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Free Speech is Not Free and Neither is Gaza

February 13th, 2025

By Mark Aurelius

Children murdered by israel
"Regardless, hatred is encouraged against non-protected classes, such as people labeled enemies, like Arabs, Palestinians, supporters of certain political clashes, etc."

The news industry won again with Donald Trump becoming President. Regardless of whether you love him, hate him, or are puzzled, he gins up a hell of a lot of controversy and speculation. So thence volumes, tomes, twitter tweets of curiosity, opinion, theory and verbiage gusher to flash flood and circulate.

Only a few weeks into his second term, and he has aroused far more than curiosity, and his usual norm of adoration versus hatred. The world kitchen is fuming like a scullery broiling with consternation and incredulity. What kind of fast paced reality cooking show is this?

Like a bull in a China shop he breaks news in faltering and awkward ways. Some say great art provokes strong emotions. Unfortunately, outcomes to this madcap madness are far more serious and ominous than afternoon museum strolls and musing. There are deep and ugly forces undergirding this play’s staging.

Even self-deputized, moralistic marionettes, who hysterically shriek “hate speech” or “that is accursed ‘hatred’,” are equally engaged in our humanity’s grandiose melodrama of being judgmental, manipulative, and often enough self-righteous—hating both individuals, and groupings alike, especially when it comes to politics, like on a massive scale.

“"Sir," said Dr. Johnson, "I like a good hater.”

‘Hate,’ as label, as a word, a noun, an adjective, and now more as a verb, is supposedly ‘below’ our human high calling, or at least we are so indoctrinated, by the politically correct, to think so (especially when manifest simply as an attitude or opinion rather than any crime). Truly, hate is an abstract word that can mean many things with all manner of connotation. But now especially we, people living in the Western world, must now consider it is utterly derisive and evil and inhumane (that is if accusers label certain communicated message as “hate speech”).

Nevertheless, given the politics of our times, and given all the true evil being carried out, including that which you are not allowed to talk about, or who you are not allowed to talk negatively, it is still OK, supposedly to hate on those peoples, classes, and individuals who are not considered to be part of the “protected classes” (so not just the truly vulnerable and victimized but even more often the ones who scream and squeak the loudest and longest, and those with real power and clout to dominate arguments and control social indoctrination).

Regardless, hatred is encouraged against non-protected classes, such as people labeled enemies, like Arabs, Palestinians, supporters of certain political clashes, etc., especially is hatred and dehumanization encouraged by those who are often the very first to cry and whine about their own people, supposedly, accordingly to their own biased natures, being unjustly criticized or their feelings hurt (often using the exaggerated excuse of fearing for their safety).

For years Zionists, especially, have organized various methods to intimidate and mislabel critics of Israeli activity as antisemitic and hate speech. Read this article from some years ago, 2018, regarding Canary Mission trying to prevent any criticism of Israel on American campuses:

“It’s Killing the Student Movement”: Canary Mission’s Blacklist of Pro-Palestine Activists Is Taking a Toll

“Canary Mission’s growth coincides with the increasing strength of the Palestinian rights movement in the United States, and S.A. is one of more than 1,000 students, professors, and activists that the website has placed in its crosshairs”.

“While Canary Mission promotes itself as a group working against anti-Semitism, the blacklist’s effective goal is to clamp down on growing support for Palestine in the United States by intimidating and tarnishing Palestinian rights advocates with the brush of bigotry.”

Now, this last year, again according to The Intercept, the same strategy is being used, along with several other coordinated strategies to kill the 1st Amendment on college campuses.

The Far-Right Group Building a List of Pro-Palestine Activists to Deport: Betar U.S. said it has shared with the Trump administration a list of the “names of hundreds of terror supporters.”

“… President Donald Trump signed an executive order titled “Additional Measures to Combat Anti-Semitism” that “demands the removal of resident aliens who violate our laws” and calls on the Department of Justice to “protect law and order, quell pro-Hamas vandalism and intimidation, and investigate and punish anti-Jewish racism in leftist, anti-American colleges and universities.” It comes on the heels of an earlier anti-immigration order signed during Trump’s first day in office that called for increased vetting and crackdowns on visa holders and people trying to enter the U.S. based on their political and cultural views.”

