An astute minority, but too few, is aware that the left and the right both harbor fallacious, self-serving arguments. So, both sides could learn from the better half of the so-called opposition (and stop playing into divide and conquer strategies of the puppet masters).
This would be the equivalent of taking some sort of a purple pill. But even this metaphor of taking a purple pill does not truly explain the amount of deceit one is confronted.
Rather, we are talking about taking a phosphorescent purple pill, so as, to see glow-in-the-dark colors of outlandish truth in the dark room we are in, including what appears to be phantasms of Satan’s flamboyant oranges and reds or demonic deception (and this has little to nothing to do with 1960s hippies taking mind-altering LSD acid tabs like purple haze—but rather our collective need to getting wise to the ways Zionist powers-that-be really do operate).
Entertainment break already: here’s some old school, grumpy old men, nostalgia, when mid-century 20th century drugs gave some intermittent forms of escape. Remember the saying: “Drugs are for those who can’t deal with reality” versus “Reality is for those who can’t deal with drugs?” Some of us old dogs do—but do really still rule?
Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze (1967) Lyrics
Anyway, back then attention was on the Vietnam War and the politics of resistance. Back then once upon a time liberals fought forcefully for free speech causes on America’s college campuses:
“The Berkeley Free Speech Movement was a student protest that took place during the 1964–65 academic year at the University of California, Berkeley. Led by graduate student Mario Savio, it challenged campus regulations limiting free speech rights and demanded full constitutional rights on campus” Wikipedia
Mario Savio | Bodies Upon The Gears
But back then neither the North nor South Vietnamese has as much clout in Washington D.C. as that which Israelis wield there today (which should be exceedingly alarming).
In previous parts of this series of essays, we already discussed not only how much the mainstream media lies to the public, but also how U.S. media has become dominated by Israeli subjugation, with such drop-in-the-bucket revelations as Israelis are writing American news—to repeat the source:
Jerusalem Post Targets MintPress After Exposé on Israeli Spies in US Media
This is the absolutely true when it comes to pro-Palestinian campus protests Israeli genocide.
The U.S., and pretty much the entire western world, mainstream media is an echo chamber, often referring to “pro-Hamas” demonstrators, playing off their distorted propaganda that Hamas is automatically to be thought ‘terrorists,” because of the tainted capacity for the AIPAC Israeli lobby to get the U.S. State Department to so label them as such.
In truth people who engage in wholesale genocide are the real terrorists, and yet there is zero demand by any government or university administration calling the Israeli government or IDF terrorists?
Up is down. True is false. Black is white.
Meanwhile, here is Benjamin Netanyahu, himself explaining what constitutes terrorism, check out this old video at: 5:50:
Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Terrorism: Viewed from Abroad
“… my definition of terrorism is the systematic and deliberate maiming and killing of innocent civilians” (slight rewording).
Yes sir, people of the jury, Bibi wrote the book on terrorism, and meanwhile the entire history of modern Israel is replete with terrorist acts from Israeli terrorist groups, like Irgun, to their sprawling high technology coming to dominate the entire planet. Another insightful video:
The Birth of TERROR - How Israel Came to Be - Israeli History
Wikipedia List of Irgun attacks says:
“During the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against the Mandatory Palestine, the militant Zionist group Irgun carried out 60 attacks against Palestinian people and the British Army.”
Regarding assassinations, Ron Unz in one of his many revealing articles, namely, Israeli Assassinations and Public Scrutiny
“Israel-born Ronen Bergman of the New York Times is one of the best-connected Western journalists based in that country and in 2018 he published Rise and Kill First, a highly authoritative account of the Israeli Mossad and its history.”
“… The sheer quantity of such foreign assassinations was really quite remarkable, with the knowledgeable reviewer in the New York Times suggesting that the Israeli total over the last half-century or so seemed far greater than that of any other nation. I might even go farther: if we excluded domestic killings, I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel’s body-count greatly exceeded the combined total for that of all other major countries in the world.”
