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Fear is a Blessing in Our Time of Western Complicity: Part 1

March 2nd, 2025

By Mark Aurelius

This essay, or series of essays, will contain controversial statements. Moreover, it is not really an essay any sane person wants to readily pen. And frankly it would not be written and shared except for this dire era we peoples of the planet currently live. Further, it is not any purpose herein to offend readers but rather to hopefully create awareness, because without true awareness there is little hope for survival.

In some critical ways we moderns live in unique times while we retain our old human conditions and habits.

There is more confusion, more propaganda, more censorship, more population growth, more alleged threats both real and hyperbolic, more technology, such as artificial intelligence and ‘bot’ messaging (pretend human texting), and unfortunately, a hell of lot more real and sophisticated conspiracy than what most people will ever come to realize.

Being a human animal, arguably, is harder than it has ever been throughout history.

‘Animal’ comes to the English language from: “early 14c., "any sentient living creature" (including humans), from Latin animale "living being, being which breathes," noun use of neuter of animalis (adj.) "animate, living; of the air," from anima "breath, soul; a current of air" see https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=animal. Our lives begin when we are born, that is, when we begin to breathe, and engage in all manner of biological function. And so not only were we born but we will also all die, at least physically.

Note as well the word ‘spirit’ via Latin ‘spiritus’ has the same meaning “to breathe.” To be spiritual then implies being able to be ‘inspired,’ which happens within our mortal time (allotted time in which we live here and now), and in which we can only assume also transcends death.

Moreover, it is our wealthy human imagination that has conceived, rather specio-centrically, that we humans are the only species which will transcend death into another after-life, supernatural realm, in which, presumably, a supernatural deity, referred to as God, gives only us humans, that is to say, “God’s chosen species” a supernatural afterlife, whereas all other species are created, primarily for the primary purpose of enhancing human life on this planet. Amen

[Note: These comments do not argue for or against a supreme being or a pantheon of various Gods. Rather they call attention to our human mental capacity, namely our thoughts, expectations, conditioning, dreams, etc., about religious matters (and frankly all matters that can be thought) still rely on our ‘mortal’ limitations despite the vast capacity we Homo sapiens have for imagining and believing all manner of possibility. And frankly why God would be so partial to us humans is quite a mystery.]

All biological creatures are born initially in a state of naïveté (having no conception of any history of anything prior to being born, and this enormity of what this innocence alone entails should give pause). As babes in the woods we are not immediately aware of the evils of human history prior to conception (and even as adults maybe only vaguely aware). Equally, and importantly, we do not ready to grasp how our individualist souls, and personal traits, are ‘not’ always so readily capable of grasping any kind of unadulterated reality once born (if at all possible), but are rather we are ‘enculturated’ with biased human language and unique visions of cultural reality, having little to no clue as to how much of what we will be taught are conventions, adaptations, including, distortions and out-right disinformation (falsification), such as what comprises of history prior to our conception—regarding both the past and the current present tense.

And yet, these delineated human conditions realities have always been with our Homo sapient species. It is the growth of knowledge, science, research, technology, and healthier and fatter populations that have brought on faster and faster change.

This is to suggest that many, to all of us, really have too little idea as to how truly naïve we are, even after we grow up to be adults and have attended various levels of education (which as often as not are, as much an indoctrination).

Frankly, naivete, is our natural state. We can devour a hundred libraries and still we will die naïve. We will never know it all even if such a thing were possible. Naivete is nothing to be ashamed, but it is something we need to recognize.

Thusly, when we consider [‘con’ with + ‘sider’ stars] that all of us are more naïve than we will ever grasp we can better find the humility to find space to want to learn more. Still, it is, and will always be, our human and mortal condition.

As the sage once said: “Never underestimate your naivete.” If you have any doubt, walk through the several floors of a modern college library (prior to everything being automated) and ponder how many books you have never read nor could you.

This is why the thought of AI frightens us—we simply are mortal (transhumanism be damned). However, it is the very fact that we are biological that we feel emotions and attitudes such as fear and pain, and thus imagine an afterlife as equally incorporating constructs of pain (hell) and pleasure (heaven) or abstractions of what our nervous systems can relate, psychologically or physically, that has historically lent to the evolution of religious systems of justice and social enterprise.