If you read both these The Intercept stories, it is obvious which people are the ones engaging in hatred (attitude of hostility) but also slander, criminal activity, and illegal spying, but because right wing Zionists, and the AIPAC, are the ones with power, they get our government and American campuses to destroy our American freedom of speech for the sake of a foreign power.

And of course, Donald Trump and his new team of underlings, either do not care to learn the truth, or know but simply do not care. So, Trump will prove himself to be uninformed, and or disinterested in truth (a reoccurring theme of his style and personality).

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances; …”

As You Like It by William Shakespeare

Major drama queens, kings, princes, and princesses, performing in today’s soap operas, are, noticeably, very capable of talking out of both sides of their mouths, such as Trump’s new attorney general, Pamela Bondi, who vowed to “end the ‘weaponization’ of government,” and the "two-tiered system of justice”:

“"We're going to get back to the core function of what our government, our law enforcement, was intended to do: prosecute violent criminals and get them off our streets," she said Thursday on "Hannity" in her first interview since being sworn in as the 87th United States attorney general.”

Instead, she radically takes up Queen Mirriam Adelson’s directive to destroy free speech here in the United States:

Attorney General Pam Bondi establishes task force to prosecute Oct. 7 crimes

“In one of her first official acts after being sworn in on Wednesday, Attorney General Pam Bondi established a joint task force dedicated to investigating the perpetrators of the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks and seeking justice for their victims.”
“… not be limited to terrorist violence — it is also tasked with prosecuting “antisemitic civil rights violations” and “other federal crimes” committed by Hamas supporters domestically…”

Obviously no “weaponizing of government” or deviating from “core functions” here? Not at all.

Surely does sound like what the founders of the Declaration of Independence had in mind when they were pondering about how not to get twisted up in foreign entanglements. Well, they actually read history and had some of the ‘enlightenment.’ There are not to many people in Congress today who can match there levels of awareness.

No, rather, this is all about what Israel’s government is intending. Moreover, what Nanny Pammy should be doing is setting up a task force to investigate how the main stream media has been lying to the American public about what has really happened on October 7th (if she, and Trump’s vassals, want to prioritize Israel’s priorities). She can equally investigate the absolute enormity of lies Israelis and their IDF have been fobbing off on the entire world, that has allowed Zionists, around the world, including here in the United States, to foil truth, so that the Israeli-American genocide partnership can continue.

[Note: See links at the end of this essay to begin to learn more truth about October 7th (such as how recently the Israeli government has passed a law making it illegal for Israelis in their country to question their official Likud narrative of October 7th). The amount of deceit regarding this pivotal, linchpin event is breathtaking, as it was lavishly splashed into the minds of naïve American news consumers, from Oct. 7th, ‘24 up until the present, when Trump is now claiming some American right to ‘own’ Gaza.

Again, the amount of ignorance, or disregard, on the part of the president is, to say the least, breathtaking. A lot of this has to do with Trump’s presumptions, arrogance, and the fact he has surrounded himself with people who are primarily more loyal to Israel than to their own country (and the reality most politicians give way too much credence to the lying mainstream mockingbird media).

Jerusalem Post Targets MintPress After Exposé on Israeli Spies in US Media

“The Jerusalem Post article attacked a series of MintPress investigations published late last year exploring the deep connections between U.S. media, the pro-Israel lobby, and the Israeli intelligence services. In this series, MintPress revealed that hundreds of former Israel lobbyists now work in top jobs in American corporate media, including for MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, and The New York Times. We also showed how former employees of an Israeli spying agency, Unit 8200, are trusted to write America’s news, including about Israel/Palestine – an enormous conflict of interest.”

But guess what! After 16 months of Israeli-fed lies, a major, American, mainstream news source has finally come out with some revealing truth!!

