« The Rise of Crypto-Zionism: A Chronology from Nixon to Trump's Second Term (2025) | The Destructive Path of Trumpism: A Corporate Oligarchy and Crypto-Zionism Leading America Toward Ruin » |
By Mark Aurelius
Has there ever been a word more super-charged, politicized, and over-bloated with frothing and rabid connotation, in our modernity, than terms as hate, hatred, hate speech or acts of hate?
Perhaps there are some, but one’s noggin can be scratched in long, doting befuddlement to come up with much in the way of substantial competition.
How have these supposedly human and prosaic words been bequeathed with such power as to conjure up magic spells of absolutism, infallible judgmentalism, and darkly divine pronouncements of accusation—pointing fingers towards designated hate groups and individuals in the courts of public opinion?
Does it not seem we have regressed back to a time of witch trials, superstition, and officiated inquisitions?
a) | the massive profits the military industrial complex makes, |
b) | the millions and millions of dollars Congress people get as bribery donations, |
c) | how Israeli-Zionist interests control our government, and |
d) | how completely one-sided and dishonest are such hearings in the foul, putrid swamp of Washington D.C. |
It doesn’t matter what those, who made the protest signs, might think they mean. Nor those who may attempt to speak for them from a more neutral position.
Rather it only matters what anti-Palestinian Zionists close to U.S. Congress people claim the signs mean (and of course we would not expect to find any subjective or subversive positions from those actually propping up Israel’s reality in-the-flesh genocide—and not just circus barking and peeing contests about what words mean).
If anyone is acting as terrorists it is both the Israeli and U.S. Governments (including many senators and congress persons) who voted to send enormous caches of lethal weapons to Israel knowing full well such weapons were to be used to kill innocent civilians.
These grandstanding frauds of humanity are not just barking dogs, harassing well-meaning representatives of various minorities, but rather they are monsters hiding behind red-herring issues meant to obfuscate their own contributions to murder and mayhem.
How much lobby money, or more aptly named bribery money, does someone like Ms. Maya Berry get for her special interest advocacy?
But, of course, the American mainstream media sees no animosity or reverse-hatred in our politicians. No. It can only reside where Jewish Zionists declare it to be—because only the voice of Jewish Zionists and their finger-pointing matters.
So while lecturing Berry and yammering: “… that’s hate speech, that’s a hate crime…” he seems to have little clue to the irony that his acquired evidence photos from protests, here in our country, a country mind you that has not experienced war since the Civil War, where these buildings in his photos are completely intact and functioning, whereas 90 percent of the buildings in Gaza have been bombed to smithereens (and this is only a superficial notion of the carnage, the mayhem, the blood, and agony, and ghastly suffering, and the lingering disease and starvation, that these sociopaths, while wearing white shirts with suit jackets and ties are hiding while being partially responsible).
If this isn’t macabre than what the hell is?
Meanwhile we get sophomoric soldiers like Donald Trump and Pete Hegseth talking about “raining down hell” on what is essentially is the poorest and under-nourished nation in the Middle East.
Hey Mr. Wrestle Maniac pick on someone your size. It’s too bad you didn’t get punched-up a few times while you were growing up, as essentially another privileged kid. You might have learned a little humility.
These people, who walk in the flesh, and who talk with slick human words, but who do not actually commit the violence, but who nevertheless profit from it, are the demonic souls, the satanists, that allow such evil, as what is happening in Gaza, to take place, and to instead ploy to cover up real evil while scapegoating those “soft bleeding hearts” who try to protest against the massive amount of murder and genocide.
Caitlin Johnstone said it well.
In This Is Trump’s Genocide Now:
“I write so much about the fake “antisemitism crisis” not only because it’s being used to destroy civil rights throughout the western world, but because it’s one of the most dark and disturbing things I’ve ever witnessed.”