Why would senseless, non-biological machines, like robots, give a blip about pain or pleasure, or heaven or hell? They have no skin in the game except what artificial constructs they can be programmed by mortals to assume.

And note that the myth of artificial intelligence being omniscient (all knowing) is based on the idea that as AI eats up infinite amounts of human writing and thinking it will master reality, but human writing includes all manner of fable, naivete, myth, lies and contradictions, including all manner of deliberate disinformation and secrecy about history, etc. AI is only as valid as the information it processes (and which humans will continue to decide that critical criteria).

Recently a person by the pen name of Hua Bin wrote in the esteemed The Unz Review (www.unz.com):

I Asked ChatGPT About 911 and Here Are the Q&As: ChatGPT is more honest than New York Times


“There are numerous Israeli-linked anomalies surrounding 9/11, particularly involving intelligence operations. While some believe Mossad had prior knowledge or a role in facilitating the attacks, there is no direct proof linking Israel to planning or executing 9/11.”

However, had ChatGPT been allowed to scan Christopher Bollyn’s books on Israeli’s involvement with 9/11 it could have reasoned a more definitive conclusion—which is why censorship is so monumental of a human reality in the history of our species.

Regardless foreign affairs expert Jeffery Sachs explains the aftermath of the 9/11 (Netanyahu’s plan) to take out seven countries in the Middle East, costing ‘American’ taxpayers a trillion dollars, dead and wounded soldiers, resentments both here and abroad, and more alienated enemies abroad as well. See and listen to last half of video:

Jeffrey Sachs: The US is leading us closer to nuclear war | The InnerView

Here then is our human problem or dilemma: reality can be truly uncertain and potentially terrifying.

Still, we humans need and want to make some assumptions about life. We need a certain amount of predictability. We are not programmed to question everything (which is why the science of propaganda has evolved to manipulate things we take for granted). And so even when our mainstream media, a well-financed and staffed machine, lies to us routinely and sophisticatedly, we want to believe what we are told is true, or at least believe it is not deliberate disinformation.

And yet it could be, and those who understand ‘politics’ (the study of power) more deeply realize one of the first acts of any tyranny would be to control what information the masses are allowed to have access, and what topics or spins are not allowed to circulate. Still, Americans especially, are surprising naïve on these fundamental Machiavellian realities.

The word ‘gullible’ comes to the English language from the sea bird known as a gull. Humans watch how readily they voraciously devour food fed to them, that is take scraps of food down their gullets, and they sometimes get the impression such birds are not so discriminating in what the swallow (since they seem so glutinous). Many humans are equally as impressionable. C’est la vie.

And given the conflictual times we live in, with so much potential for political propaganda and click bait manipulation, the Internet is loaded with all manner of hyperbole and distortion. Every form of psychological warfare is at play. And frankly the status quo is been turned on its head across the globe. Who knows if there will be any sanity or security to assume in the coming future.

Regardless, it is a truism that way too often, on important national and especially international issues, the officiated news fed to the masses is misleading or fallacious. We live in a world of deceit, professional deceit, and many Americans cannot or will not come to terms with this reality (not even many professionals and college graduates who too readily think they are grounded in facts when they are more likely grounded in a swamp of misleading turmoil).

Operation Mockingbird was exposed in the 1970s. There is all manner of essay and video about the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird on the Internet, and this deliberate, tax-funded, mainstream media, deceit program that included hundreds of journalists, editors, news anchors, radio talk hosts, etc., (way back 50 years ago) and yet most Americans are naïve to the extent of this professionally funded deceit (during the Vietnam war). Of course, it is even worse today with way more corrupt monies funneled to keeping Americans misinformed, confused, lethargic and therefore more vulnerable.

Regardless, this is the way most people prefer to be—either indifferent or ignorant, and yet they are still willing and able to resent truth tellers who contradict the lies that are told in todays’ drama of misinformation (because although they claim they prefer being ignorant they are still impressionable to the Democratic and Republican parties and the mainstream media).