Does it then not make sense for a culture with this much instinct for violence to equally have an instinct for massive and elaborate arrays of propagandic fuselage of deceit as well? Of course it does— against the their ad nauseum of proactive and continuous whining about anti-Semitism and threats against innocent Jews.
Is it really that hard for every day, run-of-the-mill American college graduates, professors, administrators, as well as American politicians and Cabinet level department heads, to understand that the main reason why so many Zionist Jews are constantly screaming histrionically about threats against Jews in safe spaces like the Unites States, such as those hyperventilating about Jewish fear on college campuses, is because it is really another form of deceit violation against naïve Westerners?
This is to suggest, it is, in fact, a truism that most Zionist allegations and name calling against others are really self-incriminating confessions.
And no actor is more adept at this form of stage play than Academy Award winning Bibi the prima don, maintaining his bobblehead and facile composure across the world stage year after year, with his gift for dissimulation like few others (and there are many, many excellent liars on the world’s stage).
Ben, take a bow—you deserve special acclaim—but not 50 and more standing ovations.
And speaking of crafty, Zionist team players, for example, would the head of an anti-defamation organization be explaining how important it is to shut down various channels of communication, simply because it does not comport to Israeli censorship?
Jonathan Greenblatt From the ADL Said Israel Must Capture TikTok So That Israel Can Win the Next War
More importantly, why is Greenblatt constantly siding with the right-wing Zionists Jews and discriminating against left-wing liberal Jews who oppose genocide in Gaza (that happen to be the majority)? Read this The Nation article:
The ADL Is Defaming Palestinian Students as Terrorist Supporters *Important Article*
“An “urgent” open letter issued last Thursday by the ADL … urged college and university administrators to “immediately investigate” their campus chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) for “potential violations of the prohibition against materially supporting a foreign terrorist organization.” …
“The ADL provided not a shred of evidence for that incendiary, potentially life-ruining accusation.”
“Even if you accepted the ADL’s interpretations of those comments, it would still not amount to evidence that anyone targeted by the group had gone beyond rhetorical support of Hamas—something that, no matter your opinion of the comments themselves, is protected speech under the First Amendment, at least as of this writing. It is with such frivolousness that the ADL made allegations that can land people in prison for up to 20 years.”…
AGAIN, PEOPLE THIS IS THE ADL SUPPOSEDLY FIGHTING AGAINST DEFAMATION!! (When in truth it is a spy organization working directly for Mossad and Israel). Back in the early 1990s The New York Times ran this story:
New Details of Extensive ADL Spy Operation Emerge : Inquiry: Transcripts reveal nearly 40 years of espionage by a man who infiltrated political groups.
This Nation article further notes:
“… calls from prominent organizations to investigate students for something as serious as a terrorism connection are unlikely to remain campus matters.”
“Terry Albury, a former FBI counterterrorism special agent turned whistleblower, said that when the ADL talks, the FBI tends to take what it says seriously. Asked how college administrators, who lack subpoena power for bank records, could conduct material-support investigations, Albury replied, “[They] can’t.” But campuses can easily enlist law enforcement via the Joint Terrorism Task Forces around the country that unite state, local, and federal police.” …
“Civil rights groups around the country would reject innuendo suggesting that Jewish student groups are providing “vocal and potentially material support” to settler terrorists who are currently attempting to intimidate Palestinians into leaving their homes in the West Bank.”
Meanwhile, plenty right-wing Zionists are trying to paint a picture that there is a major rift between world Jewry and plenty of gentiles who they claim are “anti-Semitic.” And yet the fact is many Jews are against the Israeli genocide, and are also calling it a genocide, as a spade is a spade.
In fact some of the campuses in the country that are now getting the most scrutiny for so-called “anti-Israel” protests, are campuses with large populations of Jewish students, with many Jewish students themselves protesting against the Likud Zionist genocide, such as at Columbia University and related Barnard University.
