade”…
““It’s got to be rebuilt in a different way,” Trump said. “Gaza is interesting. It’s a phenomenal location. On the sea. The best weather. You know, everything is good. Some beautiful things could be done with it, but it’s very interesting. Some fantastic things could be done with Gaza.””
“It’s not the first time that a member of the Trump family real estate empire has hinted that Palestine could be a developer’s paradise. In March, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner praised Gaza’s waterfront beachfront property as “very valuable.””
““It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up,” Kushner told his interviewer, Harvard’s Middle East Initiative faculty chair Tarek Masoud. “But I don’t think that Israel has stated that they don’t want the people to move back there afterwards.””

rn casual coming from a real estate dealer who currently spends some of his money building in the West Bank?

Kushner did not disclose his foundation funded settlement projects

Yes, the dapper, well dressed, mild-mannered, nepotistic “peace negotiator” really could be fashioned a bit more despotic and uglier with conflicting agendas. What right did he, as Netanyahu’s long-term friend, have negotiating Middle East peace deals, essentially buying off other neighboring countries’ leaderships to forget about Palestinians’ plight? How about them apples Mr. Kushner and President Donald Trump? So quick to shrug: “It’s not our war?”

He must think the average American is as naïve as is his own team?

The Primary Cause of October 7 Was Donald Trump. Here's the Proof by Mike Whitney
https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/the-primary-cause-of-october-7-was-donald-trump-heres-the-proof/ Read closely:
“No one is more responsible for the attacks of October 7 than Donald Trump. It was Trump who initiated the Abraham Accords that were designed to “disappear” the Palestinian issue and drive a stake into the heart of the two-state solution. By seducing Arab leaders into bilateral agreements that shrugged off earlier commitments to the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state, Trump moved to crush Palestinian aspirations and eliminate the issue forever. Facing deepening isolation and irrelevance, Hamas lashed out hoping that the international community would take notice and come to its aid. In short, the primary cause of October 7 was Trump’s Abraham Accords, the fake peace initiative that paved the way for genocide.”

Yes, Gaza becomes particularly ‘interesting’ (if reference to future possibilities) if you listen to Norman Finkelstein (important video worthy to listen to in its entirety but especially starting at 5:30): “Isreal will achieve it’s primary goal to make Gaza unlivable…” (yes that is certainly interesting). Perhaps the Don already thinks accordingly? Afterall the people living there need to moved elsewhere. While someone asks:

Why are North American Synagogues selling Palestinians’ Real Estate in the West Bank?
“Corporate real estate investment by companies both within and outside Israel have long been integral to settlement policies, with new developments reinforcing this trend.”
“A Human Rights Watch report reveals how Israeli and international companies build, finance, service and market settlement communities. Settlement businesses thrive on Israel’s unlawful confiscation of Palestinian land and resources, supporting the growth and functioning of settlements.”

Obviously then, given such stark future realities, and equally more hushed dealings, the 1st Amendment, and academic freedom, need to be equally bombed to smithereens, even though the Abraham Accords are now finished.
Arab nations reject Trump’s suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan
“The Arab nations also emphasized the role of the main United Nations aid agency for Palestinian refugees as “pivotal, non-replaceable” in providing support to Palestinian refugees. They “vehemently reject any attempts to bypass or downside its role," according to the statement.”
“Israel on Thursday formally banned UNRWA after months of attacks from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right allies who claim the agency is deeply infiltrated by Hamas. UNRWA rejects that claim.”

Banning UNWRA says it all.
Netanyahu to Meet Trump in D.C. as Israel Escalates War on West Bank Amid Gaza Ceasefire

Meanwhile, Trump says he wants to ‘clean out Gaza’ by removing Palestinians
Is it not obvious, then, Palestinians have to move, given the on-the-ground conditions and U.N. personal being attacked (if even allowed to enter)? Whereas, Sam Habeeb, a British-Palestinian former parliamentary candidate for Ealing North, said: “Trump is ignorant of the geopolitical and historical factors of the region let alone the way Palestinians in Gaza think… Palestinians in Gaza see any plan to force them out is a second Nakhba like what they faced in 1948. [when the state of Israel was founded]”
““They will not accept. It’s a waste of time for Trump’s administration. He should focus his efforts on achieving a political solution that will ensure an independent Palestinian state.””