“It’s been so intensely creepy watching all of western society mobilize around a complete and utter fiction in order to stomp out all criticism of a foreign state. It’s about as dystopian a thing as you can possibly imagine, all these pundits and politicians pretending to believe that Jewish safety is seriously being threatened by an epidemic of antisemitism which must be aggressively silenced by any means necessary. All to shut down opposition to the worst inclinations of a genocidal apartheid state and the complicity of our own western governments with its crimes.”
“And we’re all expected to treat this scam seriously. Anyone who says the emperor has no clothes and calls this mass deception what it is gets tarred with the “antisemite” label and treated as further evidence that we’re all a hair’s breadth from seeing Jews rounded up onto trains again if we don’t all hurry up and shut down anti-genocide protests on university campuses. They’re not just acting out a fraudulent melodrama staged to rob us of our rights, they’re demanding that we participate in it by pretending it’s not what it plainly is.”
“It’s not just tyranny, it’s tyranny that orders people to clap along with it. It’s such a disgusting, evil thing to do to people. Such psychologically dominating abusive behavior. The more you look at it, the creepier it gets.”
One day later Caitlin Johnstone published another article:
Israel Makes Its Most Explicit Statement Of Genocidal Intent Yet
“Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz has published an explicit statement of genocidal intent toward the people of Gaza, threatening civilians in the enclave with collective punishment in the form of “total devastation” if they do not find a way to overthrow Hamas and free all Israeli hostages.”
It is kind of ironic how this crackdown on American campuses so well corresponds to a further crackdown on Gaza. After all, how can the United States government support killing, starving, and or chasing Gazans off their property, or deporting them to other hostile, shit-hole lands like Sudan, Somalia, or Syria?
Now that the Trump White House, along with a willing Congress, has shipped more weapons to Israel, they will more than likely will use them, since they essentially plotted to default on the ceasefire, and of course blame it on Hamas.
So more senseless and blatant killing may rekindle anti-genocidal protest animation and animosity (you know angry feelings thought to be ‘hateful’).
How can one allow for obnoxiously vociferous protestors, after all their righteous anger may scare the heebie-jeebies out of dual citizens, and Jewish teenagers on campus, who may need to move to Israel someday (as a backup strategy of their own special privilege) and more importantly may offend Jewish organizations deliberately setup to be offended, that is to create all manner of propaganda about how Jews are being intimidated and harassed in order to create legislation that destroys the freedom of speech and the right for Americans to protest here in our own country.
So weird then how campuses with the most pro-Palestinian, lefty, commie Jews, like at Columbia and Yale University, are equally the ones more focused for crackdown.
According to our Zionist Occupied Government, it does not matter how many Palestinian bodies are actually crushed, bled dead, bombed into smithereens, limbs amputated, or those still surviving being starved of food and water, with hospitals and all infrastructure destroyed, with hospital staff murdered and tortured, or people freezing to death, etc., etc., etc.
Rather it only matters how arbitrarily the feelings of Jews here in a country not currently bombed nor occupied, may react to demonstrative anger, congregated as civil protests, addressing real evil actions and real threats taking place over there in the Levant, as reality (not simply imagined in the paranoid or politicized mind).
Here their “propaganda on hatred” is mostly about how one particularly chosen people may psychologically, and subjectively, react to perceived threats, or imagined threats based on flimsy or arbitrary evidence, and quite ostensibly, falsely imagined threats meant to be used for deliberately propagandic purposes.
Any actual hatred acted out as violence against Palestinians is not especially relevant.
Why should the aware world care about real butchery, real torture, real hell, as in how Trump threatens hell, when we Americans must listen to a never-ending spiel of crybaby tears about how Jews in our country are so vulnerable and so unfairly targeted—like it never ends.
It is really so much bullshit.