Arthur Schopenhauer wrote: “Truth Passes Through Three Stages: First, It Is Ridiculed. Second, It Is Violently Opposed. Third, It Is Accepted As Self-Evident.” Unfortunately it can take a long time before truth is recognized as truth in a world of deceit, and violent opposition can be a long and lingering reality.

He equally wrote about how often highly intelligent people are shunned, ignored, and frankly despised. They become isolated (not so much on their own account but rather many people do not feel comfortable around them). In fact, he thought being highly intelligent was a kind of curse.

Now, of course, a whole lot of the alternative news media outlets on the Internet are equally engaged in various levels of misinformation and manipulation. It’s the playground for the masses.

Meanwhile we are getting all manner of messaging about how terrible it is that USAID is being dismantled. Still if you dig deeper with some modicum of curiosity you learn:

USAID’s Nefarious Activities Go Beyond Foreign Aid Corruption


“In 1998, USAID split off from the State Department, becoming its own stand-alone agency. This eventually led to USAID being used as a tool of the State Department and the CIA for domestic political agendas and foreign covert operations intended to escape transparency and accountability. Thus, USAID’s original mission became corrupted.” …

“On February 2, the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, posted the following on X:

“Most governments don’t want USAID funds flowing into their countries because they understand where much of that money actually ends up.”

“While marketed as support for development, democracy, and human rights, the majority of these funds are funneled into opposition groups, NGOs with political agendas, and destabilizing movements.”

“At best, maybe 10 percent of the money reaches real projects that help people in need (there are such cases), but the rest is used to fuel dissent, finance protests, and undermine administrations that refuse to align with the globalist agenda.” …

“USAID’s 97-page proprietary ‘Disinformation Primer,’ labeled ‘for internal use only’ was obtained by America First Legal (AFL), a public interest law firm conducting a number of major investigations and lawsuits into the censorship industry and its government partner agencies, after a lengthy process in which the US Department of State failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and was compelled to turn over government documents after AFL succeeded in a formal lawsuit.”

“The USAID Disinformation Primer reveals a detailed compilation of the agency’s advocacy for some of the most economically damaging censorship strategies” … “dated February 2021, the first month after the Biden administration took office after the 2020 election. It proposes censorship action items for virtually every governmental, non-governmental and private sector commercial actor across society …”

The Woke CIA PsyOp
Abby Martin Empire Files


Guaranteed, Abby Martin is no, what some of the left refer to as right-wing fascist (as if fascism is some unique attribute of the right) still she still is smart enough to criticize faux liberalism that has married neo-liberal oppression (even if she does not refer to her comments in these terms).

Or ‘google’ (the verb “to search” and not the noun search engine which censors) “Whitney Webb” and click on videos if you want a smorgasbord of truth bombs that are blowing up various important disinformation structures the masses have swallowed over the years.

In fact, it is a huge disgrace, putting it mildly, how morally corrupt the left, especially, has become in the last decades (which is not praising right-wing media). Very few on the left have escaped it or the money caches keeping them afloat.

The very fact they have continued to support an enormously corrupt Democratic party, and had even succumbed to backing an airhead like Kamala Harris for president, which pretty much guaranteed their loss, speaks volumes to their constant need to hate on, hate on, and hate further on, anything labeled conservative, and everything called MAGA or Trump. This only reinforces the idea they had no constructive alternative program (which is not to argue the right is without its defects and its corruption, etc.).

[Note: This author does not stand with either the left or the right, and frankly does not vote for the tainted finalists the powers-that-be allow as sole choices. However, this author did once believe the label ‘liberal’ was a positive adjective (when liberals at least pretended to be liberal). Synonyms to the word include: generous, open-minded, enlightened, kind-hearted, humanistic, magnanimous, unprejudiced, and forward-looking. Not anymore. That was a long time ago—way before much of the middle either became independent or switched to the opposite side. Many Americans aptly have contempt for the left—and rightly so—including those who are constantly comparing most middle-class white people politics as primarily fascist or neo-Nazi.]