Rich man’s money, such as from cry-baby billionaires who withdrew their Zionist-tainted donations from American universities, can buy a lot of things, even, at times, criminal suppression and repression, but it does not always trump everything.

After all, what qualifications do the likes of rich, intolerant, know-it-all, whiners like Robert Kraft, who pulls his money from Columbia U., or Barry Sternlicht pulling money from Brown U., who also in an interview said: “I think schools need to get back to the facts, to the truth,” or Bill Ackman threatening Harvard:
Bill Ackman took a Wall Street tactic to an Ivy League fight in his attempt to oust Harvard’s president
“Of all the donors demanding action from Harvard, MIT, the University of Pennsylvania and others, none have been as relentless as Ackman. The billionaire has posted open letters, tweeted and even pushed to publicly identify students who blamed Israel for the Hamas attack. In particular, Ackman wants Gay, the first Black woman to lead Harvard, fired.”

Is this the kind of person who should be dominating once respected Ivy League Universities? What special expertise, or insights, do any of these rich bastards have, save some militant, holier-than-thou, arrogance that so easily rides roughshod over our American laws and traditions?

Norman Finkelstein said it best:
Norman Finkelstein: Israel Succeeded In Making Gaza Unlivable | Full Interview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiWvgAwYvp0 at minute 21:00
“… what goes through my mind is how utterly spineless these university administrations are, how totally lacking in any principles, whatsoever these administrations are, and superficial, how cheap, are their commitment to principles like academic freedom, you hear the term over and over again, proudly burnished by these universities, academic freedom, the university being the ultimate marketplace of ideas, that no thoughts should be banned, that should be no limits at a university setting on free speech, on the one hand, and on the other hand it was so pitiful, so pathetic, how all these universities caved in to big money, to big donors, how easily without even a whimper they sold their ballyhooed principles of academic freedom and free speech. It is so pitiful, so pathetic, how these universities, starting with Harvard acquitted themselves. Remember we are America, there is no threat of a military coup, of being jailed, of being disappeared, of being tortured in a chamber, we don’t face those threats that are faced by so many other peoples around the world. What threats do these universities face, they have places like Harvard, they have 10s and 10s of billions of dollars in endowments, so they may lose a few hundred million dollars, and because of that you completely capitulate? You sell all of your principles? It is so pitiful. The heroic poses they make, but then, at the moment of truth all their principles collapse like a house of cards.”

Absolutely perfectly correct!! Can some wealthy people out there with deep pockets please send Norman some loose change, PLEASE!! Who else is going to be so straight forward. No wonder he got canned from the collegiate games.

Meanwhile, with all this Zionist coordinated spy on campus activity, we also had Academy Award winning performances like that of Rep. Elise Stefanik, nominated as Trump Ambassador to the United Nations (because she cares more about criminal forms of Zionism than our American 1st Amendment), grounded in misinformation and lies by mislabeling the motives of students protesting on college campuses with her frighteningly oppressive levels of self-righteousness.

Do you remember Nurse Ratchet in the famous movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest with Jack Nickelson? Most of those patient inmates at the mental hospital were afraid of her? See video
Analyzing Evil: Nurse Ratchet
Now compare Ratchet’s character to Nanny State Nurse Stefanik:
Top university presidents grilled in House hearing on campus hate speech

Simply, amazing! Listen to how Stefanik talks down to, and scolds, presidents of major universities. Unbelievable, as if in another mental ward; and yet she, according to Wikipedia, won an award for “contributing toward the advancement of women?” How many Palestinian women in Gaza does this Bible zealot crazy plan on advancing as Ambassador to the United Nations? Donald Trump’s you are so gifted when it comes to hiring talent—yes you ‘interesting’ chump, you.