See performance art song:
They Take The Cake
BuelahMan's Revolt on Bitchute succinctly summarizes Israeli atrocities in his short songs with vivid compendiums. And this is what Americans and college students need to continue to focus on, namely ‘real’ atrocities (and not “atrocity propaganda porn”). Here then is another song putting the focus where it needs to be (and not on Israeli ‘hasbara’ distraction):
Ethnic Cleansing
While Israel ‘hasbara’ routinely attempts to justify their atrocities acted out at the Middle East, they equally attempt, through their immense public relations efforts, to convince the naïve here, that they are always the main and imminent victims of atrocity. Can you say: ethnocentric?
‘Atrocity’ comes to the English language from the Latin root atrox meaning "fierce, cruel, and frightful.” Whereas if you listen to this podcast:
Columbia humanities professor Bruce Robbins reveals why he’s concerned he could be "thrown to the lions" over steps he took during last year's campus protests:
In a Middle East Eye media interview professor Robbins starts out saying:
“The evidence for antisemitism on the Columbia campus, and I say this as a Jew, has just been completely lame and unconvincing. Students brought charges against me last spring. I’m waiting to hear whether I am another person who will be thrown to the lions. It does not seem the university is going to respect any limits. They really want to throw fresh meat to the Trump administration. …”
Completely lame and unconvincing? Wow that is so different than what we had heard from other quarters, see my previous article:
The Alarming Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest of Mahmoud Khalil: and Maintaining NYC as the Epicenter of the War on American Freedom Under the Guise of Fighting Terrorism
Published at: https://stateofthenation.info/?p=15089
There are six related articles in this series now, and links are included, because a lot of *important ground been covered, including links and evidence.
Needless to say, there is a complex web of real, industrial-strength, conspiracy taking place.
A good overview of what has been happening at Columbia of the sympathetic point of view can be gained in this podcast:
Norman Finkelstein on Donald Trump and the genocide in Gaza | A Busboys and Poets Presentation
Herein this informative video in which Norman starts talking about minute 16 he talks about how alumni billionaires started threatening Ivy League colleges by withholding their million dollar (plus) philanthropic donations unless these colleges stop student protests, which then led to three Ivy League college presidents being ousted shortly thereafter, via their “star chamber” (arbitrary and unfair adjudicatory proceedings) at Capitol Hill.
Again, the same type of “kangaroo court” already referred to with Senators Hawley, Cruz and Kennedy.
Wikipedia refers to such a kangaroo proceeding as:
“… an informal pejorative term for a court that ignores recognized standards of law or justice … may ignore due process and come to a predetermined conclusion. … which intentionally disregards the court's legal or ethical obligations (compare show trial) …”
Wikipedia on a “show trial” says:
“A show trial is a public trial in which the guilt or innocence of the defendant has already been determined. The purpose of holding a show trial is to present both accusation and verdict to the public, serving as an example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or transgressors. The term is often associated with the Moscow trials in the USSR during the 1930s…”
How apropos. Exactly how the three previous senators, with their preachy, pretentious, holier-than-thou, and moralistic cant “talked down” to their lesser-than witness, thereby putting on a schmuck of a show trial, that, surprising, was not even mentioned at the latest Hollywood Academy Awards during this first week of March!
Can you believe it? Certainly, Senator Kennedy deserved the Best Supporting Actor award.
But if we follow a time machine and re-explore the heady days when Ivy League presidents were interrogated there. Then we have another memorable actress, namely then Rep. Elise Stefanik.
Quoting from a previous and *important* Mark Aurelius article:
PART 2 of: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship
“ … we also had Academy Award winning performances like that of Rep. Elise Stefanik, nominated as Trump Ambassador to the United Nations (because she cares more about criminal forms of Zionism than our American 1st Amendment), grounded in misinformation and lies by mislabeling the motives of students protesting on college campuses with her frighteningly oppressive levels of self-righteousness.”