What they do not want to admit is this is really an internecine conflict within Jewry as much as it is between world Jewry and the rest of the gentile world. Listen to video:
"They're Obviously Not Antisemitic Protests": Jewish Yale University Professor Speaks Out
Herein he, a Jewish college professor says: “You have to deal with the facts … one of the largest groups out there protesting on college campuses are Jewish Americans…” (against Israel’s war on Gazans).
Also, Zionist propaganda is equally trying to paint a picture Muslims protesting here in the United States are equally backing terrorism, and this is exactly what the Trump/ Bondi/ Stefanik repressive triad are trying to do when waging their imminent war against the 1st Amendment on college campuses.
Quoting from one of our better informed, and more articulate political writers, who actually knows something, namely, Joachim Hagopian, a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” wrote the following in this article (*definitely a worthwhile article to read*):
Synagogue of Satan Owns Trump and His Administration
“Those that bark the loudest as US traitors serving the interests of Israel over those of America appear to be the most rewarded in Trump’s administration promotions. This inversion of constitutional law and justice is an unacceptable disgrace reflecting just how far America no longer a constitutional republic has sunk in moral turpitude and treasonous criminality.”
“When Israel banned the UN humanitarian relief team from supplying food, clean water and medicine to starving Gazans suffering genocide at the hands of the criminal state of Israel, Elise Stefanik actually celebrated Israel’s ban accusing the UN agency UNRWA of “instilling antisemitic hate in Palestinians.” Aggressive neocon bulldog Stefanik as yet another Israeli firster joins the most Jewish president’s administration that is betraying all Americans’ right to free speech voicing the God honest truth, yet Stefanik gets rewarded with a new important gig inflicting further veto harm at the UN Security Council.”
“Showing that President-elect Trump is also a traitor violating the US Constitution’s First Amendment free speech rights in his now Gulag Amerika, in September he warned: “Here is what I will do to defeat anti-Semitism and defend our Jewish citizens in America: My first week back in the Oval Office, my Administration will inform every college president that if you do not end antisemitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support.””
Trump: ARREST Gaza Protesters - "FREE SPEECH" Lies Exposed *Owen Jones*
Mind blowing. What else can you say?
Whereas the following video was filmed over a year ago:
Gaza Genocide Unmasked By Irish Lawyer's HISTORIC Speech At The ICJ
Apparently the more macho men and women of the Trump administration didn’t get the memo or don’t care?
In previous parts of this series of essays, we covered, already, how campuses across the country have been infiltrated by Israeli operatives who have been attempting to destroy free speech in our country, using a variety of non-profit organizations to accomplish this goal.
But we really did not focus so much how spy technology and direct Israeli intelligence is equally involved:
Campus Police Are Using Israeli Spy Tech to Crack Down on Student Protest *Important article* *Must read*
“Last year’s student-led movement for Palestine prompted a response that revealed the police surveillance technology amassed by campus law enforcement agencies across the United States.”
“Police militarization has been further accelerated by more than two decades of “training expeditions” in which thousands of U.S. police have traveled to learn from Israeli police and military who enforce an occupation of Palestinians with the aid of high-tech surveillance technology. Such trips are also an opportunity for Israeli-based companies to sell their surveillance products.” ……
“This influence is detailed by author Antony Loewenstein in his influential text The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World. He writes that Israel engages in the surveillance of all Palestinians en masse, “regardless of age, location, or intent.”
““ … expose US law enforcement to the comprehensive monitoring and infiltration tactics and technologies in the Israeli arsenal, modeling the apparatus of a sweeping surveillance state.”” …
“Amnesty International noted that funds spent “to train our domestic police in Israel should concern all of us,” explaining that many domestic police abuses documented parallel “violations by Israeli military, security and police officials.”