Go back to the video of Norman Finkelstein at 16:45 and listen:
“Rich donor class philanthropists ousted three Ivy League college presidents” (thanks from the help of Congressional Nurse Bitchet Stefanik) in which he continues: “… then marching orders by the billionaire Jewish supremist class was to crush all resistance on the college campuses to the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and now it has gone a step further with Harvard University imposing draconian limitations of free speech … now in my opinion the main order of the day has to begin on the college campuses under the slogan Free Gaza Free Speech, namely the right to free speech and the right to freedom of assembly was crushed last spring … and the challenge now is every college campus to seize on this slogan Free Gaza Free Speech the right to speak you mind on the ongoing genocide, and the right to freedom of assembly … set a date like April 1st in which every college campus across the country sets up a new encampment … a confrontation that should be welcome by student activists who will play a vanguard role to win back that right to free speech …”

Good idea, and let’s have even more profound commitment than college protests of the 1960s (which were righteously important) since all Americans too now have so much now at stake.

Also, students across the country need to be willing to quit these lousy institutions that provide third-rate educations within all the politically correct dogma. College students too can take their money and run. Besides most college degrees are worth less and costs a great deal more. Are they really good investments?

[Note: Norm Finkelstein lost his tenure as a college professor due to ‘political’ reasons such as his willingness to speak uncomfortable truths. Still, he is more popular than ever. Americans and college students everywhere need to tune into his podcasts, such as his interviews with Judge Napolitano at JudgeNap.com (one of the best websites for honest and intelligent reporting on foreign news with a whole slew of courageous experts). Buy Norman’s books and support him. And again, watch the above video.]

Also go to Double Down News, DDN, if you want to get some truth:
Netanyahu's Gaza Disaster: The SHOCKING Truth Behind Israel's Defeat

Whereas, our so-called leaders seem to be good at one thing—acting as if they believe all the BS they read, and hear, from the mainstream media. And it should not surprise anyone that Israel has equally saturated our American legacy news empires with their own people to further lock in their disinformation:
Jerusalem Post Targets MintPress After Exposé on Israeli Spies in US Media
“The Jerusalem Post article attacked a series of MintPress investigations published late last year exploring the deep connections between U.S. media, the pro-Israel lobby, and the Israeli intelligence services. In this series, MintPress revealed that hundreds of former Israel lobbyists now work in top jobs in American corporate media, including for MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, and The New York Times. We also showed how former employees of an Israeli spying agency, Unit 8200, are trusted to write America’s news, including about Israel/Palestine – an enormous conflict of interest.”

Yes, it is with these officiated lies, connected to foreign intelligence, passed off as truth, apparently the kind of “getting back to truth” blockheads like Barry Sternlicht, philanthropist, and trustee of Brown U. Corporation, admire, and so take cover, as do the many goody two shoes in U.S. Congress and administrators on America’s college campuses. It is their cover, their camouflage, but don’t expect the likes of the new Secretary of Defense to get a clue.

To destroy something as vital and eminent as the First Amendment you need both secret cabals, electronic spyware, money, connections, and lots of elevated lies used in coordination with a massive censoring of truth. This buildup did not happen overnight. It has been building for a long time utilizing many individuals and organizations, and again plenty of lucre.

End of Part 2. There still is a lot more to discuss.

People who want to know what is really going on need to plug into websites like this one herein:
JudgeNap.Com (interviews with honest experts)
The Unz Review at www.Unz.com/

See also:
Netanyahu Thanks Trump for Executive Order on 'Fighting Antisemitism'

Massive Database Of Evidence, Compiled By A Historian, Documents Israel’s War Crimes In Gaza

UK's SHOCKING Authoritarian Move to SILENCE Palestine

A new German resolution seeks to deprive Israel critics of public money: Not recognising Israel's 'right to exist' and supporting the BDS movement would be grounds for denying funds to individuals and organisations under the move

A Weapon to Destroy Freedom: Founders’ Forgotten Warnings

A Well-Connected NYU Parent Is Trying to Get Students Deported


PART 2 of: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship

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