Ayman: 'Thank you,' Trump for speaking the truth on Gaza

Yes, then, the Biden/ Harris White House had the same plan. But, actually, despite so many feeling shocked and disoriented by brash Trump’s announced plan, is pre-Biden, dating to at least from Trump’s first term, but obviously an “Israeli” right-wing Zionist plan (not really the grand scheming of one Donald John Trump). Imagine that?

You mean after all the hoopla, all the vitriolic splenic discourse? Well, not so fast. This whole thing about the U.S., or more precisely, Trump thinking America should be taking over Gaza is complicated indeed.

Still, there has been a lot of speculation of incredulity over President Trump’s recent announcement, suddenly so original and creative, that the United States should take control and ownership over Gaza (yes, a lot of diverse conjecture). Equally, and appropriately, there is a lot of speculation over the motives and sanity of our current president.

And although there are ‘many’ interesting and diverse theories as to what Trump is up to (assuming he, himself knows) some people are more expert and sobering than are others. Two such experts of worth are Scott Ritter and Lawrence Wilkerson.

[Note: Scott Ritter and Larry Wilkersons are both real warriors with real deep experience in military affairs and government operations. They are not, repeat not, draft dodgers, business tycoons, nor WWF wrestle mania or reality show actors. They are worthy of a sincere person’s desire to learn truth—which does not mean they know it all and are correct on every issue. Still if you are going to try to figure out the likes of Donald, especially in reference to foreign policy and military affairs, such as in Ukraine and the Middle East, then you need to pay attention to what these men are able and willing to share!! They provide some sober grounding in this historically dangerous time. Kudos as well for the other experts that Judge Napolitano regularly interviews on his podcasts at]

A video to watch (pre-Netanyahu visit):

Trump’s Weakness Spells Disaster | Col. Larry Wilkerson & Scott Ritter

Whereas, some more naïve pundits have gone so far as to say that he, Trump, has performed a coup of genius (for different reasons). Afterall, how do you explain the outlandish notion that after a century of war, land grabbing, murder, terrorism, torture, etc., and the determination-to-the-death on both sides, that suddenly our American government, that is our newly anointed and ordained King Trump, can now just walk in and assume keys to the kingdom and own part of Palestine and what some think is the Holy Land (unless of course he, the Chump, means we chump Americans are going to lavish a hell of a lot more tax dollars to clean up Israel’s mess, and then the U.S. will end up recapitulating over a period of time, after the dirty work is completed and Trump is retired, that is, once Israeli terrorism resumes against our own soldiers, similar to those days of the King David Hotel explosion secretly carried out by Israeli terrorists and blamed on Muslims (to scare the West, then the British Mandatory, off chosen property in 1946)?

Israel’s capacity for terrorism and assassination is long, fierce and deadly.

Bibi Netanyahu grins at the White House as Trump announces his foolish plan. Yes, slick, really Cheshire cat, smirky.

[Note: It is time the traditional loony left and racist right (using slurs for effect only) start listening to each other. [Personally, anyone stupid enough to vote for either a Democrat or a Republican should be banned from voting or engaging in political activity. Both parties should have been rejected 30 years ago if not earlier.] There are truth seekers and reporting on both sides of the big tent, with no one having the full truth. The divide and conquer has worked for too long and too well. Equally the same should be said for those who reject those who are religious versus those who are atheists. There are good, decent, and intelligent people on both sides of the isle. Be willing to listen to arguments from pundits who you may feel is the enemy. And frankly, now more than ever, the American people are desperately needed to rise to the occasion because things are getting dangerous, very dangerous.]

Anyone with fifteen brain cells can come to realize, given the value of Gaza, as prime Mediterranean real estate land, and more unearthing, the hyper-lucrative gas fields off shore but connected, we, the American people, in general, will be the last to have any ownership of such land.

Netanyahu Smirks While Trump Does His Dirty Work

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, via their The Young Turks podcast, said it better then practically any reporter, expressing truth, the ugly truth, with the passionate condemnation worthy of humanity. Hatred is not the speech: rather it is in the poisonous and destructive will of the extremist, Israeli government.