“During the wave of pro-Palestine encampments that swept the country last spring, campus police took the opportunity to amplify traditional strong-arm behaviors (which included numerous violent assaults against professors and students alike) with newly acquired surveillance technology. This dangerous combination led to more than 3,200 arrests nationwide.” …
“New York City Mayor Eric Adams thanked Columbia professor Rebecca Weiner, who joined him onstage, for “monitoring the situation” when protests first began across the city. Professor Weiner, who conveniently moonlights as the NYPD’s deputy commissioner for intelligence and counterterrorism, serves as the liaison between NYPD’s Tel Aviv branch (built in 2012 on the rubble of the destroyed Palestinian village Kfar Saba) and NYPD stateside. Weiner boasted that her office in New York had received “hourly updates” from the NYPD’s Tel Aviv precinct since October 7, ensuring that the militarized army terrorizing Palestinians was aligned with those harming U.S. students.
Sure as Sherlock, at least one or a couple New York campuses are being watched in Israel.
NYPD opens branch in Kfar Saba
And note there is up-to-date video on that website spewing all manner of Israeli propaganda, one now complaining about how bad the Israeli hostages were treated by Hamas, … with whine, whine, whine, … while anyone who knows anything, knows about the enormity of Israeli torture, and every imaginable form of prisoner abuse, including sexual violation included. Their hypocrisy reeks even higher than could heaven.
Yes, they are losing the propaganda was in some quarters.
In today’s electronic realm of information, when pixels can change at lightening speed, there were once a few Twitter X posts that have since been deleted (they did exist a few months ago):
TREASON: Israeli Mossad agents are paying American students $50,000 to…SPY on protesters!!!
Nevertheless, Israeli espionage on United States campuses is not new. Here is a story from some years ago:
How a private ex-Mossad Israeli intelligence firm spied on pro-Palestinian activists in the US 2019
Nowadays Israeli intelligence operating here in America is monitoring a great deal. The ADL says as much:
Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL Head Admits They Control It ALL, Dec 29, 2024
Another very elaborate and critical article that should be read in it’s entirety, penned by no other than James Bamford in The Nation Magazine, last year, hardly 6 weeks after the notorious October the 7th, in which it is tempting to include many critical paragraphs of the extent of Israeli intelligence used here on American campuses:
Israel’s War on American Student Activists: For years the Israel on Campus Coalition—a little-known organization with links to Israeli intelligence—has used student informants to spy on pro-Palestinian campus groups.
“Since March, I have detailed in The Nation Israel’s numerous illegal espionage and covert action operations targeting Americans in the United States—all without the slightest interference by the FBI.” …
“Netanyahu secretly turned his attention to American students, faculty, and campus groups in the US fighting for Palestinian rights. Fearing the growing support for the Palestinian cause on college campuses, he established a covert front to spy on, harass, intimidate, and disrupt these groups. Critical to this effort is the little-known Washington-based Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC).”
““The ICC pools resources from all of the campus organizations. So that they’re tapped in on all angles,” Lila Greenberg, the senior national field organizer for AIPAC at the time, told Tony Kleinfeld in 2016. At the time, Kleinfeld, who is Jewish, was posing as a pro-Israel activist while working as an undercover reporter for an Al Jazeera documentary. He also met with Jacob Baime, currently the ICC’s chief executive officer and the former national field director for AIPAC. In his Washington headquarters, Baime boasted to Kleinfeld about the power of his organization to secretly attack American students who support Palestinian rights. “We built up this massive national political campaign to crush them,” he said.” …
“In 2016, for example, Israel’s Psy-Group, a psychological warfare organization linked to Mossad, launched Project Butterfly. Secretly financed by wealthy Jewish donors in the United States, among its objectives was to use phony information to attack and destroy the reputations of its targets and brand them as terrorists.” …
“… the ICC’s war-room-like command center with its wall of flat-screen monitors uses the most advanced intelligence technology on the market. At the time it included Radian6, which monitored online conversation in real time from more than 650 million social media sources, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, and other online communities.”