“Do you remember Nurse Ratchet in the famous movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest with Jack Nickelson? Most of those patient inmates at the mental hospital were afraid of her? See video”
Analyzing Evil: Nurse Ratchet
“Now compare Ratchet’s character to Nanny State Nurse Stefanik:”
Top university presidents grilled in House hearing on campus hate speech
“Simply, amazing! Listen to how Stefanik talks down to, and scolds, presidents of major universities. Unbelievable, as if in another mental ward; and yet she, according to Wikipedia, won an award for “contributing toward the advancement of women?” How many Palestinian women in Gaza does this Bible zealot crazy plan on advancing as Ambassador to the United Nations?”
Something is amiss.
When a barking harasser like her yells at the President of Harvard in the manner she did, and tries to jam her narrow understanding of the term ‘intifada’ down America’s throat, this clearly deserves massive recognition.
We should ask: “Why is not Stefanik a member of the Israeli Knesset?” Why are American tax dollars going to this mouthpiece, who also acts as if she knows more than anyone at the Harvard campus, as to what were protesters intentions and meanings?
If this was not a kangaroo show trial then what is?
It is beyond pathetic how this wound-up, windbag deigns to dictate to universities across the country what should be their political climates and what words they dare to speak or breathe.
There can be no question Donald Trump selected this barking, bitch-of-a-dog, step-on-it, Stefanik, and his equally “Make Israel Great Again” MIGA, cabinet, with an eye toward mega-donor patron Mirriam Adelson, who gave him $100 million dollars campaign donation, expecting in return favors for Israel, such as buying the West Bank for more settlers (along with the inevitable violence this entails). But a gambling tycoon’s wife deserves such special favors.
And did you notice how settlers are, and were, blatantly stealing homes and engaging violence in the West Bank during the supposed ceasefire in Gaza (in which Israel violated multiple times every day)?
Again, it is important to emphasize those Congressional hearings at Washington D.C., with university presidents, had little to nothing to do with trying to discover truth. This was equally about forcing one’s opinions onto the world, as if such a crabby ass, let-me-lecture-you, don’t you know that my opinions are indisputable facts!
A perfect example of how morally corrupt this country has become to the highest levels of power.
‘Arrogant’ is just too weak of an adjective to describe to Representative Elise Stefanik’s performance that day.
In case you forgot how the definition of ‘harassment’ evolved, as in dogs barking and barking all night long, listen herein to this video and learn:
Dogs Barking Aggressively | Angry Dog Barking Sound | Dog Barking Sounds To Scare Your Dog
You can see different breeds of dog have different levels of barking sounds and different levels of aggressivity. To a good extent these creatures act out how they were born genetically.
The same is somewhat true for us humans. But one must wonder why Trump chose this particular attack dog to become Ambassador to the United Nations.
In his previous term, he chose Hyena Haley (knock you out Nikky) and it’s interesting to note that female hyenas are even more aggressive than are their male counterparts. Really not a lot of empathy here, see this article:
'Finish them': Nikki Haley's message on Israeli artillery shell condemned amid Rafah assault
“Amnesty International is among those criticizing Nikki Haley, a former Republican presidential contender and one-time U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, after she wrote "Finish Them!" on an Israeli artillery shell during a recent visit to Israel amid the ongoing assault on Gaza that has left tens of thousands dead in the past eight months.”
Now this certainly cannot be harassment nor hatred to write “finish them” on artillery shells (you can see the photograph)?
Included is a video of her saying “They need to finish Hamas…” but of course that is not hatred because everyone now knows that any enemy of Israel is a terrorist organization.
Whereas any co-belligerent acting in concert with Israel is a righteous defender of the only democracy in the Middle East.
She goes on to say that “You stand by your friends …” (referring to Israel) who were, incidentally, the real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Some friends there Nikky. You know terrorism and all. See video:
Christopher Bollyn -- Solving 9/11 -- The Los Angeles Session
But, guess what Ms. Ambassador Stefanik!
Donny Johnny just allowed for a great many more big and potent bombs to be shipped to Israel.
US sends Israel 2,000-pound bombs that can 'pancake' buildings
“US-made MK-84 bombs are capable of ripping through thick concrete and metal, and can instantly kill anyone within their wide blast radius.”