Or even more recently, again coming from the same alternative news team: TYT is exactly, cynically, calling it out as it is removed from all the glamor and delusion. The word ‘glamor’ historically comes from 1715, glamer, Scottish, popularized in English by the writings of Sir Walter Scott "magical beauty, alluring charm." Donald Trump seems a bit taken by his own capacity for make-believe and fantasy. People need to here this, Trump is getting too much benefit of the doubt, when in fact our country will be making a huge, huge mistake:

Trump on Palestinians: They Have NO RIGHT To Return To Their Homeland

And more broadly, Americans and Trump as well need to listen to Colonel Douglas MacGregor, seriously!!

COL. Douglas Macgregor : Fall of the American Empire

“… Trump continues to tell the lies that was spun up by the Biden Administration (in reference to Ukraine)” and he has much Important to say about the Middle East (another ‘real’ warrior / policy expert with a wide breath of knowledge). If President Trump does not get some reality experts advising him immediately the entire world is in great, great danger.

Whereas, fallacious beliefs about who has what rights and title to any land, within the context of some notion a real, visceral, supreme deity called Adonai, or Yahweh, or God (‘God’ derived from Anglo-Saxon ‘got’ as in Gotland where Nordics worshipped Odin) had actually given one specific CHOSEN people a plot of prime territory (against all other warring tribes at the time of before the common era) and moreover their extremist God-given assumptions that they are destined to control it, and from Jerusalem are destined to rule the entire world (based on religiosity of the Torah, Talmud, Zohar, etc., claims) is delusional; and within the context of a long, long established truth Palestinians have lived there for hundreds and thousands of years.

The three Abrahamic religions, in general, have way too much power in political life.

Even Abraham, himself, was an outsider who moved into the Levant from whatever Persia was called at the time. It is all myth. And yet these modern-day zealots and criminals take it so seriously it confounds the mind.

Whereas, during a March 2024 discussion at Harvard University, Jared Kushner’s equally shallow, and disingenuous statement, when questioned about Gaza said:

Jared Kushner previewed Trump’s plan to transform Gaza’s waterfront

“… usually when wars happen borders change historically over time, so my sense is how do we deal with the terror threat that is there so it can not be a threat to Israel or Egypt, both sides are spending a fortune on military, neither side wants to have a terrorist organization enclave right between them, and Gaza is water front property and could be very valuable if people focus on building up, you know livelihoods, think of all the money that has gone into the tunnel network, if all that money had gone into education or innovation … so it’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation, but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and clean it up…”

This was six months after the October the 7th “false flag” operation, that is not at all honestly known to most of the western world. “It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation” but … move the people out? Yeah, just a tad bit unlucky for all those wretched terrorists who are such a vexation to all those wonderful people of the Levant. Geezy, peasee, how practical of an idea!

More astonishingly, not just Jared’s long-term family friend and Chabad brother, Bibi Netanyahu, but his father-in-law, Donny Johnny, equally a bigwig real estate man with casino enterprising experience on waterfront property, equally came up with the same surprisingly and confounding solution ten months later. Can you say coincidence?

The only way Trump can actually believe the rest of the world will be forced to go along with this plan is if he thinks he can be as ruthless as the Israelis themselves, and they are exceedingly ruthless, and deceptive in any way and in every manner. He is either exceptionally out of touch, stupid or more criminal than most have imagined.

Watch and listen to the end of this podcast starting at: 3:43:40 until end at 4:00:05

The Technocratic Coup Is Underway

Herein we see first hand the double standard of truth versus rhetoric and how alarmingly America, and our naïve and bribe-taking government has succumbed to Israeli influence.

Note ★Ryan Cristian one of the best and balanced true investigative journalists in the English-speaking world★ follow him.

Many people have some capacity for being criminal. Often it is a matter of degree. Yet we cannot ignore there are more such people who run for public office. Caution is warranted before labeling someone a sociopath, still we should be aware of such characteristics: But it is good to know traits of such a one (another term for antisocial personality disorder):

How to Recognize Signs of Sociopathy

“Not understanding the difference between right and wrong.

Not respecting the feelings and emotions of others.

Constant lying or deception.

Being callous.

Difficulty recognizing emotion.