It is a long, elaborate article and it needs to be read in entirety! READ and KNOW. However, two more paragraphs on the ADL:
“Once collected, data from the ICC’s web of campus spies and high-tech Israeli surveillance equipment then flows to the Anti-Defamation League. Despite its name, the ADL largely acts as a pro-Israel propaganda organization, with director Jonathan Greenblatt spending much of his time doing media interviews about students and groups opposed to Israel’s illegal occupation and human rights violations. “These radical actors indisputably and unapologetically regularly denigrate and dehumanize Jews,” Greenblatt said in 2022—pointing the finger at two peaceful student groups, Jewish Voice for Peace and Students for Justice in Palestine.”
“The ADL then uses the information from the ICC’s campus spying operation, along with other data, to create an annual report: “Anti-Israel Activism on U.S. Campuses.” Despite the endless fearmongering, the results for 2021–22 were negligible: “One physical assault; 11 instances of vandalism; and 19 instances of harassment” among millions of students at 359 campuses across the country.”
But take note, some lawyers are starting to stand up to human rights violation and repression. Alumni and Lawyers are fighting back!!! Still we need a lot more support and not just some activist or ACLU lawyers lawsuit filing here or there (especially given how the mainstream media ignores so much).
Our Turn | Time to correct 'egregious missteps' on pro-Palestine protesters
“This open letter is written on behalf of the undersigned University of Illinois alumni, as well as the organization UIUC Alumni for Justice in Palestine, in response to the ongoing mistreatment and criminalization of anti-genocide student protesters at the hands of Champaign County State’s Attorney Julia Rietz and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign administration.”
“It has also collaborated with Rietz to criminally charge students involved in the spring protests with felony mob-action charges — charges that are grossly inflated for the circumstances. The university also continues to punish students via draconian student disciplinary procedures with severe consequences, including dismissal.”
“All of these actions have a chilling effect on free speech and set a dangerous precedent in academia: expulsion and jail time are on the table for those who speak up on urgent social and political issues that affect a university’s bottom line.”
“Many of us were told that an education at the University of Illinois would teach us how to be global citizens, capable of critically analyzing issues of international importance, and to do so through a lens of cultural awareness, intelligence and justice. The students who exercised their rights on behalf of Palestinians have exemplified the traits that the institution promised to teach them, and yet, instead of being supported and praised, they’ve been punished, ostracized and criminalized.”
Obviously, America is at a crossroads.
The Trump administration has essentially given the Israeli government the green light to basically resume their bombing and starvation of Palestinians in Gaza. Even if they negotiate directly with Hamas you just fear the Israelis will do anything and everything to foul up any form of constructive progress.
Meanwhile the Israeli government and many of its people have shown themselves to have no scruples to kill in genocidal fashion.
Why Israel Can't Win: War Expert Prof. Paul Roger's Devastating Interview Owen Jones
Here War expert professor claims the amount of bombing in Gaza is equivalent to six Hiroshima’s!!!!!!
This same government which completely controls both the Zionist White House and its Cabinet and equally both chambers of Congress.
Moreover, they are now engaged in financial blackmail, threatening to stop federal dollars, against U.S. campuses and students, and allowing all manner of Israeli espionage anywhere and everywhere. It is so blatant of a crime it amounts to aiding and abetting war crimes and genocide, meanwhile naïve and brainwashed politicians are following the pied piper to a cliff of demoralization and ruin.
Israeli Zionists even dominate the FBI, many state houses of government, and police departments (not to mention fusion centers).
Meanwhile, just recently, Israeli leaders are blatantly influencing Americas’ campuses in another manner, even flying here to the United States and appearing in person:
NYPD makes multiple arrests at Barnard College after anti-Israel agitators take over library
“ … more than 100 protesters gathered outside a Columbia University building Tuesday evening in response to an appearance from former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, the university's student newspaper reported.”
Also, recently, “… Interim University President Katrina Armstrong met with Israeli Minister of Education Yoav Kisch on Monday.”