“The Biden administration stopped sending the 2,000-pound (907 kilogram) bombs to Israel after conceding they were killing civilians in Gaza.”
“But soon after being sworn in, US President Donald Trump lifted the export block. Now the flow of the weapons has restarted. …”
“The bombs arrived in Israel as negotiations were set to ramp up on phase two of the Gaza ceasefire deal. Experts say it is intended to send a message across the region.”
Times of Israel 16 February 2025:
“A shipment of some 1,800 heavy bombs from the United States that had been held up by the previous American administration arrived in Israel overnight, the Defense Ministry announced on Sunday. …”
“According to the ministry, since the beginning of the war in October 2023, over 76,000 tons of military equipment have arrived in Israel on 678 transport planes and 129 ships, the vast majority from the US.”
“The US rushed billions of dollars in military aid to Israel throughout the past 16 months of war in Gaza, sparked by the Hamas terror group’s October 7, 2023, assault in southern Israel.”
Again, it is important to note that a word or label such as “terrorist” (such as screaming “Hamas is a terrorism organization”) is far more indicative of the reality of terrorism, than one democratic country like the United States sending 76,000 tons of military equipment, including 1800 2000-lb bombs, to another democratic state).
No questions here, at least not on Capitol Hill.
But still Elise Stefanik—take note: Time Magazine featured a story entitled: ‘Anyone Who Signs a Bomb Is a Sociopath’: Critics Slam Nikki Haley’s Israeli Missile Stunt
So, if you too have some perverse inkling to be tempted to want to put your John Handcock on those big, beautiful, bombs that The Don released, it may be wiser to stick to a circus barking routine.
I’m not flat out accusing you of having such a predilection, still Mirriam Adelson did not select you for your cabinet post just because you are some sweety. And you have so much as warned the United Nations you are coming.
One only need listen to the first minute of this seven-minute video to get an idea of how truly misinformed (“possessed” of propaganda she believes to be true about UNRWA).
Can you anticipate and appreciate the U.N. sessions that are about to be unleashed:
Elise Stefanik Sends Shockwaves Through The UN
Yes sir, there is going to be a lot of barking and baring of teeth onto the world stage, have no doubt about it.
So, here’s ten hours of uninterrupted of dog barking Elise, so you can practice up for taking on the entire world of bad actors at the United Nations (surely, they are just dying to meet up with you):
Dog barking 10 HOURS
Ain’t this just precious? Seriously. Good stuff.
Regardless, many might agree that with enough time, energy, and ferocity, this is to argue, with enough killer-dog barking ‘harassment,’ then surely and absolutely it we come to equate to unmitigated hatred!
Harassment or hatred what’s the dif?
Any good propagandist will tell you that.
Do you realize how many calories big dogs burn up in their hearts, minds and souls, and their entire beings, while engaged in such energetic enterprising as acting out ferocity for long periods of time?
No doubt it is exhausting work. Can’t comment on the best dog food.
And anger is not good for one’s mental health or physical well-being. We are talking heart attacks and such stuff.
Plus, our canine friends do not have liquor to quell the edginess like Congress people can do there along the beltway.
But then dogs don’t necessarily over think all their hatred out like we paragons of humanity might—now do they? Or do they? More mystery.
Which makes yah wonder why they get all habitually worked up into such a slather—pretty peculiar.
Meanwhile: Israel Bombs Gaza, Ends Ceasefire After Rearming With U.S. Weapons March 17
“Israel resumed their large-scale bombing of Gaza on Monday after rearming with weapons sent by the Trump administration as part of a "peace deal."”
“… President-elect Donald Trump had "already promised" Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he will support Israel "retroactively" if they violate a ceasefire with Gaza after signing a peace deal.”
““As President Trump has made it clear - Hamas, the Houthis, Iran, all those who seek to terrorize not just Israel, but also the United States of America, will see a price to pay," [Karoline] Leavitt said. "All hell will break loose."”