And even if neoconservatives like David Frum do deserve to be rejected and despised, he did touch upon some truth, even if his comments amounted to black and white hyperbole, in The Atlantic magazine back in 2019:

Liberals and the Illiberal Left


“Since 1960 the Jews and Italians of Canarsie [neighborhood in Brooklyn] have embellished and modified the meaning of liberalism, associating it with profligacy, spinelessness, malevolence, masochism, elitism, fantasy, anarchy, idealism, softness, irresponsibility and sanctimoniousness. The term 'conservative' acquired connotations of pragmatism, character, reciprocity, truthfulness, stoicism, manliness, realism, hardness, vengeance, strictness, and responsibility.” …

rxist left has always dismissed liberalism’s commitment to protecting the rights of its political opponents — you know, the old line often misattributed to Voltaire, “I disapprove of what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it” — as hopelessly naïve.”

“… Why respect the rights of the class whose power you’re trying to smash? And so, according to Marxist thinking, your political rights depend entirely on what class you belong to. The modern far left has borrowed the Marxist critique of liberalism and substituted race and gender identities for economic ones.”

An obvious example of the mega-lies of the left is their reaction to Trump’s so-called abandonment of criminal Zelinsky and Ukraine (and supposedly Europe—but it is mostly the corrupt political echelon of Europe that backs the U.S./ U.K. instigated war in Ukraine).

And this is because so many Americans still listen to either the mainstream media or leftist alternative media, so most of what they have learned about the evolution and reality of the war in Ukraine are absolute lies [an article in and of itself].

However, listening to foreign affairs expert Jeffery Sachs, previously referred to earlier sums it up succinctly in his recent talk to EU Parliament nations. Starting at 3:30 video:

Jeffrey Sachs Roaring Ukraine Speech At EU Parliament; Blasts U.S., Says 'Not Putin's Puppet'


Nevertheless, the left in the United States and in Europe are essentially expurgating all over themselves with their usual moral outrage schtick, crying and complaining about a treasonous President Donald Trump, because of his desire to end the war in Ukraine, a war mind you, that has killed millions and millions of white, Christians on both sides of the conflict, a war mind you that was instigated by Jewish NeoCon-Artists here in the United States like Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan, and a war that has been an unbelievable process of tax dollar corruption and military hardware spillage abroad like practically no other. And frankly a war that has weakened and bankrupted European nations.

This is not to suggest there is nothing to be upset about regarding Trump’s administration. There is plenty to be alarmed. But the strategy of hating on everything the right does or believes in is both idiotic and counterproductive.

So here we are America, caught between a rock and a hard place: the American system, namely, the media, our voted in politicians, deep state careerists, and frankly too much of the judicial system, have become so correct, that there is literally no way to correct the ship by doing it the legal way, that is the Constitutional way, or strictly by the book; and, yet allowing the likes of Elon Musk and his affiliation with rich autistics like Peter Thiel and Alex Karp with their various technology companies, to violate the rule of law and procedure is seriously, seriously alarming as well. See article:

Meet the Man Whose Philosophy Has Influenced Peter Thiel and the Technocrats Derrick Broze


One real wake up question for the woke is “Why have Americans tolerated both the Democratic and Republican parties so long, when they have both proven themselves more than corrupt for decades”? Why are the American people so (one hates to be blatant) ssooo stupid, gullible, and naïve?

The Trump administration is not likely going to gut USAID, they are simply re-tooling it. Instead of leftist, Marxist, gender-related Democratic party causes American tax payer dollars will secretly go to right wing causes. New boss acting like the old boss. C’est la vie.




DOGE Now Has Access to the Top US Cybersecurity Agency


So yes, there can be certain aspects of the right, as well as the left, that can be fascist.

Technology intertwined with technology is potentially ‘baneful,’ a word derived from Old English bana "killer, slayer, murderer, a worker of death" also "the devil," that is to say, a word frankly AI robots could care less (if they can care at all).

Complacency and willful ignorance (willing to ‘ignore’) are not optimal responses to biological or spiritual life. Amen.

America, this is only the beginning on realizing what you need to know, and so stop hiding your heads in the sand.

More coming.

Supplemental links:

Israel’s Manipulation of America Must Be Stopped—Here’s How!


Netanyahu only ever saw the hostages as his path back to genocide


How does AIPAC money influence US policies?



Fear is a Blessing in Our Time of Western Complicity: Part 1

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