“The two discussed combating antisemitism on Columbia’s campus and fostering academic collaboration between Israel and the United States, according to a Tuesday X post from Kisch.”
“Kisch and Armstrong “agreed on the importance of taking firm action against antisemitism on campus and ensuring that academic institutions do not allow a hostile environment against Jews,” the post read.”
See article: Armstrong, Olinto meet with Israeli Minister of Education Yoav Kisch
Why then should American tax dollars go to U.S. Congress persons’ salaries when Israelis, who are engaged in drastic war crimes, can just prance into America’s colleges and meet and plan how our own college students will be suppressed and criminally penalized?
There are countries who are willing and ready to arrest the likes of Netanyahu, but not the United States.
Netanyahu Arrest Warrant: Full List of Countries That Will Comply With ICC
This is why Israel has made laws outlawing any coordination with ICC. Bing Internet Assistant says:
“Israel's Knesset has advanced a bill prohibiting Israeli citizens, authorities, and public bodies from cooperating with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The bill proposes a penalty of up to five years in prison for anyone "providing services to the ICC or offering resources," unless they prove they were unaware …”
There is no law and order. This is rule of the jungle.
America is being dragged down the quicksand swamp by partners in crime. We are close to our final last grasps of any semblance of freedom. We must stand up and for something now. The major political parties be damned.
It should be obvious to any halfwit that the recent, blatant, and aggressive intrusion of seemingly “pro-Palestinian” masked activists into a History of Modern Israel classroom, was surely staged like an “agent provocateur” prank, really meant to discredit the pro-Palestinian cause. Ivy League students are not that lame.
University condemns disruption of History of Modern Israel class: The class disruption overlapped with pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the first day of spring semester classes.
If you watch the Twitter X video clip it is clearly the case this disruption had but one purpose: to insult the sensibilities of students and those subsequently propagandized, and to give the powers-that-be more reason to crack down.
It was a food fest fed for a field day feast of accusing college students in need of draconian federal measures—playing right into the hands of the Trump administration.
Google “Signs of Agent Provocateur” and read and watch videos.
Hold it, astonishingly, my desktop computer is coming up blank except for some fashion lingerie by the same name. It cannot be likely search engines would suddenly censor such a known phenomenon? Someone may be messing with my connection.
The game of an agent provocateur is as old as is history and espionage. This must be a fluke? There has to be something—there was plenty good stuff including videos before.
Wikipedia has a mediocre entry stressing such activity being more as a crime than as a political mode of political conspiracy. It is the stuff of everyday political science, just as these methods were used against innocent protestors in the nation’s capital on January 6th.
Also a new book: Suppressing Dissent: Shrinking Civic Space, Transnational Repression and Palestine–Israel is out.
“This edited volume gathers leading scholars to shed light on the various mechanisms being used to suppress dissent related to Palestine-Israel at home and abroad and explains why this presents an existential threat to global civil society.”
It is naïve, do-good, people like Kash Patel, Pam Bondi, Kristi Noem and Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Leo Terrell, who are now the four horse men coming to destroy America’s freedom based on lies—namely exaggerated claims of hatred of Jews and intimidation of Jews during mostly peaceful protests—and when there are threats and violence it is often acted out by agent provocateurs (people pretending to be other than who they really are with a motive of making a cause and its supporters look bad).
Still, The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Friday that it would be sending the Federal Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism, headed by civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell, to ten university campuses to conduct investigations.
And here is the irony: Leo Terrell as conservative pundit argued “there is no systemic racism in the United States” (referring to leftist allegations against MAGA conservatives) and yet this same dude is alleging there is systemic racism by college students against Jews! What hypocrisy.
Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell: There is no systemic racism!
People can no longer hide for fear of being labeled a racist or anti-Semite. The stakes are too great. The battle ground is too vastly arrayed against righteous people and causes. We Americans have been asleep for far too long.
It is time to take the purple pill, and for elites on both sides of the fence to fight the dragon of draconian deceit, once and for all.