“It's looking like the "ceasefire" was indeed a performative scam, just like Trump's promise to conduct "mass deportations" and "restore free speech."”
“Though Trump's pledges to America were swiftly broken after taking office, his pledges to Israel appear to be ironclad.”
To which it is morally appropriate to again refer to Senator Josh Hawley’s moral high ground grandstanding, while cahooting his chosen and indisputably moral Rabbi confederate:
Asking Ms. Maya Berry from a quote:
“It is our moral obligation to be in solidarity with the dispossessed no matter the pathway to liberation they choose to take, this includes violence … Do you condemn that?”
To which she replied: “I certainly condemn that …”
Whereas forgetting hypothetical advocation for violence, few U.S. Senator voted against more U.S. military hardware and weapons to be shipped to Israel? Scratch your head? Huh?
Senator Josh Hawley certainly did not attempt to take a moral stance by walking his talk.
Instead, some fifteen months prior, he was again grandstanding against potential a judicial nominee:
ALMOST UNWATCHABLE: Hawley Asks Nom Over & Over For Take On Anti-Israel Statement, Can't Get Answer
Here in the middle of the video he is chastising the obviously intelligent and judicial nominee as he wants to know: “Why is it calling Israel a violent colonial state, those are racist comments why can’t you condemn that…”
Is this hypocrisy. Not only did he earlier push his doggy-barking dogma that Hamas is undoubtedly a terrorist state, but here too he claims it taboo for someone to suggest the same about Israel is equally so. Reprehensible.
It's all black and white: wisdom or stupidity.
No frothy blowhards acting like circus barking baboons. Feed those red heifers and your sacrificial cows.
So, if you do not understand yet, we Americans, especially, now must inculcate the new politically correct religion, that sympathy for innocent people, and feelings of outrage for those children being murdered in warfare, is due to our self-induced hatred—specifically our implacable hatred of Jews.
Whenever we find ourselves doubting our moral betters, we can reacquaint ourselves with stellar men of leadership and value systems like senators found within the beltway, or we can re-read more ADL literature and talking points, and re-visit mainstream media talking points emanating from either New York City or the most democratic city in the entire world, namely Washington D.C.
More to come.
P.S. Why is Trump not being impeached for selling our country out to a foreign power?
P.S. Israel, you are coming down your mountain! You, and your Yahweh. Amen.
Other previous essays by Mark Aurelius in this series of related articles having to do with the politics of destroying free speech on American campuses:
Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship: Part 1
By Mark Aurelius
Posted: January 23, 2025:
PART 2 of: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship
Free Speech is Not Free and Neither is Gaza
This essay is Part 3 of a serious called:
Part 3: Trump’s Cabinet Selections Shows Us He is a Zionist-Firster and His Subservience to Zionist Censorship
The USA Mirrors the Lies and Crimes of Israel Where Black is White and Wrong is Right
The Alarming Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest of Mahmoud Khalil: and Maintaining NYC as the Epicenter of the War on American Freedom Under the Guise of Fighting Terrorism
Is Part 5
Published at: https://stateofthenation.info/?p=15089
Add on links and information:
Checkout this TheLastAmericanVagabond.com video starting at 37 minutes and 40 seconds:
The JFK Distraction, US War On Yemen, Gaza Genocide Continues & The US Gov War On American Rights
Here Ryan Cristian shares an X tweet from Sam Tripoli on Israeli using Pegasus software to spy on Americans, such as pro-Palestinian protestors. And at minute 40 (39:50) he says Donald Trump lifted the sanctions on the software! Listen to minute 45.
Circus Barkers Blow Ballyhoo and Balloons At a Politics of Hate Speech: While the Israel and United States Governments Rain Down Blood-Soaking Bombs For Payments to Hell: But No Holy Marys Allowed at University Campuses by Trump’s Christian Cabinet