Violating the rights of others through dishonest actions.



Difficulty appreciating the negative aspects of their behavior.”
… and we note:

“Dr. Andrew Coulter says … those with sociopathy don’t often recognize what they’re doing is wrong, he says, it’s best to set firm boundaries. “Make sure there’s a limit on how much they can intrude on your rights or limits,” he says.

And what, if, for instance, the mainstream media and government officials routinely lie to the public about what is really going on, for example, in the Middle East, can we, and should we, suspect institutional psychopathy? If it happens on a personal basis, it can be even more of a danger if it happens on a collective basis. Surely.

Regarding the truism that “…when wars happen borders change historically over time” yes that is the reality of creatures who can and will move and migrate. Think of all the different forms of migration, of different species through history, plants, birds, animals, human, primate ancestors, etc. Creatures pack up and move.

Abraham, the outsider, with his myth of divine revelation decided to move west (based on some voice) is myth. Many people like the idea of living in a land of milk and honey. We all got a story of how and why things are they way they are.

Why Religious Myths Alleviate Existential Despair

“… all of us experience life through a lens of a myth, the choice we face, as we will examine, is not a choice between myth and no myth, but between those that create a meaningful and fulfilling life and those that generate suffering and despair…”

So technically, or liberally, since people have moved around the planet historically, especially wondering Jews, one could, at least entertain the idea, that the practicality that Gaza is rubble (as it is true both Kushner and Netanyahu are responsible) still, given the water has flowed over the damn, such a people, if truly flexible in spirit, could be willing to consider what most assume as a more normal life elsewhere (equally true for the Johnny-come-lately Caucasian settlers). It certainly is not an inhumane sentiment for President Trump to argue such.

But it is the wider context we need to realize the game. The ugly, genocide game is real.

Meet State Dept. Official Michael Casey, Who Resigned over Gaza After U.S. Ignored Israeli Abuses

Nothing is normal when it comes to Israel and the Middle East. Do not fall for a too-good-to-be-true sales pitch. First of all, Israel and Netanyahu are the reason for the Hamas stopping the ceasefire because Israel has not abided by the terms (what else would you expect) so now everything changes to demand all hostages by Saturday.

Israel DESTROYING Gaza 'Ceasefire' - Lies of Israel's Cheerleaders Taken Apart

*Owen* Jones is another important voice about what is really going on (against the massive lies everywhere). He breaks down the trueful details. The entire world is being herded into a crisis.

The bottom line is that Israelis and some of the settlers have been planning for an ethnic cleansing for years, way before Donald Trump’s first term, and they sure in the hell are not going to truly allow a foreign power like the U.S. to own that land, maybe live in the delusion of paying to clean it up etc., but never, ever, ever to own it.

If you have been truly paying attention, President Trump is not the brightest light in the Milky Way. Still, he had better wake up from his self-congratulatory slumber. Some one needs to shakeup this presumptuous person. Let him know he has assumed far too much, and has already made serious mistakes, starting with hiring too many yes men and women.

No sane person in their right mind would want to be the president of the United States given how enormously corrupt this American empire has become.

Apparently, it takes someone with a grandiose sense of self to run for high office. Regardless, now that you put yourself in this hell hole called the White House, wake up and take Scott Ritter’s and Col. MacGregor’s advice and fire your foreign affairs advisors. It is not just your team and political party that is in danger. The whole damn world is at the edge of midnight.


This essay is Part 3 of a serious called:

Part 3: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship

Links: All the garbage about how evil are Hamas is BS

Killing Gaza | A documentary film about life under siege | Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal

Judge Napolitano - MAX Blumenthal: IDF Murders on October 7th.

Israeli military implemented the controversial "Hannibal Directive" on October 7, 2023

SHOCK New October 7th Report DESTROYS All Of Israel’s Lies!

On October 7th Israel killed more Israeli's than Hamas did

Defense minister confirms army orders to kill Israelis on 7 October

Israel's Knesset Party Passes New Law Mandating Five Years in Jail for Denial of October 7


Free Speech is Not Free and Neither is Gaza

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