We, the masses, the common folk, the workers, essentially their cannon fodder, we, are on our own.
Fading out with music video:
Official music video; war what is it good for
There are more contextual realities that should be addressed. Maybe more to come.
P.S. Israel, you are coming down your mountain! You, and your Yahweh! Amen.
Part 1
Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship: Part 1 Posted: January 23, 2025:
Part 2
PART 2 of: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship Posted February 2, 2025
Part 3
Free Speech is Not Free and Neither is Gaza
Part 3: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship Posted February 13th, 2025
[Note as well: The PeoplesVoice.Org is NOT The PeoplesVoice.TV (which seems more a sensationalist disinformation sight).
Additional links added as new important voices:
Trump Threatens To Kill EVERYONE In Gaza - And Media LIES ABOUT IT Owen Jones
U.S. Gov Finally Admits to Spying on Domestic ProtestsU.S. Gov Finally Admits to Spying on Domestic Protests
Israel Caught Lying On Twitter, Campus Protest Pro-Israel Infiltrators Exposed & Bulldozing Families
Follow the Money: How Israel-Linked Billionaires Silenced US Campus Protests
Role of Israeli Government, IDF, and Media in Weaponizing Antisemitism Accusations
[Note: In the above story Robert David writes:
“One of the ADL's favorite pastimes is pursuing agencies like Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch for downloading reports condemning the Israeli abuse of human rights and labeling them antisemitic.” …
“The Role of the ADL and Other Organizations
“The ADL, despite its stated mission to combat antisemitism, has been accused of playing a key role in these campaigns of intimidation. The organization has a long history of surveilling and targeting activists, particularly those involved in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. In the 1960s and 1970s, the ADL was involved in spying on civil rights groups and antiwar activists, and there is evidence to suggest that this practice continues today.”
“Collaboration with Law Enforcement and Private Firms: The ADL has close ties to law enforcement agencies and private intelligence firms, which it uses to gather information on critics of Israel. This information is often shared with the Israeli government and pro-Israel lobbying groups, creating a network of surveillance and repression that spans borders.”
“Smear Campaigns and Blocklisting: The ADL has also been involved in smear campaigns against antiwar activists, labeling them as antisemitic and pressuring employers, universities, and media outlets to cut ties with them. In some cases, activists have been blocked, losing their jobs and facing social ostracism.”
Talk about anti-defamation!!
Plus add ons:
Glenn Reacts: Defunding Universities over Speech is a MAJOR 1A Violation
RFK Jr's Shocking MMR Vaccine Hypocrisy & His Startling Attack On Free Speech
Norman Finkelstein: Israel Succeeded In Making Gaza Unlivable | Full Interview
This above video is particularly noteworthy in respect to how Norman describes the pitiful way University administrations caved in to Zionist pressure, and also how even certain member of the ICC and ICJ have been bribed by Israelis (which if very likely the case as well for Robert Kennedy Jr.).
Are the ADL’s anti-Semitism stats credible? | The Listening Post
‘By Way of Deception…’ How Shin Bet ‘missed’ the October 7 attack
ICE Arrests Palestinian Student Activist Who Helped Lead Columbia University Protests: Federal immigration authorities told Mahmoud Khalil his green card had been revoked
Scoop: State Dept. to use AI to revoke visas of foreign students who appear "pro-Hamas"
Trump immigration order revokes tens of thousands of visas
New BBC documentary 'The Road to 7th October' is an utter travesty: Pressured into removing a humanising portrait of Gaza’s children, the BBC offers instead a series on Israel-Palestine that frantically revives the very narrative that made the genocide possible
Columbia Bent Over Backward to Appease Right-Wing, Pro-Israel Attacks — And Trump Still Cut Federal Funding: Instead of outrage, the school’s interim president responded to the cuts by vowing to continue its misguided crackdown.
The USA Mirrors the Lies and Crimes of Israel Where Black is White and Wrong is Right