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Reidar Kaarboe
Hva Mener Partiene
In connection with the war in Ukraine, the USA owes several apologies to the Russians. Once they are given, it will be pretty clear who should do what with whom to achieve lasting peace, even though the war in Ukraine wasn't started on Donald Trump’s watch.
● The US must apologize for breaking an explicit promise not to expand NATO eastward. If the Russians had broken their promise not to deploy missiles in Cuba, it would have been a major scandal in the West. Now, no one in the West cares about the USA’s broken promise.
● The US must apologize for failing to respect a "red line" and the "existential threat" that Russia perceived with NATO expansion, just as the USA perceived it when the Russians sailed toward Cuba with missiles. The USA said that if the Russians did not turn back, there would be war, and the Russians turned back. The Russians said that if NATO did not stop its expansion eastward, there would be war. And there was war.
● The US must apologize for "investing" 5 billion dollars in regime change, which led to the overthrow of a democratically elected government. If the Russians had done something similar in a country, resulting in war for the USA, there would have been an uproar in the West. Now, no one talks about it.
● The US must apologize for ensuring the installation of a Russian-hostile, Nazi-inspired government—something Victoria Nuland discussed with the American ambassador in Kyiv a week before the "coup."
● The US must apologize for bringing the Russians into the Minsk II agreement, which the West knew would come to nothing. Instead, these years were used to arm Ukraine to NATO standards and prepare for war.
● The US must apologize for getting Boris Johnson to travel to Kyiv and persuade Zelenskyy to abandon the Istanbul Agreement in 2022. This would have saved a million lives and would have been a good solution, one that would have accommodated all parties.
● The US must apologize for waging an open proxy war against Russia in Ukraine with the agenda of weakening Russia, carrying out a regime change there, and dividing Russia’s resources among the EU, UK, and USA.
● The US must apologize for sabotaging Nord Stream, causing energy prices in Europe to skyrocket, leading to industrial decline.
The media must stop deceiving the Western people and portraying the Russians as the only villain here. A democracy can only function if there is an open and diverse debate, not one-sided propaganda as the media conducts.
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Image: © N/A; vk.com. TPV: https://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/aS8H